Chapter 397: Jinx III

Jason’s eyes scanned all over Mylo’s body as he stumbled back, his posture half bent over as he grabbed his abdomen where Jason had hit him earlier.

Yet despite being close enough to follow up with another hit, Jason caught himself before he let his limbs fly at Mylo.

Fighting wasn’t going to solve anything anyway and would only make him feel good for a little while, but the repercussions of hitting Mylo in the face could become troublesome for him later on.

Jason knew his own strength and considering his current body’s condition, which included his mental aggravation, he knew there was no way he would hit Mylo on the face and not leave a clear mark.

If that happened, then there would be talks about him being violent and the media would have a field day trying to ruin his life with nonsensical articles and this would affect him in the long-run.

As his mind finished this line of thought, a wave of anger, annoyance, and dissension swept through his body and for a second, he regretted his rationality.

If he wasn’t rational enough, he would hit Mylo all consequences be damned, but his rational mind was continuously shouting at him to stop where he was.

Even now, Jason was thinking of hitting Mylo in a not-so-obvious location, but he knew that doing so would be just as bad.

Jason could already tell that by tomorrow, there would be an article about this fight floating around somewhere as he knew that there was no way to cover up something that just about everyone including menial workers had seen.

The gag orders wouldn’t do anything and everyone was now watching him.

He was free to move, but at the same time, he was chained by the consequences of his decision.

He wasn’t like Lion Ibrahimovic, or Ballotelli who did everything, not caring about the consequences.

Unlike them who had established themselves as top footballers of their generation, he was just barely starting out and any mistakes he made could be potentially career-ending.

He didn’t need such troubles now that he was finally moving towards his exit from Oporto.

In another half a year or so, he would hopefully leave this club and not have to look at Mylo’s face again.

Just as he had concluded and turned away from Mylo, other players rushed in trying to hold him from hitting Mylo again, amusing Jason who had already gone through a whole decision making meeting in his head and decided against hitting Mylo.

Just as Jason was turning away, Mylo who seemed to finally have caught his breath looked at Jason in anger and rushed at him, somehow managing to evade the other players and swinging a fist at Jason.

This time he saw it coming, and despite his anger rising up and threatening to put asunder his decision not to take action, he controlled himself and easily dodged Mylo’s first swing which was immediately followed my another swing from Mylo that seemed to be trying to catch him on a upper cut, but that was obvious enough to Jason’s trained eye.

He side stepped the upper cut easily, flashing a cheeky grin at Mylo, but before Mylo could swing again his fist again, he was restrained by the other players.

“You guys should chill man,” somebody shouted as they held back Mylo

“You shouldn’t have hit him like that man, it’s just a tackle,” Otavio said to Jason.

“Just a tackle?” Jason repeated like he couldn’t believe his ears.

“He had me by the neck and swept my legs right from under me, even in a match that’s more than enough for a red card,” Jason retorted. He might not have hit Mylo more than once, but he was not going to let himself be blamed for this whole fiasco.

“Well, maybe if you hadn’t been embarassing him like that-…” Otavio began saying back to Jason when Pepe and the manager arrived at the field in a hurry.

“What’s going on here?” Conceicao immediately asked as he arrived, looking at the tense situation among the players.

Siramana, one of the assistant coaches immediately hurried to the head manager’s side and quickly explained the whole situation to him.

After the situation was explained to the manager, he thought for a few seconds before turning to Jason,

“No matter how annoyed you are after a tackle, that doesn’t mean you get to turn the field into a UFC fighting ring,” he said, but his words struck a wrong chord in Jason’s ears.

“Haha, so now it’s my fault?” he involuntarily blurted out.

“Why don’t you tell that to the person who had me in a choke-hold and kicked me down on that same field,” Jason retorted, his words sharp toward the manager.

None of his usual light-hearted tone could be heard in his words, but it was to be expected, he had been bottling things up and taking a step back every single time up till this point and was already very close to bursting out in anger.

In Conceicao’s ears however, it sounded like a challenge to his authority as manager and he also became angry and retorted,

“Well, if you didn’t aggravate your opponent, then you wouldn’t be in that situation to begin with!”

“So is it now a crime to play good football?”

“I have to dumb down my performance so that this nitwit can keep up?”

“If he can’t play well enough, then he shouldn’t be here, it’s a simple as that, isn’t it?” Jason himself didn’t notice, but he was no longer holding back his words and this was quite a surprising scene to everyone at the scene.

Everyone was rooted to the spot, watching this exchange between the meekest player and the head strong manager.

“If you had this kind of decisive attitude in other aspects of your life, maybe you wouldn’t be so angry at Mylo in the first place!” the manager retorted sharply, his voice filled with annoyance and not realizing the gravity of his words to Jason.

“… What?” Jason’s eyes shook as the manager’s words hit his eardrums and registered in his brain.

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