Chapter 254: Never Have I Ever 2 [Bonus]“Huh?” I couldn’t help but let a questioning sound escape my lips.
The light caramel-haired mother embraced Aurora protectively while stroking her lush hair gently as if she were a mother telling her daughter that it was all going to be okay. “Just look at her, she is trembling like a rabbit that’s cornered by a hungry wolf.
Even if Aurora wouldn’t ask for my help while being sober, she is very obviously worried about the prospect of copulating with you, a fact that isn’t at all the result of her being drunk. Aurora truly feels this way. She is afraid that it will hurt her, but at the same time, she is also horrified by the prospect of performing badly, leaving you dissatisfied.
You have two warrior lovers who can take any rough play you may want to dish out on their bodies as long as you remain somewhat reasonable, but the same isn’t true for her. Aurora doesn’t want to tell you to treat her like a porcelain doll, both because you might find her boring, and because she will appear to be a less ideal partner than your other ladies.”
I stare at Lucille for a few moments, trying to take all of this in.
I honestly feel like standing up and clapping. What an amazing, intelligent observation. Lucille truly is a mother with a few decades of life experience under her belt. I didn’t even think of the troubles Aurora might face as the only civilian member of my harem, well, now she is a Wizard but her physical stats have remained entirely abysmal still.
Adding an experienced woman to the team has proven to be an amazing decision thus far, I must admit. She brings balance, maturity, and serenity to our lives.
“Mommy…” The platinum-haired girl whispered while sobbing lightly.
“I’m sorry, Aurora. I failed to understand how troubled you were, thinking you only needed some time to prepare mentally.” I said, asking for forgiveness.
“Daddy…” Another whisper, though she didn’t release her arms from Lucille’s waist to come and hug me as well. Seems like she found her happy place for now. Lucille and I exchanged a glance then nodded at each other, coming to a silent decision to accommodate her request.
“Is it Luna’s turn?”
“Never have I ever wanted Master to ravage me. As a woman.” She mouthed half-drunkenly, then immediately reached for her glass and chugged a shot down. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her adorable, confused antics.
She received a shout of opposition from my delicate samurai. “Hey! You aren’t supposed to ask questions where you have to drink! Also, are you allying with Quinlan? This isn’t fair!”
“Drink or no drink, ladies? She had done nothing against the rules.” I asked while grinning from ear to ear.
“… Damn it!” Ayame grumbled while also downing her portion of liquor. “Don’t take it as an invitation, I’m just a curious girl.”
“I mean it!”
I ignored my oriental beauty’s cute screeching, instead focusing on a specific lady in particular who only grimaced upon feeling my gaze on her features, features that were reddening by the second until Lucille also followed Ayame’s example by bravely admitting to her inner desires as she chugged a shot down her throat.
“Mommy, feed Aurora.”
“Here you go… open up.” Lucille agreed, bringing the fourth glass of the round to the girl’s mouth who was still hugging her. I must compliment this woman. She is very clearly uncomfortable with babying a girl who is older than her actual daughter but still plays along just to make her dejected teammate feel better. A noble sacrifice, if you will.
“Aaa…” Aurora obediently opened her mouth wide, receiving her share of the alcohol.
With this, all of us drank 3 rounds of shots- well bottles in my case. What an equal competition. However, the participants’ conditions weren’t equal at all, with me and Lucille taking it best, Blossom being half out of it already, and Ayame as well as Aurora being in the middle somewhere.
Aurora seemed entirely uninterested in taking her turn, so it fell to me. “Never have I ever …”
“Ugh… Master, Blossom doesn’t feel so good…” My dog-kin decreed the exact moment before she slumped into my lap and fell asleep, or more accurately was knocked out. She even forgot to use her alias in front of Lucille, but I don’t really care even if she finds out, furthermore, the more mature woman wasn’t exactly sober anymore either.
I gently raised my beloved mate into a princess carry and brought her to our bed, where I tucked her in with a warm blanket and kissed her on the forehead lovingly. “Sweet dreams, Blossom.”
After returning to the circle Ayame also stood with shaky legs and informed us that she was also out for the night. She gave me a rare, long, dazed kiss without me having to do anything for it before she slipped into the bed next to Blossom. She was becoming more and more of a tsundere it seems. The alcohol might’ve helped loosen her strict inhibitions.
“Well, I guess this is it for the night.” I said while examining the remaining pair, who’ve gotten into the mother-daughter pretend relationship more than I would’ve imagined.
“I’m taking another leak, you just… I don’t know, keep babying your newfound second child or something, I guess.” I murmured while glancing at the pair, eliciting a minor blush from the mother, though she brought nothing up in her defense.
It’s no wonder they were the last two standing. Not only are they the oldest, but I’m pretty sure Blossom never touched hard liquor before, and probably the same was true for Ayame as well.
Before I could step out of the room, however, the ‘daughter’ spoke up. “Wait… Let me help you! With how much you’ve drunk tonight, you won’t be able to aim properly. I can’t have you spray it all over my lab…! I will do it for you… Darling!” Aurora shouted enthusiastically, using a more endearing term which was more accurate considering the nature of our relationship.
With her making a conscious effort to call me darling and not daddy, I can already tell that something good will happen tonight.
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