The next morning came slowly and cozily, as I woke up while being embraced by the big arms of my girlfriend. Aquarina was sleeping calmly, hearing her heartbeat while resting my head over her chest was very relaxing.

She was also warm, and her smell is really nice. It is like a mix of her soap, composed of many herbs and flowers, and her own sweat, which creates her own personal smell I’ve grown used to every morning.

It might sound perverted, but I can’t get enough of her, I often times just rest my head over her head and while smelling her floral scented hair, I just fall asleep. So relaxing!

"Hmmm~" I rubbed my face over her chest, trying to sleep some more, but the sun was very annoying, covering my face and hers.

"You like those pillows?" she asked me with a slightly sleepy voice, waking up.

"Maybe~ They’re very comfy." I giggled. "Good morning."

"Good morning." She smiled.

Our faces came closer as our lips greeted one another, a gentle yet sweet kiss to start the morning.

I wanted to stay with her like this forever, honestly.

But we had to move on, a new morning had already begun.

It was better to not waste more time, we’ve slept quite a lot this morning.

"Alright, let’s get up already." I quickly sat down, ready to start the day.

Though Aquarina said otherwise.

"Nuuhh... Stay a bit more..." She grabbed me and pulled me back to the bed.

"Hey you slacker! We can’t just slack off forever..." I sighed, as I tried to free myself from her arms wrapped around my body.

"Nuh-huh, I’m not letting you go now~" She smiled, kissing my neck and cheeks, and then playfully biting my long, elven ears. "Nom!"

"Hyeeh! W-Wait! Don’t touch my ears out of nowhere!" I cried. "T-They’re sensitive...!"

"Hehehe, so cute~! Can’t have enough of my baby girlfriend!" Aquarina giggled, hugging me tightly and kissing my ears. "Your long ears are one of your cutest things too, I can’t resist kissing me sometimes!"

"W-Wait, Aquarina! Uwaaah!"

Aquarina ended eating me with a barrage of kisses and hugs... I ended failing to free myself, as I succumbed to her love for another half an hour.

However, after she seemed to be finally a bit bored of being above the bed with this heat, we finally stood up.

"Let’s take a bath, I’m sweating all over..." She sighed.

"Finally! I am all sweaty too! You sweat so much I am all covered on it. Look, all my pajamas are covered on your sweat." I showed her my wet back.

"Oops... Hahaha, my bad! I just barely wear many clothes so you’re the only one that gets so wet with sweat." She laughed.

"Ugh, just try to be more mindful from now on, okay?" I sighed. "Anyways, let’s take a cold shower to start the day!"

We finally walked outside of my room, slowly opening the wooden door, as we saw my brother and Celica playing in the corridor. Both were chasing one another while conjuring their magic.

"I’m going to catch you, Zephy~!"

"Hahaha, nuh-huh, you can’t!"

Zephy had become very fast, after gaining this secondary Aura and after his Physique fully absorbed the powers of the Golden Phoenix, not only did he gain the power to create and manipulate golden flames, but he could slightly enhance his body’s form and speed.

With that, he enhanced his speed and grew a pair of tiny blazing wings, which helped him at evading Celica chasing him around. Celica was simply conjuring some phantoms to scare my brother.

"Well, well, playing in the corridor from all places this morning?" I wondered, looking at my brother.

"Oooh, big sis! Aquarina! Good morning to you two!" Zephy said with a happy smile. Seems he had a good night without nightmares.

"Good morning Zephy." Aquarina smiled greeting him by giving him a head pat.

"Mooch!" I gave him a big kiss on his cheek. "Good morning little sunshine. Did you take a bath?"

"Yep, I feel nice now. Dad said that my condition has become better now, I think I’ve assimilated the physique!" Zephyrus said.

"I can already tell; you’ve become stronger now!" I nodded. "Good for you, good for you! Want to have a spar later to test your new strength with big sis?"

"Sure!" He nodded happily. "I’ll show you that I am not the same as before anymore, hehe!"

"Fufu, is that so? We’ll see~!" I giggled. "Oh Celica, right good morning to you too!"

"Good morning Sylphy!" Celica smiled cutely. "Aquarina too!"

"Yeah, good morning." Aquarina stretched her arms. "Anyways, I’m going to take a bath. You’re coming or not?"

"Yeah, yeah, I’m coming." I nodded. "Celica, take care of my little bro, alright?"

"Sure!" Celica nodded. "Hey Zephy, can you do this?"

Suddenly, she showed him a will-o-wisp she conjured out over her hand. Then, she slowly transformed and shapeshifted the little blue flame into different shapes. A rat, a dove, a

Snake, and a mantis.

"Shape Magic! Practice this so you can get better at it!"

"Oooh, that’s cool! Let me try!"

Zephy started trying to shape a small golden flame with her help.

Celica not only gives him a lot of attention, but also genuinely enjoys being with him, and

She’s even helping him learn how to manipulate magic elements too.

She’s really the ideal girlfriend for him... In a few years, I definitely need to help them get


I hope that by then Celica doesn’t find someone she loves...

"Come on, let’s go already."

Aquarina dragged me into the bathroom as we took a nice and cold shower together, washing

Away all the sweat. The shower also included a lot of kissing, more than just each other’s lips, though. Like kissing the neck, and the chest, and perhaps even the armpits, Aquarina’s

Favorite area to kiss from my body.

"Hmm~ Your armpits are so soft and puffy, slurp~" She constantly smelled them while licking them, she told me to not wash them yet because she liked licking the sweat.

My girlfriend is very kinky...

"Enough already, perv!" I gently bonked her head. "Let’s just finish the shower already!"

After finishing our shower and getting on some fresh clothes, we went to have breakfast with

Our family.

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