Chapter 175 The Hated Magic User

With an intense concentration visible on her face, Seo-jun extended her hands, commanding the pinkish thorns to form a massive, swirling mass. The thorns, glowing with an eerie light, seemed to pulsate with energy, responding to her silent commands.

"Tracking thorns," Seo-Jun muttered, directing the organic mass toward the F-35s.

In the command center, Richard and his team watched in disbelief as hundreds of pinkish thorns, alive and moving with a mind of their own, chased after Lightning-2's jet. The thorns, exhibiting remarkable agility and speed, quickly gained on the jet, undeterred by its evasive maneuvers.

"Lightning-2, you have incoming!" Richard warned urgently over the radio.

"I see them, Eagle! Attempting evasive action!" Lightning-2 responded, pushing the jet to its limits.

The pilot executed a series of sharp turns and dives, trying to outmaneuver the relentless swarm of thorns. However, the Tracking Thorns displayed an uncanny ability to adapt and predict the jet's movements, continuously closing the gap.

In a matter of moments, the thorns caught up to the jet, beginning to wrap around it. The pinkish tendrils latched onto the wings and fuselage, their grip tightening as they started to constrict around the aircraft.

"Damn it, they're all over me!" Lightning-2 exclaimed, struggling to maintain control of the jet. The thorns' grip was not only impeding the jet's aerodynamics but also starting to interfere with its systems.

As the situation escalated, the organic veins, branching out from the thorns, began to creep over all parts of the aircraft. They pulsated with a life of their own, moving with a sinister purpose. The veins were not just wrapping around the exterior; they started to intrude into the jet's systems, attempting to assimilate and possibly possess the advanced technology of the F-35.

In the command center, Richard watched with growing concern. "Lightning-2, status report!" he demanded.

"I don't know. They seemed to be integrating with the aircraft's systems. I'm losing control!" Lightning-2's voice crackled through the radio, panic creeping into his normally composed tone.

"Can you eject?" Richard asked urgently, knowing that the pilot's safety was paramount.

"There's interference... The ejection system isn't responding!" Lightning-2's grunted.

"We're losing visual on you, Lightning-2," Richard said as he watched the monitor display of the Lightning-2 camera begin to flicker and distort. The thorns' integration with the aircraft's systems was now evidently affecting its communication and visual feeds.

"Lightning-1, can you assist? I need a visual on Lightning-2 immediately."

"Approaching now, Eagle," Lightning-1 responded, moving his jet closer to his compromised wingman.

As Lightning-1 approached Lightning-2's jet, he was taken aback by the transformation it had undergone. The sleek metallic silver of the F-35 was no longer visible; instead, it was enveloped in a pulsating, pinkish-red organic mass. The thorns had not only entangled the jet but seemed to have fused with it, creating uncanny organic-like structures that throbbed as if alive.

"Eagle, this is Lightning-1. You won't believe this... Lightning-2's jet... it looks like it's been... assimilated," he reported in disbelief.

In the command center, Richard's expression turned grave. "Describe what you're seeing, Lightning-1."

"It's covered in what looks like organic matter, almost like... veins. They're pulsating, and the jet... it's almost unrecognizable," Lightning-1 described, circling around to get a better view.

At the talon of the Alpha Gryphon, Seo-Jun's lips curled into a sinister smile. She finally had control of the pesky aircraft that was tailing and attacking them. Now for revenge. She commanded the aircraft.

"Go, exterminate that jet next to you."

At the F-35s location. Both jets flew at the same altitude, speed, and bearing. The pilot of the Lightning-1 was still fixed on his wingman until—Lightning-2's jet suddenly banked sharply to the left, its movements abrupt and aggressive. In the command center, Richard and his team watched in horror as the assimilated jet veered dangerously close to Lightning-1, clearly attempting to collide.

Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, the pilot of Lightning-1 pushed the control stick forward, causing his jet to tip over in a swift, inverted dive. The maneuver was executed just in time, narrowly avoiding a catastrophic collision with Lightning-2's jet.

"Let's try establishing communication with Lightning-2," Richard said, looking at Sara who was the expert on the field.

Sara quickly began working on her console, attempting to bypass the interference caused by the organic material. Her fingers flew over the keyboard, trying different frequencies and encryption methods to establish a clear line of communication with Lightning-2's jet.

After several minutes of intense focus, Sara looked up, her expression grave. "I can't establish a stable connection, Richard. The systems are completely corrupted. It's like the thorns have rewritten the jet's communication protocols."

Richard's jaw tightened at the news. "So we're blind and unable to communicate with Lightning-2?"

"Affirmative," Sara confirmed. "The organic integration has effectively isolated the jet. We're unable to remotely access any of its systems."

The reality of the situation settled in. Lightning-2's jet, once a pinnacle of modern aviation technology, was now an unpredictable and potentially hostile entity under Seo-Jun's control.

Richard addressed Lightning-1, who was still maintaining a cautious distance from the altered jet. "Lightning-1, maintain a safe distance from Lightning-2."

"Understood, Eagle," Lightning-1 responded his jet banking away and setting a safe distance from Lightning-2.

Graves, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "We should consider the possibility of Seo-Jun using this ability on other targets. If she can control our jets, what's stopping her from taking over other systems? She can probably control tanks, cargo aircraft, and even ships. She is dangerous to be left behind."

"But we only have two F-35s jets. It's not like we can send more and neutralize the target," Mark said.

Suddenly—Lightning-1 pilot called out.

"Eagle! I am getting a missile lock! Lightning-2 is locking onto me!"

On the screen, they saw Lightning-1's jet jolt as the pilot executed a series of rapid evasive maneuvers.

"Deploying countermeasures!" Lightning-1's voice was tense but controlled. A stream of bright flares burst from the rear of his jet, creating a trail of fiery light designed to attract heat-seeking missiles away from the aircraft.

At the same time, the chaff, consisting of thousands of tiny aluminum strips, was ejected, cluttering the air and creating false radar targets to disrupt radar-guided missiles.

Despite Lightning-1's swift response, the missile launched by Lightning-2's jet, an AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM), continued its pursuit. This radar-guided missile was designed for beyond-visual-range engagements and was capable of tracking targets even amidst countermeasures.

"Missile still on my tail!" Lightning-1 reported, pushing his jet to the limit, performing a series of high-G maneuvers in an attempt to outmaneuver the missile.

However, the AIM-120 AMRAAM maintained its lock on Lightning-1's jet. The missile was rapidly closing the distance, despite the pilot's skilled evasive maneuvers.

"Eagle, I can't shake it!" Lightning-1's voice was edged with desperation.

Richard gritted his teeth, knowing the options were running out. "Lightning-1, prepare to eject!"

On the screen, they saw Lightning-1's jet continue to twist and turn, trying to evade the missile. But it was to no avail; the missile was too close and too accurate. With a heart-stopping moment, the missile struck the rear of the F-35, causing a massive explosion.

"Ejecting now!" Lightning-1's voice was heard over the radio, followed by the sound of the ejection system activating.

The command center team watched as the pilot's seat ejected from the jet, a parachute deploying moments later. Lightning-1's jet, now pilotless, spiraled out of control, falling sharply towards the ground.

Seconds later, the jet hit the ground, erupting into a fiery explosion. The impact sent a shockwave through the area, and a plume of smoke rose into the sky.

Richard gripped his hair, clenching his teeth, and closed his eyes briefly in frustration... Opening his eyes, determination etched his face.

"Okay, prepare the SAMs," Richard ordered.

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