"Oh, we’re going to the Adventurer’s Guild!" Mist said. "That takes me back... It has been a while since we took a Quest now that I think about it!"

"Yep, it has truly been a while," I nodded. "Should we take some? Something quick that we can do to help the adventurer’s guild a bit."

"Sounds fine to me," Zack said. "I kind of want to stretch my legs and do some hack and slashing anyways."

"I’m fine with it as well!" Mist nodded, grabbing her boyfriend’s big arms. "As long as Zack’s with me, I think we could take on anybody!"

"Hahah, is that so? I guess!" Zack let his girlfriend feed on his ego quite spectacularly.

"I’m fine with taking a little quest, but let’s not pick something that takes too long though, we were just invited to eat later," Aquarina pointed out.

"Okay~ I never thought that you would be the one to tell me not to fight now, haha," I giggled.

"I-I guess... I mean, I would gladly go anyways but I am now craving seafood..." Aquarina blushed a bit at my teasing.

"Hehe, I knew you wanted that~" I giggled, smooching her cheek. "Let’s hunt something quickly and then come back to eat then, dearie."

"Alright!" she smooched my lips back.

As we moved our way to the Adventurer’s Guild, Cecila was looking around happily.

"I missed my hometown~!" she smiled.

"Hometown...? But didn’t you live in Eastgrain before, Celica?" Zephy wondered curiously.

"Ah, right... I barely remember that!" giggled Celica. "It was an awful place... Some really mean and bad people kidnaped me when I barely knew how to speak! But your daddy came to save me, with Aquarina’s daddy too! They’re my heroes!"

"M-My dad was the one that rescued you from the bandits? I-I had no idea..." Zephy muttered. "Yeah, dad’s amazing! He’s truly a hero, haha!"

"My papa and your dad are good friends," Aquarina said. "They’re like brothers pretty much, going together anywhere to solve problems and crimes."

"They’re like the good and the bad cop sort of deal," laughed Alice, sitting over my head with Yggdra.

"Cop? What’s that?" Yggdra wondered.

"Aaah, nothing, forget it..." Alice muttered.

"That’s so cool!" Celica answered to Aquarina’s words. "I also want to be a hero when I grow up, can I?"

"Well, usually you need a Divine Blessing first..." I said.

"And well, only Evil Gods bless Demons I think..." Zephy muttered.

"What?! So I can’t become a heroine?" Celica gasped. "B-But I wanted to save and help people with my powers..."

"I-I mean, you can! You totally can, you don’t need to care about the stupid gods or whatever. You can be a hero without being chosen," I smiled.

"Yeah! Look, I’m already at the same level as Sylphy and Aquarina and I am not even blessed, hah!" Zack smiled pridefully.

"I wouldn’t say you’re on my same level..." Aquarina smugly said.

"What?! Wanna go and see that for yourself then?" Zack smiled defiantly.

"Oh? I wouldn’t mind!" Aquarina smiled.

"Hey, don’t fight!" Mist separated the two.

"Yeah, enough..." I sighed. "Ah, we’re here. Make sure to behave, okay? Zack you’re strong, yeah. Don’t listen to my girlfriend, I think I’ve spoiled her too much recently... Maybe no more hugs and kisses for a while."

"EEH?!" Aquarina looked like she was about to die. "No, please wait! Okay, I’ll behave! Sorry Zack!"

"Wow, she sure changed her mind..." Zack laughed.

I sighed as I opened the door of the Adventurer’s guild.

A bustling tavern greeted our sights, the smell of food and liquor filling the air.

There was a cheerful and energetic atmosphere, some bards even bringing some background music to make the atmosphere even more festive.

Adventurers risked their lives every day, so naturally, they also lived their lives to the fullest and indulged into parties all the time.

"You never know when you’ll die, so better enjoy while you can," is the sort of saying they always are repeating.

However, the moment we entered the entire building went silent.

Everyone’s eyes were directed towards us.

"Young Lady Sylphy?!"

"She’s here with her friends!"


Everyone celebrated for some reason, greeting us as if we were heroes.

Wait, aren’t we a bit of that now?

After the whole Arachne and Lolth thingy, I suppose we are kind of heroes, huh?

"You’re our little heroes!"

"It has been a while since we’ve seen you all!"

"Lady Sylphy, your Mana and Spiritual Aura are so strong now! How fast have you


"Don’t ask her that out of nowhere, you idiot!"

"Lady Sylphy please order anything, we’ll buy it for you and your friends!"

"It’s amazing that you defeated someone like that Arachne, and even that Evil goddess!"

"She assisted her parents, but they kept insisting she did most of the work!"

"They said she even gave it the finishing blow, how cool is that?!"

"Our young lady is the strongest in the world! WOOOHHH!"

"You and your friends have grown so big now!"

"Oh man, thigs bring tears to my eyes. Like seeing your kid grow up!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

They were really partying hard; I couldn’t blame them though.

We giggled and simply declined the offerings of food and drinks, as we made our way to the counter, where the receptionist all gave us a warm welcome.

Especially our friend.

"Welcome everyone! Lady Sylphy! Lady Aquarina, Sir Zack and Lady Mist! Oh, also Lady Celica

And Young Lord Zephy!"

It was the cute Mermaid Anime girl, Saphira.

Back then we had given her and her family new accessories to solve their dry skin problems.

And since then, it seems they’ve been living really well and without problems anymore. "Hello Saphira! So happy to see you again! How have you been this entire time? It has been over a year since we last saw one another..."

"I know! It has been such a long year full of job! But I’m so grateful you’ve protected our peace and quiet with your family and friends, my entire family is a big fan of you! They are always asking if I’ve met you again yet..." laughed Saphira. "They’re all very happy with the accessories, we’ve never felt so free and refreshed before, since you gifted us those items that

Our skin has never dried again!"

It made me happy that I made the life of the people of my territory better.

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