Chapter 174 Alpha Gryphon Part 2

Mark observed the unfolding scene on the monitor, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It seems that the creature prioritizes those containers above everything else," he commented, his voice reflecting his intrigue.

Graves, standing beside him, nodded in agreement. "I think you're right, Mark. Its actions are too deliberate to be coincidental," he added, his eyes not leaving the screen.

Sara chimed in from her console, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she analyzed the data. "There's a high likelihood that this monster has been summoned by the progenitor specifically to retrieve those two magic users," she suggested, her tone indicating she was piecing together the puzzle.

Richard, listening intently to his team, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I think you all have a point," he said slowly, his mind working through the implications. "In fact, this creature might even be tracking the containers. How else could it intercept an A400M with such precision? It's as if it knows exactly where it's heading," he mused, the wheels turning in his head.

"About that, we haven't extracted the pill right?" Mark asked.

"No, the extraction process of the pill hasn't commenced yet," Richard replied. "Dr. Aaron advised against rushing it. They have planned to conduct it in New Clark City, where they have better facilities and resources."

Richard paused for a moment, considering the situation. "The team there has been conducting extensive research on the two magic users. They're trying to understand their physiology and potential capabilities more deeply," he explained, highlighting the importance of the research.

"So if that progenitor or master or whatever wants to get those two back, then they must be very important to him."

"Well if that is the case, then let's not give him what he wants. Instead of attacking the Alpha Gryphon, we destroy those containers, along with the magic users inside it."

"That I can agree," Graves said.

Mark nodded, absorbing the implications of Richard's strategy. "Destroying the containers would indeed prevent the progenitor from reclaiming the magic users," he acknowledged. "But we should also consider the potential intelligence loss. Those users could hold valuable information about the progenitor's plans and capabilities."

Graves, weighing the tactical trade-offs, added, "Agreed. However, our priority is to neutralize any immediate threat. If those magic users are vital to the progenitor, eliminating them could significantly hinder his operations…like this is what we were committed to doing in the first place."

"Well…I'm just saying," Mark said. "You see, they are important to the master, so if we kill them, that master will unleash hell upon us."

"They have been unleashing hell on us since day one Mark," Graves replied. "And we have overcome it since day 1. So if the master is going to decide to up his game, we are going to up ours."

Richard, having listened to the debate, made his decision. "We've always known this apocalypse was a war of attrition. True we may have an infinite supply of weapons and ammunition but what if the master could do the same? Summoning mutated zombies infinitely but can't produce those two magic users. Like the master isn't going to bother saving those two if he can make another two like them. So, eliminating the magic users is the right strategic move. It's a risk we need to take to gain an advantage in this war," Richard concluded firmly.

After saying that, the two were seemingly convinced. With that, Richard pressed his earpiece and spoke. "This is Eagle, change of plans. Stop attacking the Alpha Gryphon instead fire on the containers. One has been taken care of because it dropped from ten thousand feet, but there's still the other."

"It's going to be a problem, Eagle. We are on a sharp dive," Lightning 1 responded over the radio. "But I have a clear shot of the container it is chasing. Do you want me to lock on and fire?"

"Yes, Lightning One, proceed with the strike on the container," Richard affirmed decisively. "We need to ensure it's completely neutralized."

"Copy that," Lightning One replied, his tone indicating focus and readiness. The sound of the jet's systems engaging could be heard faintly over the radio.

In the command center, all eyes were fixed on the screens displaying the live feed from the F-35s. The tension was palpable as Lightning One lined up the shot. The pilot, expert in his craft, steadied the jet, locking onto the container with precision.

A moment later, the sound of a missile launch echoed through the radio. The missile, a laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire, streaked across the sky toward its target. Everyone in the command center watched as the missile closed the distance, striking the container with a direct hit. The explosion was visible on the screen, a plume of smoke and debris marking the impact.

"Direct hit on the container, Eagle," Lightning One reported. "The target is neutralized."

With the container that is free-falling gone, the Alpha Gryphon spread its wing, slowing its descent, and hovered mid-air. The F-35s rather flew past it.

"It's amazing that it can still stop mid-air by spreading with its wing that is compromised," Richard murmured.

The F-35s pulled up, pointing their nose upwards and accelerating away from the Gryphon. They circled back to maintain a safe distance, monitoring the creature's actions.

"Eagle this is Lightning-2, I have now eyes on the second container."

"Lightning-2, if you have a clear line of sight, you are authorized to engage," Richard directed. "Let's finish this."

"Understood, Eagle. Lining up for the shot now," Lightning-2 responded.

On the command center screens, the second F-35 jet maneuvered into position. The feed showed Lightning-2's targeting system locking onto the second container, which was still being closely guarded by the Gryphon.

"Firing," Lightning-2 announced. The sound of another missile launch was heard. This time, it was an AIM-9X Sidewinder, chosen for its agility and heat-seeking capability, ideal for the moving target.

The missile swiftly closed in, and despite the Gryphon's attempt to intervene, it struck the container—.

Suddenly, before the missile hit the container, the container cracked as pinkish thorns came out of it. It quickly wrapped around the missile, erasing it. And then, a more pinkish and organic version of Sidewinder was created from the pinkish thorns and it now hounded towards Lightning-2.

"Shit! Deploying countermeasures!" Lightning-2 exclaimed, quickly reacting to the unexpected development. The F-35's defensive systems sprang into action.

The jet released a flurry of flares and chaff, designed to disrupt the tracking systems of the incoming missile. Flares, burning intensely, aimed to decoy heat-seeking missiles like the Sidewinder, while chaff, consisting of radar-reflective metallic strips, was intended to confuse radar-guided systems.

The missile safely flew past him and then detonated.

"This changes everything…" Richard spoke.

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