New beast and jobs
Introductions between my other beasts and Kiseki were a little funny as the poor fox was shivering in fear just looking at most of them. The funny part was that theoretically she was WAY more dangerous than most of them with her ability. Still it took a lot of convincing to convince the tiny fox that the massive beasts gathered before her weren’t in fact hostile or going to turn such. Like i get it, they are really scary to look at and really strong too.-
That said all of my beasts get along just fine most of the time and the few instances they didn’t it was usually because they were teasing each other and not actually anything mean. Karin was absolutely infatuated with Kiseki after finding the little white creature. I assume she just liked the color white considering Akasha and Shiro were both beasts she fawned over. It definitely wasn’t a cuteness thing as both Shiro and Akasha were NOT cute. Shiro was a big damn crane and more majestic than anything and Akasha looked like she skipped working out and just ate the gym with how much muscle she had.-
Kiseki on the otherhand was definitely adorable though so maybe she was the exception rather than the rule but I somehow doubted it. Still the fox was rather shy even after getting integrated into my collection and sent to the farms everyday to contribute to the village. That was something I suppose i should talk about that my sensei had implemented that was going extremely well. She had started allowing my beasts to contribute to the village in their own unique ways. Shiro regularly froze food for storage. My hawk was assigned to hunting any messager birds leaving the village if it wasn’t coming from one of the authorized locations.-
We had caught a rather considerable amount of spies thanks to this in fact and drastically reduced the intel enemy villages had on us. My snake was in charge of taking care of rats in the village which it was thrilled with. My cat was ironically enough given the role of training genin fresh out the academy how to avoid capture. Kiba(wolfdog) was put to work generating electricity for the village and the primitive household appliances that were beginning to pop up. Akasha and Mizuhe were assigned the forests around the village to patrol and catch any spies they found. –
Ren worked with the Anbu and T and I departments to create new and more insidious poisons thanks to it’s ability to create poison from it’s chakra. Most of my other beasts were “jobless” but that was more because they were ill suited to helping and more towards destruction or espionage. Kuma for example still mostly lived in the forest of death because he was so damn big that he was a threat to the village just being there. My sheep could donate wool but it’s ability was basically just pure destruction and not that great at anything else.-
My lizard was entirely a noncombatant that could simply turn invisible and entirely cut off all traces of it’s existence. My turtle was literally just a big turtle that could breath underwater. My caterpillar was still in it’s cocoon however and there was no telling when it would emerge or even what abilities it would have when it did. The recognition my beasts got now had done wonders for both the Inuzuka and Aburame clans due to my parents having been… well my parents. It was sort of an indirect prestige boost for the clans that a shinobi like me “came” from them.-
Obviously everyone knew i was adopted but I had been raised by them and that was all anyone seemed to care about. One day though Karin approached me while I was working on my chakra armor with a nervous expression.
“Um, Kenzo?” She said softly and hesitantly.
I retrieved my chakra “Yes, do you need something?” i asked calmly as I turned to look at her.
“The um leaf festival is coming up and I um was wondering if you might go with me?” she asked nervously.
“Hmmm, I suppose I should take a break to relax every now and then so I don’t mind going with you.” i said after a bit of thought.
“Really!? I mean okay!” the girl beamed with an excited look that confused me but I had long since stopped trying to figure out her weirdness.
A bit of context here was that the leaf festival was a sort of Land of fire holiday celebrating the day Konoha was founded. Each of the lands with their own hidden villages had their own version on the days of those villages being founded as well though Kirigakure hadn’t celebrated it’s founding for a few years what with the civil war and all that.-
In Konoha we celebrated with good food, fireworks, reenactments of our history and various other forms of entertainment. Personally I had never felt much need to participate in the celebrations and trained or slept through the festival that lasted a whole three days. The reason it was three days was because that was how long negotiations lasted before the village was officially formed even if only in name. I suppose if I am being fair this was also the most strained time of the year for the Uchiha clan as they had been reminded of their importance and role in the creation of the village.-
They are almost all dead now so that really didn’t matter but it was wrong to celebrate such an event without remembering the clan and what they did for the village before they were killed off. Anyways the festival was split into three parts that were celebrated on each of the three days. The first day was that day of the past and celebrated the lost lives and long ago histories of the village.-
On this day plays of the warring clans period and dressing up as ones favorite historical figure were common practices. Once my sensei learned I was participating in the festival she sort of forced an outfit on me, Tobirama. According to her she couldn’t imagine anyone else more suited to don the mans visage. She said that I was more friendly than he was and looked different but in nearly all other regards nearly identical. Karin went with the only logical option and dressed up as Uzumaki Mito with her hair styled into two buns.
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