New digs(2)
“From where I’m standing you lot are the ones trespassing here, I bought this land outright in a legal fashion. You can check the village records if you don’t believe me. Naturally I have the right to be here.” I said calmly.
“Nonsense! This land has belonged to the clans for decades!” Another Jonin yelled angrily.
“Wrong yet again, this land has been up for sale for decades since none of you wanted to antagonize the others by purchasing it. Once again you can check the records for proof, i’ll be here if you decide to come back afterwards.” I said before turning to leave.
“You think you can just walk away!?” the Jonin yelled and flickered at me aggressively.
I simply predicted where he’d show up and held out my palm. The dude ran straight into it and came to a dead stop all at once cracking a few ribs in the process.
“Yes as a matter of fact I do, Now get off my land.” I said throwing him back across the property line.
I molded my chakra and pressed my hands against the ground after that raising an earthen wall along a large portion of the property line. I moved to an empty spot and repeated this until my land had a ten foot tall stone wall surrounding it. No one crossed that wall after I so easily dealt with a Jonin and went to investigate my claims hoping to prove I was wrong. Sadly as they all discovered I wasn’t and that land had indeed been up for sale this whole time at an extreme price and I had in fact bought the rights to it. They went to the elders of the clans about it but the fact of the matter was I was in the right here and not some push over they could just press out of the area.-
Whether political or personal I had power that made me a difficult target to try and force themselves against over something as petty as mere land. Sure they complained to my sensei about it and even offered a lot more for the land than I originally paid but after discovering that chamber with the tree there was no way in hell I was leaving. I couldn’t exactly take the chamber with me after all it was far too engrained in the mountain itself for that.-
Still they stopped bothering me over it and I got to work terraforming the area to mine and my beasts preferences. Shiro and my turtle got a pond to chill near while the rest were good with some trees, grass and a sand pit in Rens case. I myself even drew in a vast amounts of natural energy that I infused into the land giving it a crazy vitality and sturdiness. At the entrance to the cave leading to the crystal chamber I had clones bring my disassembled house from the forest of death.-
I rebuilt my house and even upgraded it to be more solid and wider while adding a door to the cave. It wasn’t anything fancy but it was a cozy place to call my own.
“Jiraiya’s going to be so jealous. This place is like a natural meditation chamber and even though I am not a sage I can feel the natural energy in here.” My sensei said after I showed her my place.
“Honestly I think this is so much better than a bit of ore like I had thought I’d find here. Admittedly it’s also kinda nice having a piece of land in the village too even if my neighbors kinda suck. They didn’t even bring cookies.” i complained.
She rolled her eyes “Only you would complain about the clans who you stepped on the toes of didn’t bring you sweets.” she said with a smile.
“Bah! They had decades to buy this land and didn’t so they have no reason to complain, besides none of those shinobi got TOO badly hurt so it’s fine.” I said dismissively.
“That reminds me but when are you going to get Karin out of my house?” She changed the subject and i stiffened.
“What do you mean, she’s perfectly happy there last i checked.” I said with sweat forming on my forehead.
She shook her head and smiled mischievously “Oh I’m afraid that simply isn’t how this works , she’s your responsibility so NATURALLY you have to take care of her housing if you are able to and you have so much space now, i’ll be sure to send her over by the end of the day.” she said before walking away cackling like a witch.
I meanwhile was pale at the thought of Karin living in my house again. “Will the Uzumaki clan haunt me forever?” I muttered with a sigh.
As promised I got a redhead delivery that same day and had to deal with the clingy girl grinning like a loon for the next two weeks. Thankfully my sensei had decided to take the girl under her wing and teach her medical jutsu so she was busy most of the day doing that while I meditated in my new meditation chamber complete with incense and a soft rug to sit on for hours at a time. Most of my meditations were on how to improve my chakra armor since it was taking longer and longer to make any progress.-
Right now I could cover my whole right arm as well as the top of my chest and my left shoulder but every millimeter after that was taking longer and longer than the last. Clearly i was going about this the wrong way and needed to discover a better way. I had thought maybe it would work if I practice covering my left arm with chakra armor then covering both arms at the same time. In truth all it did was swap the arm covered in the armor leaving the other uncovered.-
I tried just covering both arms at the same time and I COULD do it but only up to my wrists on both and only then with serious strain. There was something about using the technique on two sides of my body at the same time that was causing me issues and I wanted to figure it out.
“Still having trouble with that technique huh? Maybe you need a fresh look at it to figure out what’s stopping you?” Karin suggested when she got back home and found me meditating on the subject.
“A fresh look? fresh…. that’s it!” I exclaimed getting a sudden burst of enlightenment.
I hurriedly moved to put the idea into practice and immediately I saw the strain from using the technique on both arms lessen dramatically. I thanked the girl with a wide smile and a happy hug and eagerly went to working on the technique to see how far I could push it with the new method.
“Ah yeah your welcome…” she muttered absentmindedly with a bright red face.
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