Chapter 398: Jinx IV

“… What?” Jason’s eyes shook as the manager’s words registered in his brain.

A look of total disbelief filled his eyes followed by anger that was very evident as his eyes stared shakily at the manager.

Jason considered himself a rational and observant person and he knew right from the start that the manager knew about what was going on between him and Mylo.

How could he not know?

Viera had come asking about the matter and as if that wasn’t clear enough, Viera had gone to talk to Pepe just earlier and Pepe had then gone to meet the team manager.

Pepe and the manager even came together, yet instead of maintaining impartiality in this situation, he was saying this?

“I said what I said,” Conceicao said, glaring at Jason, but unlike the anger in his eyes, inwardly, the manager was a mess.

He hadn’t meant to say what he had said to Jason earlier, but he was already tense from previous events. After hearing about what was happening between Jason and Mylo and thinking about the effects it could have on the team, he was on edge.

With a fight breaking out among the players and increasing his tension even further, he had gotten angry and hurtful words had slipped out.

Immediately the words came out, he regretted it, but he couldn’t take his words back at this point.

He could only hope to settle the matter with Jason later, but for now, he needed to quell the matter at hand as the players were already riled up.

Jason stayed quiet after his words, giving the manager a brief enough respite to quell the situation and send the players back to training, after which Jason and Mylo were called aside.

Despite the matter now being over, the two of them had caused a ruckus at the training ground and had to be punished according to rules of conduct.

The manager turned to Mylo first,

“You made a rough tackle on your teammate and engaged in a fight, for that, you will be fined one week’s wages,”

“I hope you’ll learn from this and not aggravate your teammates on and off the field,” Conceicao said sternly to Mylo, his actual words clear despite his veiled way of speech.

“As for you, Jason… Unnecessary showboating to provoke a teammate, starting a fight, hitting a teammate, and insubordination…”

“You’ll be fined two weeks of wages, suspended for a match, and will be on probation for the match after that,” Conceicao said to Jason, his words harsh, but this was his way of telling Jason to ‘chill the fu*k out’.

Unfortunately, the intended meaning of his words got lost in the mail and Jason did not see it as nothing more than an unjust punishment while Mylo, an actual offender(from his point of view) was getting a mere slap on the wrist.

However, despite this, he didn’t raise a word in argument and he simply nodded in response, hinting that he had heard the manager’s words.

With that done, the manager sent Mylo away first and turned to Jason,

“Hey kid, about what happened between you and Mylo-…” he began, but Jason cut in.

“I don’t think it’s a part of your job to discuss my personal life. I’d like it if it stayed that way,” Jason said icily.

“I’ll take my leave,” he added and nodded at the coach before walking away.

His actions and words were respectful, but the manager didn’t see it as such and he realized that he had really messed up the matter big time.

“*Sigh* Ugh,” Conceicao rubbed his head in exasperation as he watched Jason walk away.

From just a rift in his relationship with Mylo, it had blown out of proportion and had now strained Jason’s relationship with the club.

There was no way this was going to end well and it was all because of a few words spoken in anger, yet despite sighing tiredly, the manager couldn’t change anything that happened and he couldn’t reduce Jason’s punishment, otherwise, it would seem like he was being partial to Jason which could cause problems with other players.

It was either one player or the team and he did not need the club management breathing down his neck and reminding him that a player wasn’t bigger than the club.

For the greater picture, there was nothing else he could do, and he only hoped that things would blow over with time, yet he had a lingering feeling that things were almost certainly beyond repair.

Unknowingly, the manager’s gut feeling was right and Jason had stopped seeing the manager and the team in a good light… at least for the moment.

At the moment, he felt betrayed and unjustly discriminated against.

His rationality had chosen this time to stop working, not allowing him to look at things from a wider point of view and it was for good reason.

Up till this point, he had always taken a step back and not over reacted to anything that came flying harshly his way.

Despite everything that he had experienced in Oporto up till this point, he had never reacted over the top, and even when he had found Mylo having rodeos with Sofia behind his back, he had refrained from an over the top reaction not just because of his future prospects, but also because of the team.

Yet this time it was too much for him to bottle in and he had chosen to react in the least harmful way to the team, yet he was getting punished for his troubles.

He was feeling betrayed, and this was already having his mind in a knot as he inched ever so close to a very important decision.

Despite how Jason was feeling or what he was thinking, he didn’t stop his training and resumed his training with even more vigor than before.

He had been suspended from the next match by the manager so there was not going to be much of a problem if he spent more time training than usual was what he would normally think, but in reality, all he was doing was pushing himself as hard as he could in training because there was currently nowhere else for him to release his anger.

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