Chapter 255: For Research Purposes 1

As I led the ‘mother-daughter’ pair to the next room, namely Aurora’s lab, I glanced back at them only to see hands being held together as both women glanced in my direction nervously. They were adorably seeking comfort in each other’s warmth. The alcohol from the game was still in their system, so I truly don’t know how far this will go, but I’m not going to be shy, that’s for certain.

They’re not the only ones that are intoxicated.

Once inside I closed the door behind us. “What have you done with my inn?!” Lucille yelped as she glanced around. Yeah, with each passing day, Aurora’s dwelling was less of an inn room and more of an actual lab.

“It was absolutely necessary.” I informed her confidently, to which she scoffed, “necessary how?!”, but that part was ignored by both me and my platinum-haired beauty.

We stood facing each other with me being on one side and the ladies on the other, only a few inches apart. Silence descended on the room as I made no move, only watching the two squirming, squeamish women sneak glances between my eyes, my pants where a monster was slumbering, and each other nervously.

“Mommy, will you help?” Aurora finally spoke up when she was forced to accept that I refused to take the lead this time.

“… That depends on what the word ‘help’ entails.”

“Be my assistant, like bring me a big transparent flask to collect the urine?”

“Sure, I can do that much.” Lucille nodded with great relief.

While the caramel-haired beauty started fiddling around Aurora’s many items, the Alchemist herself steeled her resolve and got down to business. She unbuckled my pants and let it drop to the floor, after which my underwear was also removed.

“Kya!” A cute yelp left her lips as she first came eye-to-eye with Quinlan Junior. It was only half battle-ready ready but the sight was evidently already a great shock to this turbo-virgin girl.

“First time seeing one?” I asked smugly.

She gulped anxiously and kept eyeing my member. Then, after some inner deliberation, she reached towards my lance with her index finger and poked it, as if she expected my shaft to be a beast that she had to carefully check whether it was in deep slumber or ready to bite her finger off.

“Yes… I mean, I might’ve seen my father’s as a child but I don’t remember it at all. Also, I’ve seen penises in my anatomy books before but… I think those might as well have been pure fiction now that I see a real one. The author wasn’t scientific at all!” Aurora yelled furiously, finally getting some of her spunk back. It seems unveiling my member had eased her worries.

I couldn’t help but chuckle jovially at her adorable antics. She truly is a special kind of girl.

I slid my right arm around her waist from behind, gently pulling her into my side. As she leaned into me, I bent down and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, allowing me to smell her alluring hair in the process. My left hand remained hanging freely by my side.

“Assistant…?” She purred, questioning why Lucille was taking so long. Aurora truly was getting her energy back. It seems my hug and kiss did wonders toward restoring her self-confidence.

“Ah! Found it finally. Coming!”

Lucille approached with a large, 1-liter flask, took the cork out, and handed it to Miss Alchemist, dutifully fulfilling her role. Then… She glanced down at the item Aurora was animatedly poking.

Her eyes fluttered wide open and she took a step back defensively. “Holy Goddess! I expected you to be big, Quinlan, since you are so tall and… manly… but this…”

Seeing her shocked reaction I broke out into a hearty laughter despite trying my best not to. I couldn’t help it.

“What’s so funny?! Stop making fun of this lady, young man!”

“Hahaha! Sorry, sorry. It’s just that I’m only like 30% erect right now.”

“It’s not funny, Quinlan. You are already big enough, there’s no need to feel ashamed of your penis. It’s a perfectly healthy size. I know you men like to compare, so I if it makes you feel better about yourself, I can tell you that you are bigger than Robert.”

“Thanks for the kind words, old lady, but you better stop using the panty pooper as a man to compare me to or you will rush to the administrative buildings first thing tomorrow morning to finalize your divorce.”

Lucille stared into my eyes, trying to ascertain whether I was just making fun of her or being serious. For whatever reason she decided to go with the former as she scoffed dismissively. “Hmph. I will never understand why you men need to feel so insecure about your size, especially in your case when you have a perfectly healthy and good-looking penis.

I’ve heard so many male guests talk about this topic while eating, always trying to one-up the other. It’s pathetic if you ask me.”

I see that she dug her heels into the ground and decided to stubbornly not believe me. She left me with no choice. As a proud ass-man, the perfect stimulus was already within reach.

I firmly gripped Aurora’s bountiful butt into my right arm and squeezed, after which I began gently massaging her mounds, eliciting badly veiled moans from her beautiful lips. The effect was nearly instantaneous. Quinlan Junior was officially awakening.

“W-w-wait?! What?!” Lucille yelped with sheer shock evident on her features as she took a few steps back until she fell rear-first onto the ground, though her eyes were not averted, not even for a second, not even while falling.

“Told you.” I smirked victoriously while winking at her.

Meanwhile, Aurora began whining dejectedly, “I don’t know if I can do this… It’s too intimidating!”

“It will all work out just fine, my beloved Alchemist. I will be extremely gentle, you won’t even feel a thing.”

She nuzzled further into my chest while puffing her butt out towards my palm so that I could continue my groping session to my heart’s content, after which she looked up into my eyes.

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