Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 102 Finding Conclusion of Pill Experiment Part 2

Chapter 102 Finding Conclusion of Pill Experiment Part 2

Log in to get LK and view more chapters.Richard focused on the transformation. It didn't look the same as how the boss transformed. Could he make a conjecture that each pill depending on the variants of the mutated zombies would yield different results on the subjects?

Richard observed closely as Subject A's body continued to morph, muscles bulging and skin stretching. It was a grotesque transformation, yet he couldn't look away; the data being collected was too valuable.

"Sir, everything is off the charts," Aaron informed Richard, his voice tense as he monitored the rapidly changing vital signs on the screen. "Heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate – they're all reaching critical levels."

"Keep monitoring him. Document everything," Richard instructed.

The room that held Subject A seemed to barely contain him now as his body expanded, his muscles becoming so large and defined that they appeared to be on the verge of bursting through his skin. The white patient shirt he was wearing ripped apart as his body continued to grow.

Subject A also grew insane, punching a meter-thick reinforced concrete wall with his newly acquired strength. Cracks spread across the surface as he screamed deeply and gutturally.

"Superhuman strength, check,"

Subject A's transformation seemed to reach its peak, as his screams became more guttural and his movements more erratic. The room shook with each punch he threw, and the team in the observation room could only watch in awe and horror as the man before them became something entirely different.

"Sir, do we still keep watching?" Aaron asked.

"I want to see if the Subject would survive the transformation on his own or if he will die out," Richard responded, his eyes still fixated on the monitors displaying the chaos unfolding in Subject A's containment room.

"Sir, the structural integrity of the containment room is at risk," another scientist interjected, his voice laced with concern. "If Subject A continues to exhibit this level of strength, he might break through."

"Don't worry about that, I have my army outside on standby to deal with him. Give him a minute or two. If he collapses, then there's nothing to worry about. If he does not collapse, initiate the protocol."

Two minutes later, Subject A began to stabilize, though his physical form remained drastically altered. His vital signs were still off the charts. But that must be because Subject A is a completely different entity now.

Subject A stared at the camera, its gaze piercing directly into the lens as if it could sense the observers on the other side. The scientists exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to proceed.

Richard, on the other hand, remained impassive.

"Yo–You lie…this is not…a vaccine!" Subject A spoke in a low, guttural voice, his words distorted but understandable.

"Subject A has retained the ability to articulate words, indicating that the neural pathways responsible for speech and language processing are still functional. Moreover, the preservation of memory appears to be evident, suggesting that the transformation induced by the pill has not completely obliterated cognitive functions," Aaron observed.

"As expected, there are no health bars on him too," Richard noted. "Well, it's best that we put this vengeful one down. Initiate the protocol."

Aaron nodded and pushed a large red button, a siren immediately began to blare throughout Subject A's room, disorienting him.

Inside Subject A's containment room, the floor suddenly erupted with flames, shooting upwards in a well-coordinated pattern designed to incapacitate and eliminate the threat. The intense heat and the roar of the fire filled the room, creating an inferno that would be nearly impossible for any ordinary human to survive.

Subject A, however, was far from ordinary.

His gargantuan form reacted with a roar of rage and pain. The flames licked at his skin, but rather than succumbing to the fire, he seemed to fight against it, his body thrashing violently as he resisted the onslaught.

Aaron and the rest of the team in the observation room watched in disbelief as the flames, which were calibrated to be potent enough to neutralize any immediate threat, seemed to have a diminished effect on Subject A.

"His body... it's resisting the flames!" one of the scientists exclaimed, her eyes wide as she observed the live feed from the containment room.

"I don't think so," Richard denied. "Maybe at first but look at him now."

Subject A's initially resistant form began to show signs of weakening as the flames continued to engulf the room. The once loud roars of rage and pain turned into guttural grunts, and his movements started to slow down. His hulking form was now slouched, struggling against the relentless fire.

The team in the observation room closely monitored the situation, their eyes never leaving the screens as they documented every moment of Subject A's ordeal.

"His vital signs are dropping rapidly," Aaron reported, his voice steady despite the intense situation unfolding before them.

Richard nodded, his gaze fixed on the monitor showing Subject A's diminishing form. "Keep the flames going until his vitals flatline. We need to ensure that the threat is completely neutralized."

The flames continued to roar, filling every inch of the containment room. Subject A's form was now barely visible through the thick and intense flames.

His movements had ceased, and the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the flames.

"Vitals are flatlining… Subject A is down," Aaron confirmed. The fire went out, leaving only the charred remnants of Subject A in the containment room. The room itself was blackened.

"Good, let's move on to Subject B."

The scientists did as they were told, switching to the monitor screen where Subject B was staying. This time, it won't be a pill extracted from the Goliath, but a pill extracted from the Flyers.

Just like what they did to Subject A, Subject B was instructed to swallow a pill.

Subject B's transformation was starkly different from Subject A's. As the wings sprouted from his back, his body began to shrink in size, becoming more streamlined and agile-looking. His facial features contorted, morphing into a more bird-like structure, with a beak forming where his nose and mouth once were.

And after gathering data, they burned Subject B's room and proceeded to the next.

Subject C swallowed a hunter pill, and transformed like the Boss from the previous experiment. They gathered data before burning him down. Lastly, the Hydra, it's the same as Subject C but differs in appearance. Subject C had sharp claws while Subject D had sharp arm blades.

With this experiment, Richard could now confidently conclude that if ordinary humans were to swallow the pill, they would turn into monsters. They will retain a semblance of themselves but ultimately, they will be overwhelmed by the monstrous traits acquired from the mutated zombies.

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