Chapter 145 The Second Wave Part 5

A notification on his heads-up display flickered.

[Threat Assessment: Very High.]

That notification was accompanied by a blare of an alarm, telling him that facing those two alone would be difficult for him.

"Are you telling me that I can't deal with them myself huh?" Richard muttered under his breath. In that case—.

"This is Eagle, give me the fast support you can give to me at my coordinates. I'm facing two strong variants of a mutated zombie—"

Before Richard could finish his words, the Alpha Hunter with razor-sharp claws lunged at him with ferocious speed. Reacting instinctively, Richard rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding its swipe. His suit's sensors beeped, warning him of the imminent danger from both sides.

Richard quickly regained his footing, facing the dual threat head-on. The two Alpha Hunters, one with razor-sharp claws and the other with massive biomass fists coordinated their attacks, trying to overpower him.

The clawed Alpha Hunter swiped at Richard again, its claws whistling through the air. Richard blocked with his forearm guard, the impact sending a jolt through his suit. He counterattacked with a swift punch to its abdomen, but the creature barely flinched, retaliating with another swipe.

At the same time, the biomass-fisted Hunter swung its heavy arm towards Richard. He ducked under the swing, feeling the air shift above him. He used the momentum to launch a counterstrike, aiming a kick at the hunter's knee. The force buckled the creature's leg, but it quickly recovered, swinging its other fist towards Richard.

Richard stepped back, narrowly avoiding the blow. His HUD displayed real-time data, calculating the timing and trajectory of their attacks. He needed to find a way to separate them, to handle them one at a time.

He quickly devised a plan. Richard feinted an attack towards the clawed Hunter, drawing its attention. As it lunged towards him, Richard sidestepped and pushed it into the path of the other Hunter's swing. The two creatures collided, momentarily disorienting them.

Seizing the moment, Richard targeted the clawed Hunter first. He unleashed a flurry of punches, targeting its vital points. The hunter staggered under the onslaught, struggling to defend itself.

However, the biomass-fisted Hunter recovered quickly and charged at Richard from behind. Richard sensed the movement and rolled away at the last second, avoiding a crushing blow that shattered the concrete where he had just been.

Richard was now sandwiched between the two Hunters, in a critical situation. He needed to act fast. He activated his suit's boosters for a burst of speed, darting towards the clawed Hunter. In a fluid motion, he delivered a powerful uppercut, sending it reeling backward.

Without pausing, Richard spun around to face the biomass-fisted Hunter. The creature was slower but more powerful. Richard dodged its punches, looking for an opening. Finally, he found it. He ducked under a swing and delivered a powerful blow to its solar plexus, followed by a rapid combination of strikes to its head and chest.

At this point, it may seem like he was dealing damage to them, but when he looked atop their head, their health bars were still high, above sixty percent.

"Blackwatch Actual, I need support now!" Richard shouted into his comm, while simultaneously dodging another vicious swipe from the clawed Alpha Hunter.

"Eagle, support is inbound. AC-130 is one minute out. Hold your position," Mark's voice crackled through the comm.

Richard acknowledged the update with a quick nod, even though Mark couldn't see it. He knew he just needed to hold off the Alpha Hunters for one more minute. He focused on defense, using his suit's agility to evade the barrage of attacks.

The biomass-fisted Hunter made a sweeping move, trying to catch Richard off-guard. Richard leaped back, the fist missing him by inches. The clawed Hunter, seizing the opportunity, lunged at him. Richard managed to block the attack with his arm, but the force of the impact pushed him back.

[Shield Integrity: 85%]

Richard's HUD flashed another warning. He was still in good shape, but he couldn't let his guard down. The two Hunters were relentless, and even a moment's lapse could be fatal.

Richard kept moving, his eyes constantly scanning for any opening. He knew he couldn't defeat them with brute force alone; he needed to outsmart them. He dodged another series of swipes and punches, looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

Suddenly, the sound of roaring engines filled the air.'

"This is Spooky-1, ready for tasking Eagle. But before that, we need to see you. Does your combat suit have an IR strobe?" The pilot of the AC-130 asked.

Richard, while keeping an eye on the Alpha Hunters, quickly responded, "Affirmative, activating now." He activated the infrared (IR) strobe on his suit, a feature designed for situations just like this. The strobe emitted a signal only visible to the AC-130's sensors, marking his location.

"Strobe activated, I'm marking my position. Be advised, two Alpha Hunters on my position," Richard communicated and added, "I want to fire on them, danger close confirmed."

"Copy that, Eagle. Danger close fire mission is a go. Hold tight," the pilot of the AC-130, Spooky-1, responded. The seriousness of the situation was clear in his tone.

Richard prepared himself for the imminent strike. He knew the risks of a danger close mission, but the situation called for drastic measures. He continued to dodge the relentless attacks from the Alpha Hunters.

The AC-130's powerful guns roared to life above. Richard could hear the rounds cutting through the air, headed straight for the Alpha Hunters. He took a calculated risk, moving closer to the Hunters to ensure the accuracy of the airstrike.

The rounds from the AC-130 began to rain down around him. Explosions erupted, sending shockwaves through the area. Richard felt the heat and pressure from the blasts, but his suit shielded him from the worst of it.

The Alpha Hunters, caught off guard by the sudden barrage, tried to retaliate, but the overwhelming firepower was too much for them. They were hit repeatedly, their health bars rapidly depleting under the intense assault.

Richard seized the opportunity. While the Hunters were disoriented from the strikes, he went around the clawed Alpha Hunter, wrapped his arm around its neck, and with a swift movement, snapped its neck. The hunter's body went limp, its health bar finally dropping to zero.

The biomass-fisted Hunter, despite being hit by the AC-130's fire, was still attempting to recover. Richard didn't give it a chance. He approached the creature and kicked it squarely in the torso. The biomass-fisted Hunter flew several meters and Richard spoke.

"Sending 105 rounds," the fire control officer on the AC-130 responded promptly. Richard quickly moved away from the biomass-fisted Hunter, positioning himself at a safe distance.

He watched as the AC-130 adjusted its position in the sky. Moments later, the sound of heavy artillery filled the air. The 105mm shells hurtled down to the earth. Seconds later, a huge explosion enveloped the area where the biomass-fisted Hunter lay.

A smile spread across Richard's lips.

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