Dungeon Life

One-Hundred Forty-One

One-Hundred Forty-One

It doesnt take me too long to decide if I should check on Hullbreak or Tarl first for an inspection. While its not likely to be easy for either of them, I think the consequences will be worse if Hullbreak isnt ready. With that in mind, it just takes a bit of the electrolysis potion for Teemo to head to Hullbreak to check in.

Ive spotted a few delvers in the days since the battle, but theyve all just barely looked around, maybe snagged a little coral or something, then scooted on out. I dont think the Delvers Guild has any quests in there, so it should just be delvers being adventurous and taking risks.

I can tell Hullbreak isnt happy about them, just as I can tell hes uncertain what to do about them. His instinct is clearly to attack, but after seeing what I did to repair his territory, hes been fighting that. It probably doesnt help that the delvers are skittish when theyre there. Makes me think of how most dogs only chase cats because they run.

Yeah I think Ill ask Teemo to kind of be a dry run of an inspection. Itll be a good chance to try to get to know the dwellers a bit better, too. From what I can tell the merfolk enclave has organized itself similarly to my ratkin, in that they have an elder who tries to give the will of the dungeon, and the others mostly follow it.

After the whole thing, and Yendos part in changing things, they all seem a bit aimless right now. I think theyre just getting used to having actual freedom to do things, and the elder is trying to understand Hullbreaks new perspective. Heck, Hullbreak is still trying to understand his new perspective, so yeah, not a surprise things seem a bit off in there.

With Teemo popping through a shortcut into Hullbreaks territory, its time to actually chat, instead of just trying to look and infer things. The First Mate doesnt take long to come say hello, either.

The great white shark scion bobs in the water in an approximation of a bow. Greetings, Voice of the Admiral.

Teemo blows a raspberry at that. Just call me Teemo, you know that. Howre you guys doing?

We are rudderless, she admits, and I can feel a flash of shame through the bond with Hullbreak. I send a bit of understanding through the bond as Teemo speaks up.

That sounds about right, to be honest. The Boss has really upended stuff for you guys. Hes given you some space to try to come to terms with it, and now hes ready to give some advice for how to move forward.

The First Mate sags in relief, and I can feel it echoed through the bond, and Teemo smiles as she speaks. The Captain has been reluctant to do much. He says he feels like all his maps have suddenly been replaced and the stars changed. These waters are new and he doesnt want to run aground.

Is he alright with people delving properly again?

The shark hesitates at that. I I dont know. Hes willing to try, but hes so used to repelling borders.

Teemo smiles in encouragement. The plan is to start slow and easy. Tarl said that fishing boats count as delvers, and you have those copperfins and silverscales now. The Boss isnt very sure how to make a true underwater encounter anyway.

I can still feel a bit of nervousness through the bond, but its also backed by a subtle feeling of steel, of wanting to try.

The Captain likes that idea. The early days of boats and lines those were good times, she reminisces. Teemo lets her enjoy some happy memories for a few seconds before speaking up once more.

The Boss also wants to get to know your dwellers a bit more. Them and Hullbreak are close, so they also seem like theyre floundering a bit. And if Tarl is going to do an inspection to clear you for delving, hell probably want to try to normalize relations between them and Fourdock, too.

I can feel a spike of fear through the bond, which Hullbreka tries to quickly smother, and Teemo can see the First Mate tense for a moment.

Easy there, calms Teemo. The Boss isnt going to let another accident befall them. Trade and such will be slow to start. And if the dwellers want better trade, the Boss and Coda can get a proper dock built. A proper place to moor ships, strong enough that even a deliberate ramming attack wouldnt hurt it, let alone a freak wave catching a boat.

And if they dont want to trade? If the dwellers wish to be left alone?

Then they can do that, too. The Boss isnt going to force them, but they will need to decide how to handle growing. Their enclave is bigger than the ones the Boss has, so logistics and stuff are more pressing concerns.

The First Mate slowly nods to that. Their growth was a strain on the Captains resources, but he couldnt bring himself to try to stop them, especially since they were trying to not drain his resources.

