Chapter 129 Thunderbolt

"This is Thunderbolt, entering the AO," the pilot of the A-10 Warthog reported back to the command center. "I have a target in my sights."

"We copy Thunderbolt. Can you describe the appearance of the target, over?"

The pilot of the A-10 looked closely at the target through his advanced targeting system. After a few moments, he reported.

"Thunderbolt to Eagle Actual, the target appears to be a large, bipedal entity. It's covered in some kind of rock-like armor, with glowing fissures across its body. It's about two meters high."

"That's the monster that engaged in Unit 4," Sara said, turning towards Richard.

"Eagle Actual to Thunderbolt, you are cleared hot to engage on the target," Richard permitted.

"Roger that, Eagle Actual. Engaging now," the A-10 pilot responded

Thunderbolt descended lower, its powerful engines roaring as it aligned for the attack. The pilot activated the targeting system, locking onto the massive creature. The GAU-8 Avenger is known for its devastating impact against armored targets.

The monster, whose attention was fixed on Lisa now flickered onto another aircraft.?It snorted, a plume of steam escaping from its nostrils, as it braced for the incoming assault.

Thunderbolt swooped in, the GAU-8 Avenger primed and ready. The pilot, with a steady hand, unleashed a volley of 30mm rounds, the high-velocity ammunition designed to punch through armor. The rounds pelted against the monster's rock-like hide, sending shards of its armor flying.

The monster was able to withstand the force of the M230 chain gun, but this new gun, the GAU-8 Avenger, seemed to be causing more damage. The force of the rounds pushed the creature back, its massive form visibly recoiling with each hit.

The gun continued to rattle in its iconic rhythm, the 'brrrt' sound echoing across the battlefield.

Ten seconds later, the GAU-8's barrage ceased as the A-10 completed its strafing run. Thunderbolt swiftly ascended, its engines howling as it prepared to loop back for another attack.

Below, the monster, disoriented and battered from the relentless assault, tried to track the aircraft's movement. It snarled angrily as it grappled with this new, airborne threat.

And there the monster found the aircraft. Growling, the monster began to hop, with each hop increasing in height and power. The first leap shook the ground noticeably, causing small fissures to form. As it continued to hop, the force exerted by each landing grew more destructive. The ground vibrated violently, widening the cracks with each impact.

By its third leap, the monster's hops had become tremendously powerful. The landings now caused significant ruptures in the earth, with debris being thrown into the air. The intensity of the vibrations threatened the structural integrity of nearby buildings, causing windows to shatter and smaller structures to show signs of damage.

Meanwhile, the A-10 Warthog, circling above, observed the increasing destruction. "Thunderbolt to command, the target's jumps are causing major ground damage, and it's jumping high."

"Copy that, Thunderbolt, proceed with caution. That monster definitely wants to catch you," Richard replied with a serious tone.

The pilot of Thunderbolt, circling for a better angle, lined up his next attack. "Here we go," he muttered to himself. As he swooped in, the Avenger roared to life again, sending another barrage of rounds toward the monster.

This time, the rounds hit the monster during one of its leaps. The impact in mid-air caused the creature to lose its trajectory, crashing heavily to the ground. The earth shook violently upon its landing, creating a large crater and sending a cloud of debris into the air.

"Direct hit while airborne," the pilot reported triumphantly, "the target is down, but not confirmed neutralized."

"That monster is not going down easily, Thunderbolt, use your Maverick missiles," Richard instructed.

"Roger that, switching to Mavericks," the A-10 pilot acknowledged. He quickly armed the AGM-65 Maverick missiles, a type of air-to-ground missile designed for precision strikes against hardened targets.

The monster, now lying in the crater it created, struggled to regain its composure. Its movements were slower, hindered by the injuries inflicted by the Avenger's rounds. However, it still posed a significant threat, as evidenced by its attempt to rise.

Thunderbolt circled above, carefully aligning for a clear shot with the Maverick. As the A-10 locked onto the target, the pilot fired a Maverick missile. The missile streaked toward the monster.

Upon impact, there was a significant explosion, the force of which sent another shockwave through the area.

Dust and debris clouded the air, obscuring the immediate aftermath of the strike. As the dust settled, the monster was seen struggling, significantly weakened by the direct hit from the Maverick.

"Thunderbolt to Eagle Actual, Maverick hit confirmed. The target is severely damaged," reported the pilot, monitoring the situation from above.

"Do it again and again until that monster is no longer moving or better, in pieces. Expend all of your armaments on it!" Richard commanded firmly.

"Copy, Eagle Actual. Engaging with remaining armaments"

Thunderbolt prepared for another missile strike. Moments later, the A-10 released all of its remaining missiles, each one targeted precisely at the monster. The missiles streaked down, impacting in quick succession, engulfing the creature in multiple explosions.

The blasts were massive, each one adding to the destruction of the already battered landscape. The ground trembled under the force of the consecutive detonations, sending more debris and dust into the sky.

As the dust began to settle, the monster lay motionless in the crater but not yet. Richard has a way of confirming if the monster is down.

"Use all of your GAU-8 rounds on it now!" Richard ordered.

Thunderbolt descended, aligning directly above the target. The pilot unleashed the full fury of the GAU-8 Avenger, the cannon's 'brrrt' sound resonating loudly as it released a torrent of high-velocity rounds. The rounds pummeled the monster's body, penetrating its rock-like armor and ensuring no possibility of further movement.

After expending the last of the ammunition, the A-10 ascended, circling the area to assess the damage. Below, the monster lay in a heap of rubble and dust, its form now unmistakably lifeless.

"Thunderbolt to Eagle Actual, GAU-8 rounds expended."

[Congratulations you have killed a Juggernaut!]

[You received 33,000,000 gold coins!]

[You received 110,000 experience points!]

This is how Richard confirms the kills of the mutated zombies. So its name is Juggernaut huh? It's slightly higher than the Alpha Hunter.

"Eagle Actual to Thunderbolt, target has been eliminated and destroyed," Richard informed.

"Copy that, Eagle Actual. I'm RTB, out here."

"Now that we have cleared that thing, let's search for my sister. Get the chopper ready."

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