Chapter 144 The Second Wave Part 4

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 32

Available Skill Points: 0

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 2, Driving Proficiency Level 2. Tactical Mastery Level 1.

Experience points: 7,963,565/8,091,124

Current gold balance: 231,210,500]

"Damn," Richard inwardly cursed after checking his latest system stats. He is over a hundred thousand experience points short to increase his level to thirty-three. If he had leveled, he would be able to increase the level of this Melee Proficiency to three.

That was unfortunate but, looking at the corpse of the Juggernaut, a wave of satisfaction washed over him. The suit is truly a game-changer. Sure they could use the Juggernaut with conventional means but with a suit, it was easier and more efficient as it only needed a human being to operate. The sad thing is that it is expensive.

He wondered if he could increase the power of the suit. He checked his inventory and checked if there was an upgrade icon. Usually, a suit like he was wearing right now has upgraded features. But to his dismay, there was none.

Curious, Richard opened the shop tab and noticed many locked items. He speculated whether there might be an even more powerful suit available than the one he was wearing. However, acquiring such a suit would likely require a lot of gold coins.

Well, this wave is giving him all the gold coins he needs for future upgrades.

"Eagle…Eagle do you copy?"

The built-in communication device sounded, snapping Richard's attention.

"This is Eagle, I hear you loud and clear. I just exterminated the Juggernaut in the north. Is there any place that I can put myself to use?"

"Well, there are two hunters in the south, approaching fast. Possibly they are the Alpha type," Mark replied.

"I have killed a Juggernaut. These hunters should be manageable," Richard responded, his tone confident yet cautious. The prospect of facing Alpha-type hunters was a challenge. He remembered the time when he encountered one with Andrea. They were huge and more powerful than their inferior variants. But after his recent victory, he felt prepared.

"Eagle…you sure you are not pushing yourself hard?" Mark asked.

"I'm fine, Blackwatch Actual. I was barely damaged by the Juggernaut in our encounter," Richard reassured Mark. He checked his suit's integrity one more time, confirming it was still at optimal performance. His health bar remained full.

"Alright, Eagle. The hunters are last seen heading towards the abandoned commercial zone. Be cautious, because there are people here waiting for you," Mark advised.

"Let me guess, it's Sara right?" Richard said.

"Aside from Sara, there is one, do you want to talk to her?" Mark asked.

"Okay, put them through," Richard granted.

Seconds later, Richard heard a voice that he immediately recognized.


"Lisa," Richard said, a hint of surprise in his voice. He hadn't expected to hear from his sister in the middle of a mission.

"What are you doing? Why are you in the combat zone?" Lisa demanded with a worried tone.

"I'm doing what needs to be done, Lisa. Taking care of the zombies that are threatening to invade our camp," Richard explained calmly, trying to alleviate his sister's concerns.

"Alone? Brother…please sorry if I am ignoring you when you are trying to reach me…but it doesn't mean that I completely hate you. Brother…please…don't leave me…you have your army, you don't have to be there fighting…."

"You're wrong Lisa," Richard cut her off. "Look I understand what you are feeling at the time and I'm not doing this because you are acting that way. I'm doing this because I got a new weapon…You'll see it later once I kill those two hunters."

"Weapon?" Lisa repeated, glancing at Mark and Sara. "What is brother talking about?"

"Just like what your brother said. You'll see it later," Sara spoke softly, as if reassuring Lisa. There was a hint of confidence in her voice, showing trust in Richard's capabilities.

Richard, meanwhile, kept his focus on the task at hand. "Lisa, I need to go now. These hunters won't wait for us. I promise I'll explain everything once I'm back."

"Okay, brother, just… please be careful," Lisa said.

"I always am," Richard replied with a small smile, then ended the communication with his little sister.

This time, Mark took over the communications. "Eagle, I'm sending you the coordinates of the hunters. Follow it and it'll lead you right to their location."

"Received, Blackwatch Actual. Heading there now," Richard acknowledged, checking the coordinates on his HUD. The location was deep in the heart of the commercial zone.

The location was deep in the heart of the commercial zone, a sprawling area filled with deserted shops and office buildings. Richard advanced cautiously, navigating through the streets and alleys, his suit's sensors on high alert.

As he moved closer to the coordinates, Richard's HUD displayed a real-time map of the area, highlighting potential hiding spots for the Alpha hunters. He knew they could be anywhere, waiting to ambush.

Richard reached the specified location, a wide plaza surrounded by tall buildings with shattered windows. It was eerily quiet, the silence only broken by the distant sounds of gunshots from the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp.

He scanned the area, looking for any signs of the hunters. Suddenly, his suit's motion detectors beeped, indicating movement on the upper floors of a nearby building. Richard looked up, just in time to see a shadowy figure darting across a broken window.

Without hesitation, Richard leaped to the side, just in time to avoid the landing of the first Alpha Hunter. It crashed onto the ground where he had been standing, the impact sending debris flying. Richard quickly regained his footing and prepared to engage.

The Alpha hunter was fast, closing the distance between them in a few strides.

Richard focused on the movement of its large arms, with razor-sharp claws cleaving in the air. He ducked low, evading the slashing attacks, and found his opening. With a quick, powerful motion, he delivered a solid punch to the Alpha Hunter's solar plexus. The force of the impact, amplified by the suit's strength, made the creature stagger back, momentarily winded.

Richard didn't waste this opportunity. He followed up with a series of rapid strikes, each one aimed at critical points in the hunter's anatomy. The temple, the jaw, and the throat.

As he was doing that, he suddenly found himself flinging forward as he felt a force pushing him from behind.

Richard crashed at one of the storefronts.

[Shield Integrity: 90%]

Richard rose to his feet, quickly turning around to find out who attacked him. It was another hunter, an Alpha type. But instead of razor-sharp claws, the second one had biomass fists that could probably crush anyone it got a hold of.

"Oh yeah, Mark said that there were two of them…" Richard muttered.

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