
[You have activated the [Holy Divine Thunder Armament Creation: Lv1] Divine Skill!]

[You have created the Temporary Holy Divine Thunder Armament: [Divine Thunder Automata (S Rank)]!]

[Summon Duration: 1 Hour.]

A golden colored robot appeared in front of me, resembling almost the same robots we’ve met so far. But completely made of gold metal and covered on sharp thunder-shaped ornaments across its entire body.

Was it intelligent? I made it using the blueprint in my mind of those robots themselves. I had seen their internal constructions in detail when I helped them get repaired with Nephilim’s help.

"Can you talk?" I asked them.

"Processing... Yes, master. I can speak." It spoke with a robotic voice, like the other robots, but a bit more fluent!

"Oh wow, this is amazing! Alice, are you seeing this?!" I asked her.

"Of course I am!" She nodded, appearing by my side. "It seems this ability can even help you create golems, and very smart ones too!"

"Let’s see... I’ll call you Automata 1 for now." I said. "You can only last one hour, so I’m sorry..."

"There’s no need to apologize, master. I’ve been created to serve you." It spoke. "Is there something you require of my assistance?"

"Hmm, can you show me what you can do? Like in terms of fighting and stuff." I said.

"Of course. But who should I fight?" They wondered.

"Hey, Ignatius, didn’t you wanted to have some sparring partner?" I summoned Ignatius, who had been slacking off inside my Soul Scape.


"Hm? Sparring partner? When did I ever said that?!" He roared.

"A while ago! Now, look. I got you this golem." I said. "Automata 1, this is Ignatius, your opponent. Show him what you can do."

I ended entering the dungeon with them for a couple of minutes to see the extents of this golem.

"Very well master."

Automata faced Ignatius instantly. The spirit dragon had yet to fully prepare before the robot reached him within a split second. Its small yet bulky body moved super quickly, releasing sparks of golden electricity with each move.

A barrage of lightning speed punches hit Ignatius chest, as he shielded himself with his scales, reinforcing them through his skills before trying to bite Automata 1.

The robot rapidly evaded the bite, before administrating another punch into his face. Ignatius was pushed a few meters away, groaning in pain.

"Annoying bastard, don’t get too cocky..."

His flames started flickering all across his body. Automata 1 charged without hesitation or fear, its fists flashing with lightning. However, Ignatius greeted them with his own blazing fists.


An explosion of flames and lightning erupted. Both immediately began exchanging blows with one another, creating more and more elemental explosions everywhere, the grass below them had already been burned down.

After a long fight, it seemed as if they were in a tie, but Ignatius began absorbing his own flames, becoming larger and larger. And while abusing his skills, he ultimately defeated Automata 1, breaking its arms and legs.

I think I could easily help them regenerate them, but I stopped the fight there. "Okay, that’s enough." I said, as I helped Automata 1 regenerate its limbs after giving it the order to stop. "You’ve showed me enough of your capabilities, Automata 1. You were amazing, well done."

"Thank you master. I did my best. If I could say something, your summon, Ignatius. If very strong and incredible as well." The golem had already developed a rather deep thought process and even opinions and emotions.

It was incredible...

"I-I see! Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the fight..." I laughed. "Hey Ignatius, are you okay?"

"Oof... Yes, I’m fine." He groaned. "There was no way I would lose, see?! I’m an almighty Red Dragon! Though... It has been annoying how I can’t evolve yet. When can I do that already?!"

"Well, first of all, you died. So it’s not like you can easily evolve like you did before, Ignatius." I sighed. "Second, we’ll eventually find the materials in the near future, so relax a bit. I promise you you’ll become stronger."

"Hmm..." He seemed slightly pissed, but at the same time, he nodded. "Okay... So what prize do I get for winning?!" He asked, wagging his tail like a puppy.

"P-Prize?" I wondered. "It was just a spar... Well, if you want a prize. Have these."

I gave him a bag of a dozen fire spirit stones, one of his favorite snacks now that he became a fire spirit. He seemed rather excited about them because I rarely give them to him.

"Oooh! Nice, this is at least something."

As he ate them, I noticed his spirit soul becoming a bit, slightly, very lightly stronger. Its not that he just liked the flavor, they healed and strengthened his spiritual soul. Only a tiny bit


"Alright Automata 1, I’ll dispel you for now." I said. "Thank you for the help."

"It was an honor, master. Have a good day." Automata 1 said before dissipating.

"I wonder if they can keep their memories if I summon them again..." I wondered, looking at my own hands. "I got an amazing new skill, but it is a bit conflicting it can create intelligent beings like that. I feel guilty if I create them only to live so shortly."

"Aren’t Spirits like that too?" Alice asked. "Lara can bring them to her, use their power, and once they’re weakened and exhausted, they tend to dissipate and... Well, you could say they


"T-That’s... I didn’t think about that!" I gasped.

"It’s not the same though." Said Ignatius. "Spirits never truly die, they dissipate, yeah. But they simply go back to the world where they were born, their elemental and spiritual energy repurposed to create new spirits. I think your Automata might be similar, if they work through similar principles. As I fought it, I noticed its composition, albeit solid as steel, was still ethereal, like spirits themselves."

"Is that so...?" I wondered. "Hmm, well, I’ll keep that in mind then!"

Maybe this Skill allows me to create Spirits themselves?

That’s... even more nuts than I imagined.

Ah, well, whatever.

For now, we walked outside the dungeon and joined everyone for dinner.

And after that, with my friends, we enjoyed the rest of the night watching the night sky and

The stars, chatting, and enjoying ice cream.

Overall, it was a nice day.

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