Chapter 131 Reflection

Richard looked into Lisa's tear-streaked face, her accusation echoing in his ears. He took a deep breath, searching for the right words to explain the situation. The grief in her eyes was palpable, and he knew that no explanation could fully ease her pain.

"Lisa," Richard began. "I did everything within my power to ensure your safety and that of your squad. We didn't anticipate a mutated zombie in your area of operation. The intelligence we had suggested was clear."

Lisa's gaze hardened, her voice trembling with emotion. "But there was one, Richard! Denise, Angela, Ella… they're gone because of it!"

Richard felt the weight of each name, a heavy burden on his heart. "I know, and I'm so sorry," he said earnestly. "These mutated zombies, they're unpredictable. It wasn't supposed to happen."

Lisa looked away, her body shaking with sobs. "Do you think your sorry would bring them back, brother?"

Richard's heart ached at Lisa's words, her sorrow cutting deep. He struggled to find the right response, knowing that nothing he said could bring back her friends or erase the pain.

"No, Lisa, I know 'sorry' won't bring them back," Richard replied. "There's nothing I can say to reverse what happened. I wish I could, more than anything…this is a mistake on my part. I shouldn't have let you all out without an officer to guide you. This is something I overlooked…"

Richard believed that the Volunteer Corps, after two months of training, could deal with basic threats like zombies on their own. After all, in part of their training, they were doing live exercises where the Blackwatch would bring a zombie into the camp and have the Volunteer Corps eliminate it using their weapons.

They also selected areas that had little to no threat for their first operation. This situation is just unlucky, unfortunate, and unexpected. He thought the training and the precautions we took were enough. But I was wrong, and that mistake cost lives.

Lisa's tears continued streaming down her cheek as she continued embracing Denise, her grief overwhelming. Richard stood beside her, feeling helpless in the face of her sorrow. He knew that words alone couldn't mend the heartache but felt compelled to offer whatever solace he could.

"Lisa, I want you to know that we will take every measure to ensure this never happens again," Richard said, his voice firm with resolve. "The loss of Denise, Angela, and Ella will not be in vain. We will learn from this tragedy, and we will improve. Your safety and the safety of every member of the Volunteer Corps is my top priority."

Lisa, still holding Denise, nodded slowly. "I just wish... I wish it didn't have to come to this," she managed to say through her sobs. "She even sacrificed her life for my safety…"

"Lisa…I'm giving you all the time you need to grieve for your friends. Whenever you feel ready to leave, just contact me. Don't worry about zombies coming to our location, my men will handle them."

"Brother…why is that I still feel powerless? I can't do anything to save my classmates, I can't do anything…in fact, I can't do anything at all! And I'm so disheartened that I'm not enough….I always uttered your name whenever I'm faced with danger. When I was supposed to die when that monster came charging at me, your men came. Is my fate destined only to be rescued? "And not stand up on my own?"

Richard looked at her, understanding the depth of her feelings. He wanted to find the right words, to say something that would ease her pain and self-doubt, but he struggled. Communicating in emotionally charged situations like this was not his strength.

"There's nothing…" he started, then paused, searching for the right words. "There's nothing wrong with needing help, Lisa. It doesn't make you weak or powerless. It makes you human. We all face moments where we rely on others. That's how we survive and get stronger."

You know brother…if I wasn't your little sister, I would probably be dead by now," Lisa said, "If it was Denise, Angela, or Ella. They would live because they would be valued just because they are your little sister."

"Don't say that…"?Richard interjected gently.

"But it's true, right? It's still fresh in my memory during the time when we were at school. If you weren't my brother, I'd find myself a slave to another man."

"Look, Lisa, I know. I get it, you are frustrated, you are feeling a lot of emotions right now. But it won't change that you are my little sister in this world. And those things you are afraid to happen to you, they won't happen."

Lisa was stunned momentarily by Richard snapping out, she lowered Denise to the ground and stood.

"I want to go home brother…and please…for the time being, don't talk to me," Lisa said quietly.

Richard signaled the corpsman to come over and assist. "Please, take care of Denise's body."

"Yes sir,"

The corpsmen began their work, kneeling next to Denise, and then gently lifting her into a body bag with respectful solemnity.

Lisa watched in silence as the corpsmen zipped up the body bag, encapsulating her friend in a final, somber embrace.

Richard stood beside Lisa, offering his silent presence as a form of support, though he knew it could never fill the void left by her loss. The air was heavy with grief, the kind that words could never fully encapsulate.

After a few moments, Lisa turned to Richard and then walked past him. Is she mad or angry at him? That he could never know, nor does have the guts to ask, especially when she's at this stage.

"Let's wrap this up everyone," Richard raised his voice before reaching for his radio. "All stations, this is Eagle Actual. We found the package and she is alive, we are returning back to base."


Fifteen minutes later, every Blackwatch force that participated in the search arrived at the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp. Lisa was transported to her residence while Richard landed at the command center building. Later, he'll announce the passing of the three to the parents.

"Sir, you and your sister seem off," Graves observed.

"Yeah, she said she doesn't want to talk to me for the time being," Richard confirmed.

"Well, it's best that you fix whatever issue your siblings have, especially when the wave is coming in four days."

"I know, that's why I'm preparing for it," Richard said. "But not today, I'll give her time alone."

Graves nodded understandingly. "Just remember, sir, we're here if you need us."

Mark also nodded, offering his support.

"Thank you guys, but I think I know who to ask about this situation," Richard said.

Mark and Graves exchanged glances before asking together, "Who?"

"Sara," Richard revealed.

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