Chapter 130 Search

Atop the Ayala North Exchange Tower 1, Richard stepped into the VN-60N helicopter, accompanied by Graves and Mark, who were assigned as his bodyguards for the operation.

Since eliminating the Juggernaut, Richard had yet to locate his little sister. It was imperative for him to join the search personally. In support, Blackhawk helicopters and drones were deployed for aerial reconnaissance, scanning for threats comparable to the Juggernaut. Meanwhile, ground forces mobilized, heading towards the operation area in their vehicles.

As the helicopter's rotors whirred to life, Richard was plagued by unsettling thoughts. The possibility of his sister's death weighed heavily on him. Where could she possibly be in such chaos? The idea of failing in his promise to protect her was distressing.

At this moment, Richard was hunched over in his seat, visibly burdened by his thoughts. The helicopter began its ascent, swiftly cutting through the sky toward the search area. He gazed out of the window, his eyes scanning the landscape below.

"Eagle Actual, this is Eagle Eye," Sara introduced. "No signs of the package moving about the AO, how copy, over."

"Eagle Actual, ground teams are ten minutes out to the AO. We will conduct a search and rescue as soon as we arrive."

"No signs of Juggernaut or any mutated zombies in the AO."

The team's radio crackled to life, with updates flowing in from other units. There were no signs of threats like the Juggernaut for now, but the situation was fluid and uncertain. Richard listened intently, analyzing every piece of information that could lead him to his sister…but there was none.

"All stations, this is Eagle Actual," Richard spoke firmly into the radio, his voice cutting through the static. "This mission is a high-priority rescue operation. Our primary objective is to locate and secure my sister and her squad. Stay sharp and report any findings immediately."

The helicopter continued its steady flight towards the area of operation and about five minutes later, they arrived.

Richard looked out of the window where the juggernaut was lying lifelessly in the center of a charred crater. And then his eyes darted around to search for his sister. There was none again.

"I think, sir, she might be hiding in one of the buildings," Graves suggested, breaking the silence.

Richard nodded in agreement. "It's a possibility but given the number of helicopters flying about the area of operation, there's no way my sister won't come out of the building she and her squad are hiding in."

"That's a good point," Mark concurred. "Reports said that there are no zombies found in the area of operation. Sir…I think we have to consider the possibility—"

"Consider it already? We haven't even landed on the ground yet and you are telling me that we already consider them dead?" Richard snapped as his frustration and stress mounted. Mark recoiled slightly, realizing his words just now.

"I apologize sir."

The helicopter landed on the ground, its landing skids touching down firmly. Richard quickly unbuckled and stepped out, followed closely by Graves and Mark. The area was eerily quiet, with the devastation from previous encounters evident all around.

"All stations, Eagle Actual landed, I repeat, Eagle Actual landed. Those in the air, if you see figures squirting out of the building, inform us immediately. The Unit-4 squad may be internal."

The ground teams acknowledged his command, their responses crackling over the radio. Richard, flanked by Graves and Mark, began leading the search on foot. They moved with purpose, their eyes scanning every building and shadow.

It took ten minutes until their radios crackled to life.

"Eagle Actual, we have identified a corpse from Unit-4," said the ground team leader. "Located half a click to the east from your position," the ground team leader continued. "We're securing the area now."

Richard's heart sank at the news. He quickly responded, "Understood. We're on our way." Turning to Graves and Mark, he signaled them to follow, his pace quickening.

As they approached the location, Richard braced himself for what they might find. The area was cordoned off by the ground team, who stood solemnly as Richard and his team arrived.

Richard entered the perimeter and saw two bodies inside a body bag. He knelt beside it, his heart pounding dreadfully.

"Open it," he instructed the corpsman with a steady voice, bracing himself for what he might see.

The corpsman carefully unzipped the body bag. Inside were two bodies, young girls. Richard's eyes widened in recognition – it was Angela and Ella, classmates of his sister, Lisa.

"Oh my god," Richard breathed out. Angela and Ella, two young girls caught in the chaos, now lifeless before him. He felt a deep sense of grief for them. They were cheery and a good friend of his little sister. He remembered the times when those girls were clingy and thankful for him.

Now what to tell their parents who were living in the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp about their passing? For sure, they won't take it well. Richard knew the unbearable pain of losing loved ones in such a conflict. He stood up, a heavy feeling in his chest.

"Close it," Richard instructed the corpsman, his voice somber. The corpsman nodded and carefully zipped the body bag back up. Richard took a moment to collect himself, the reality of the loss hitting him hard. He knew he had to face the parents and break the devastating news, a task he dreaded but knew was necessary.

Turning to Graves and Mark, he said. "Let's keep searching, Lisa and Denise are still out there."

"Sir…what if they are dead as well?" Mark asked.

"Can you stop asking me that question until confirmed, Mark? Seriously, I'm not in the mood to entertain such thoughts right now," Richard replied.

Mark nodded, understanding the reprimand and the group pressed on. Two minutes later, their radio crackled to life.

"Eagle Actual, this is Eagle Eye. We may have found your sister…"

"Eagle Eye, this is Eagle Actual, is she alive?" Richard asked, hoping that it was the case.

"She is Eagle Actual. But you have to get to her location now. I'm sending you the coordinates."

Richard felt a rush of relief?"Coordinates received. We're moving out immediately," he responded firmly.?He quickly shared the location with Graves and Mark.

"That's one and a half click away from us. We are going to need a vehicle," Graves

"That's one and a half clicks away from us. We are going to need a vehicle," Graves observed, looking at the distance they had to cover.

Richard quickly scanned the area. "There, that armored vehicle. Let's use it," he directed, pointing to a nearby military vehicle parked.

Graves and Mark quickly followed Richard to the vehicle. Richard got into the driver's seat, fired up the engine, and set off toward the coordinates at full speed.

They reached the location in record time and from the windshield, they saw soldiers encircling someone, their guns lowered. Richard and the two stepped out of the vehicle and walked through it.

After squeezing through the encircling soldiers, Richard saw Lisa holding up the upper body of a person close to her. He quickened his pace toward her.

As Richard drew closer, he could see the person was Denise, Lisa's friend. Denise was motionless, her face pale and streaked with dirt. Lisa was visibly distraught, tears streaming down her face as she held onto Denise.

Richard knelt beside them. Gently, he placed a hand on Lisa's shoulder. "Lisa," he said softly, trying to comfort her.

Lisa looked up at him, her eyes filled with grief. "She's dead…brother…Denise…Angela…Ella…they are all dead. Why didn't you tell us that there'd be a monster like that roaming in the area we are assigned to."

Richard cleared his throat, this is the hard part.

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