Teemo nods once more and swims up to hold her dorsal fin. So lets go talk, and see about hashing some things out, yeah? Once you get some regular delvers, Hullbreak should be able to afford to support the dwellers a bit more, but I expect theyll need to learn how to swim in the waters outside if they want to really thrive. fгeewebnovёl.com

The First Mate silently leads the way to the enclave, and on the way, they pass several merfolk doing some small gathering: a few mining coral, a few spearfishing, even a pearler. It seems like most are staying in the enclave.

The First Mate isnt too difficult to spot at a distance, so much of the enclave is gathered by the time she and Teemo arrive. Theres a lot of curious murmurings as they notice Teemo hitching a ride. Im sure they all remember the sea around them blooming back into life the last time he was here.

Some of the faces look curious, some hopeful, some are even angry, though a few look conflicted, too. Looks like theyre still not quite sure what to make of me.

The Admirals Voice is here, declares the First Mate, and the crowd murmurs until Teemo speaks up.

Just Teemo is fine. The Boss has been trying to let you all adjust before making more changes and its about time for more. Probably not quite as drastic as the last time I was here at least not at first. I know you guys are conflicted about delvers, but the fact remains: Hullbreak will starve without them. Now, the Boss isnt going to just open the floodgates. He wants to take things slowly, and that will start with small fishing boats.

Some of the older merfolks eyes widen at the memory, and Teemo continues. Hullbreak has some good fish for this now, so that should be enough to easily get him back into a positive mana flow. The Boss also has a few other plans to help with mana, but those can come later. For now has anyone gone outside, yet? freewebnøvel.coɱ

The merfolk all shift awkwardly, looking like theyre not sure if theyll get in trouble for having done so, or for not having done so.

The First Mate speaks. You wont be in trouble either way. The Admiral simply needs to know. And the Captain knows some of you definitely have left.

After a few more seconds of silence, a few hands tentatively raise, and I recognize Yendo and his apparent son among the group.

You have a house or something, Yendo, where we can all chat? asks Teemo, and the merman nods. The other merfolk take that as their cue that they dont need to stick around, and Yendo leads the group to a modest coral house near the edge of the enclave.

I just want to thank you again, Thedeim, for helping the Captain, he says as everyone gets close, and he starts ushering them inside. Things have been much better since you, uh intervened?

Teemo chuckles at that, though the other merfolk still look a bit nervous. The Boss is happy to help. So, what all have you guys been up to outside of Hullbreak?

The merfolk exchange glances until everyone is looking at Yendo for direction. He doesnt look too happy about it, but he is the one with the most experience talking to my Voice.

Weve mostly been exploring. The others prefer to look more towards the open ocean, while Ive been taking a closer look at the shoreline. Theres actually quite a lot of lobsters and crabs not too far from your beachhead, Thedeim.

Anything interesting out deeper? asks my Voice, and Yendo nods.

Theyve been finding some great spots for various fish as theyve been mapping out the currents. Lots of stuff gets carried out to attract them.

Have you considered trying to plant anything outside, either to eat for yourselves, or to bring in more wild fish?

Yendo and the others all stare for a few moments, having clearly not thought of something like that, and Teemo smiles at them.

You should probably look into it, then. A lot of the Boss dwellers like to hunt outside, but also farm. Right now, they can fit their farms in the enclave, but you guys are big enough youll probably have to plant out past Hullbreaks territory. If you can be self-sufficient on food, thats a huge pressure relieved, informs Teemo.

The merfolk look thoughtful at that, and seem to be planning how to make that work in their heads. They soon start to voice their ideas, and Teemo and the First Mate mostly stay quiet, letting the merfolk figure things out. Theyll need to talk to the others, since its going to take a lot more farming than just this handful, but its a start. Sometimes, all someone needs to walk on their own feet is a little help to find a path. Drop someone at a crossroads, and they wont know where to go. But just a little information about where the paths lead can get them walking on their own, get them thinking about what they actually want to do, where they want to go.

Even if its a long road to travel, having at least some idea where it leads can bring a lot of confidence and peace of mind.

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