Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 101 Finding Conclusion of Pill Experiment Part 1

Chapter 101 Finding Conclusion of Pill Experiment Part 1

Log in to get LK and view more chapters.Two kilometers north of Oriental, there was a laboratory located in an isolated and secure area, which had been designated as a classified site for conducting advanced human experimentation. It costed 15,000,000 gold coins.

Richard stood at a distance, observing as the subjects were escorted into the facility. The four men, dressed in standard-issue white patient shirts, had their heads covered with white bags to maintain anonymity and ensure compliance. They were criminals, each having committed grave and violent crimes, and they had been chosen for this high-risk experiment due to the severity of their offenses.

The air was thick with tension as the subjects were led into the building, their footsteps echoing in the empty surroundings. The security team, well-trained and equipped, kept a close eye on them, ready to act at the slightest sign of trouble.

Richard knew the stakes were high, and he couldn't afford any mistakes. The experiment aimed to study the effects of a pill extracted from the bodies of the mutated zombies, which are the Goliath, Hunter, Flyer, and Hydra.

Even though they already conducted a test on the leader of the World's Resorts Manila, Richard knew it was not enough to conclude something. Sure, it changed the overall physiology of the subject but it's only a single try. They needed more data to analyze and confirm their findings. This experiment with multiple subjects, each with different genetic makeups and health conditions, would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the pill's effects.

Inside the facility, the subjects were placed in separate, secure rooms equipped with advanced monitoring systems to track their vital signs and physical reactions in real time. The team of scientists and medical personnel that he summoned, which cost a lot, were stationed in the observation room, their eyes glued to the screens as they prepared to document every detail of the experiment.

"We're ready sir," said the lead scientist named Aaron the moment Richard arrived on the observation room.

According to his stats prior to when he purchased him, Aaron is a high-value personnel summon who has extensive backgrounds in the fields of virology, pharmacology, and biochemistry.

Richard nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes scanning the room to ensure that everything was in place and all necessary precautions had been taken.

"Good. Let's begin the procedure and monitor their vitals closely. We need to document everything," he instructed.

"Understood sir, beginning the experiment with Subject A."

The monitors displayed the room of Subject A. Subject A, just like their boss, committed unspeakable things during their time in the World's Resorts Manila. According to the witnesses and those they previously assaulted, Subject A had done a lot of sexual violence and brutal assaults, leaving their victims traumatized and scarred for life. The severity of their crimes made them a candidate for this high-risk experimentation.

They may be irredeemable but at least their life can be contributed to the greater good.

A scientist wearing a hazmat suit entered the chamber where Subject A was. He approached the subject carefully. He removed the cover from Subject A's head, revealing a man in his mid-30s with a hardened expression, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and rage. The scientist then placed several sensors on different parts of Subject A's body, ensuring that they would get accurate readings of his physiological responses.

Five minutes later, the scientist handed a plastic cup and a red pill. "I want you to

swallow this pill with the water provided."

Subject A looked at the pill in his hand, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "What is this? What's going to happen to me?" he demanded, his voice rough.

"It's a vaccine that we have developed to prevent any human bitten by zombies from turning into one of them," the scientist lied naturally as he breathed.

Subject A's eyes narrowed deeper. "Are you sure that this is a vaccine? I believe that vaccines are injected through the arms or something. Why is this a pill?"

The scientist maintained a calm demeanor, understanding that it was crucial to convince Subject A to proceed with the experiment. He began to explain, using technical language to instill a sense of security and credibility.

"While it is true that many vaccines are administered through injections, the field of medicine has advanced significantly, allowing us to develop oral vaccines that can be taken in pill form. This particular vaccine utilizes a cutting-edge nanoparticulate delivery system, which enhances the absorption of the active ingredients directly through the gastrointestinal tract," the scientist elucidated.

He continued, "The nanoparticles are engineered to protect the vaccine's components from the harsh environment of the stomach, ensuring that they remain intact until they reach the appropriate site of absorption. Once absorbed, the particles are designed to mimic the pathophysiology of a viral infection, eliciting a strong and specific immune response without causing the disease itself. This trains your immune system to recognize and fight off the actual virus, should you ever come into contact with it."

All those words went through Subject A's right ear and exited on the left. He never understood a single word the scientist said, but the confident tone and the scientific jargon seemed to have a reassuring effect on him. He decided to trust the scientist, albeit reluctantly.

"Okay, I will take it," Subject A finally said, his voice steady as he looked at the pill one more time before swallowing it with a gulp of water.

The scientist nodded in approval, maintaining his professional demeanor. "Good. Please inform us immediately if you start to feel any discomfort or notice any changes," he instructed as he made his way out of the secure room, leaving Subject A alone with his thoughts.

As the door closed behind the scientist, Richard shifted his focus back to the observation monitors, where the team was diligently recording and analyzing the data streaming in from the sensors attached to Subject A.

"Vitals are stable for now," Aaron reported, his eyes scanning the multiple screens in front of him. "Let's give it a few minutes to see how his body reacts."

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the observation room grew. The scientists kept a close eye on Subject A's vital signs, watching for any indication of an adverse reaction.

Suddenly, Subject A's vital signs began to fluctuate. His heart rate increased rapidly, and his breathing became labored.

"His blood pressure is spiking!" one of the scientists called out.

"Physical transformation detected," said the other scientist in the room. Richard watched as Subject A's body increased its size. Its body turns into a Hulk similar to the Tank in the game he played during his childhood, Left 4 Dead.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" yelled Subject A.

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