Chapter 143 The Second Wave Part 3

Richard steadied himself, his suit's systems locking onto the Juggernaut. The suit's enhanced sensors fed him real-time data, calculating the best approach to take this behemoth down. He knew he had to be smart about this; brute force alone wouldn't be enough.

As the Juggernaut closed in, Richard launched into action. He maneuvered swiftly, using the agility of his suit to dodge the lumbering attacks of the Juggernaut. He aimed his weapon, firing pulsefire cannon shots to weaken the creature.

The Juggernaut roared in anger and pain, swinging its massive arms in an attempt to hit Richard. Richard, however, kept his distance, continuously moving and shooting, exploiting the Juggernaut's slow reactions.

As with every non-mutated and mutated zombie, there is a health bar atop its head. Showing the damage he had incurred to that initial attack.

[Juggernaut: 95 %]

Based on the damage alone, the pulsefire cannon seemed to deal quite a lot of damage to the flesh of the Juggernaut. Now he just has to fire at a spot where its huge arms and fists aren't in the way.

But before he could decide his next move, the Juggernaut lurched forward, and the earth beneath its feet cracked as it unleashed an unexpected burst of speed. Richard, caught off guard by the sudden acceleration, barely had time to react.

The Juggernaut's massive form collided with him, its momentum too great for Richard to fully evade. They crashed through the nearest building, shattering walls and creating a path of destruction. Dust and debris filled the air as they tumbled through room after room.

Inside his suit, Richard felt the impact of each collision. Despite the suit's advanced design and protective features, the force of the Juggernaut's charge was overwhelming. He struggled to regain control, to find a way to counter this unexpected turn of events.

As they finally came to a stop, Richard found himself pinned against a wall, the Juggernaut looming over him.

Richard struggled to break free, and moments after, he found an opening. He knew that the monster didn't have a groin between its legs, but nevertheless, he kicked it there. The Juggernaut, momentarily stunned by the unexpected move, loosened its grip, allowing Richard to escape.

Wasting no time, Richard followed up with a powerful right haymaker to the Juggernaut's face, the impact resonating through his suit's arm. The creature staggered backward, momentarily dazed. Richard then delivered a swift left uppercut, further disorienting the Juggernaut.

Seizing the moment, Richard executed a roundhouse kick with all the force his suit could muster. The kick landed squarely on the Juggernaut's torso, sending the massive creature flying across the room. It crashed against the far wall, leaving a sizable dent and a cloud of dust in its wake.

The health bar above the Juggernaut's head flickered and dropped significantly:

[Juggernaut: 80%]

Richard looked at his arms, impressed by the power of the suit it had given him. He knew he couldn't waste this opportunity. The Juggernaut, though weakened, was beginning to rise again. Richard quickly repositioned himself, ready for another round.

This time, he decided to focus on maintaining his distance while continuously firing. The Juggernaut, now at 80% health, was slower due to the damage it had sustained. Richard took advantage of this, moving around the creature and firing strategically.

The Juggernaut tried to block the shot with its massive arms as it tried approaching him. But Richard was too quick, darting in and out of its reach.

When he created a distance, he deactivated his pulsefire cannon and rushed forward. The Juggernaut, seeing that Richard was coming at it, responded, readying itself for another attack. However, Richard's agility and the suit's enhanced speed gave him an edge.

As the Juggernaut swung its arm to strike, Richard used the momentum to propel himself upward, executing a perfectly timed flying knee kick. The force of the impact was amplified by the suit's power, and Richard's knee connected squarely with the Juggernaut's head.

The blow was so powerful that it caused the Juggernaut to stagger backward, its health bar dropping significantly:

[Juggernaut: 60%]

The Juggernaut, now at 60% health, was visibly disoriented from the flying knee kick. Richard saw his opportunity and decided to take the fight up close. He closed the distance between them.

As the Juggernaut attempted to regain its balance, Richard quickly positioned himself behind the massive creature. Using all the strength his suit could provide, he wrapped his arms around the Juggernaut's waist. With a powerful heave, Richard executed a suplex, lifting the enormous creature off its feet and slamming it onto the ground with tremendous force.

The ground shook upon impact, and a cloud of dust erupted around them. The Juggernaut's health bar took another significant hit from the maneuver:

[Juggernaut: 40%]

Richard quickly rolled away, getting back to his feet.

The Juggernaut momentarily sat back, trying to gather itself. Seizing this opportunity, Richard charged forward.

The Juggernaut, still disoriented and now in a sitting position, was a prime target. Richard, calculating his move, launched himself towards the Juggernaut with a burst of speed. As he reached the creature, he delivered a powerful kick directly to its face.

The force of the kick was immense, causing the Juggernaut to slide backward along the ground. The creature's massive weight and the power of the kick created a trail of fissures and debris in its path, tearing up the ground as it slid. The Juggernaut's health bar above its head rapidly decreased as it moved.

[Juggernaut: 20%]

Richard watched as the Juggernaut came to a stop, its form now sprawled on the ground.

"Wow…this suit is truly something," Richard panted.

"Wow…this suit is truly something," Richard panted, taking a moment to catch his breath and survey the damage. The Juggernaut, now at 20% health, was struggling to get up, its movements sluggish and labored.

Richard, realizing the fight was nearing its end, decided to engage it in close combat, turning the battle into a more personal confrontation.

Richard approached the Juggernaut, who had managed to stand up once more. The creature swung its massive fists in a slow, cumbersome manner, trying to land a hit on Richard. But Richard dodged and weaved effortlessly around the Juggernaut's attacks.

He landed blow after blow on the Juggernaut, his fists powered by the suit's enhanced strength. Each punch Richard delivered was precise and powerful, targeting the Juggernaut's weak spots. The Juggernaut tried to retaliate, but its slow movements were no match for Richard's speed and agility.

The health bar above the Juggernaut's head continued to decrease rapidly with each hit Richard landed:

[Juggernaut: 10%]

It was clear that the Juggernaut was on its last legs. Richard maintained his relentless assault, not giving the creature any chance to recover. He ducked under a slow, swinging fist and delivered a series of rapid punches to the Juggernaut's torso.

Finally, seeing an opening, Richard decided it was time to finish the battle. He quickly stepped back.

With a burst of speed, Richard dashed forward. He delivered a strong punch to the Juggernaut's foot, targeting a weak spot in its structure. The hit threw the Juggernaut off balance, causing it to stumble and fall, crashing onto the ground with a thunderous roar.

The Juggernaut lay prone, struggling weakly. Richard, seizing the moment, moved to the creature's head. With a grip.

He grabbed the Juggernaut's head. The suit's servos whirred and strained as Richard applied force.

After a tense moment, Richard managed to pull the Juggernaut's head off, effectively finishing the fight. The health bar above the Juggernaut's head depleted entirely.

[Juggernaut: 0%]

[Congratulations you have killed a Juggernaut!]

[You received 66,000,000 gold coins!]

[You received 220,000 experience points!]

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