"I’m glad it worked well!" Aquarina said.

"Yeah, yeah!" Zack nodded. "Hey Saphira, how’s old man Darfu doing?"

"Oh? Uncle Darfu! Come down! It’s Lady Sylphy and her friends!" Saphira screamed into the second floor.

"Huh? What? OH!"

A grumpy half-dwarf quickly came rushing downstairs, arriving in the scene while readjusting his long beard that looked all messy, he seemed slightly tired. Has he been taking an all-nighter? I guess Guild Masters have a lot of paperwork to do every day to keep things going, huh?

The one that arrived was Darfu, the Guild Master of Agartha’s Adventurer Guild Branch. "Lady Sylphy and friends! It’s an honor to see you today! Been a while since your last visit!" he said, quickly trying to compose himself. "Oh, you’re all so tall now! What in the world?! Just a year ago you were still smaller than me!"

"That’s what happens when you cultivate your Physique while still growing, I guess," I shrugged.

"Hahaha! Uncle Darfu, I used to be smaller than you but now looks like things have changed," Zack smiled.

He actually had a little history with the Guild Master, while we spent several years on Agartha growing up, Zack wandered everywhere all the time to know the place better, and he ended stumbling into Darfu when he was practicing his axe techniques.

After a series of conversations, interactions, and Darfu’s interest on his talents, he ended taking him as a disciple, and taught him all kinds of Axe Techniques for almost three years. Since then that Zack always calls him "uncle".

Although he calls him uncle, he’s kind of the father figure Zack wanted for a while, uncle Arafunn can’t be his father figure anymore, it’s this hardy half-dwarf.

"Yeah, I guess even a damn brat like you ought to grow up eventually, gahahaha!" Darfu laughed.

"Hi uncle!" Mist greeted Darfu.

"Ooh! Mist! Dear, how have you been? Has this brute treated you well, I hope? I did teach him to be nice with ladies, but I don’t know..." Darfu squinted his eyes back at Zack.

"So mean! How can you say that of your disciple?! I-I haven’t done anything to her!" Zack cried.

"Hehe, don’t worry! Zack is well mannered and always gentle with me!" Mist smiled cutely. "Thank you for helping him grow up as strong as he is now!"

"I did what I could but sometimes I think I didn’t teach him enough..." sighed Darfu. "Hey, I did hear you guys were going out again?"

"Yeah, it’s going to be a long journey, we’re going all to different places to get stronger and practice magic, some are even going to get some inheritances," I nodded.

"I was chosen as the disciple of uncle Arafunn!" Zack said. "He’s been teaching me all matter of amazing Wind Cultivation Techniques!"

"Wait, what?! That man chose YOU?!" muttered Darfu. "He’s lying, isn’t he? There’s no way..."

"Nope, he actually did, we were all shocked," I laughed.

"Yep, he’s learning from the best I guess," Aquarina nodded.

"He’s become so strong, but I can’t wait to see how strong he gets later!" Mist smiled, proud of her boyfriend’s strength.

"Hahaha, I am doing my best!" Zack felt embarrassed.

"Hah, this is unbelievable. I never thought Arafunn would ever take a disciple, this is incredible. Maybe you do have a bright future ahead, you brat," Darfu laughed, patting Zack’s back because he couldn’t reach his shoulders. "Keep working hard and moving forward! If anything, your talent is hard work and perseverance, never give up!"

"Yeah uncle! I won’t!" Zack nodded. His eyes were full of determination. "Even if I was never chosen by any god, I’m going to become a Hero too!"

"Hahah! That’s the spirit, damn brat!" laughed Darfu. "So do you guys want to take a quest or something? I’ve got a few that are some rather hard ones nobody’s taking."

"We got an appointment later, so as long as they’re not that far away, we can take them," I said.

"Yeah sure, there’s four quests like that, here," Darfu handled the papers to us.

One of them was called "Venom Wyvern Nest Extermination" and the other was "Overpopulation of Giant Golden-Tusked Boars". The first one was about exterminating an annoying nest of Venom Wyverns that had settled near the city, and the second was about eliminating a dozen Golden Tusked Boars that had become too many, they were eating all the plants in the forest.

"Look easy enough, we can get these done in around an hour," I nodded. "Right guys?" "Yeah! I’m ready!" Zephy nodded.

"Hahah! That’s the spirit, young master!" laughed Darfu, petting Zephy’s head. "You’ve gotten stronger too! Have you developed a proper Aura now? You’ve surely not slacked off on your Cultivation, haha!"

"I’ve been doing my best!" Zephy nodded.

"How strong are the Venomous Wyverns?" wondered Celica.

"W-Well, they’re Tier 5 Monsters, not something anybody can easily handle..." Saphira said. "A-Are you sure you can do this? It’s a big nest, it was reported that there’s over ten of them! There’s a rumor of a leader of Tier 7, a Venomous Wyvern King! I thin they might dispatch the Knights in a day or two..."

"Nah, we got this, sounds like a walk in the park actually," Aquarina cracked her knuckles.

"Right guys?"

"Yep!" I nodded, everyone agreed.

"T-These kids, just how strong are they?" Saphira wondered.

"Hahah, I guess you can’t tell, but just a mere glance at their Auras and you’ll be surprised..." Darfu told her. "As of right now, Zack could beat me singlehandedly... He’s a monster, imagine Lady Sylphy and Aquarina, they’re even stronger than him."

"E-Eh? They’re all stronger than you, guild master?! But aren’t you Tier 7?!" Saphire gasped.

"Hah, that doesn’t seem to matter much to these kids..." Darfu laughed. "Their growth just surpasses all common sense, they’re truly the kids of heroes!"

Once we moved out of the city, we reached the area where the Venomous Wyverns were located, it was a nest they had made underground, and rather an obvious hole in the middle of

The forest.

"Alright, let’s begin!"

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