Chapter 176 Trying to Leave

"It will take five minutes to prepare it, sir," Mark said upon hearing Richard's intention of using a surface-to-air missile."

"Five minutes is a lifetime in this situation, Mark. Expedite the process!" Richard barked. He turned swiftly to Sara, "Sara, switch to the MQ-1 Predator feed. We need eyes on the Alpha Gryphon."

Sara nodded, adjusting her focus. "Tapping into the Predator's camera now, sir." The screens shifted, now showing the live feed from the MQ-1 Predator drone, which was tailing the Alpha Gryphon at a safe distance. The drone's advanced optics zoomed in on the Gryphon, providing a clear view of its position and movements.

"Sir it seems that the Alpha Gryphon is decreasing its altitude."

"Probably to pick up Violet," Graves guessed. "She may still be alive even if the container falls from great heights. They are people with magical abilities after all."

"True…that's why we can't let it out of the country. Mark, I can't accept five minutes. Make it two minutes," Richard said.

"But sir—we can't expedite the process, that's literally the fastest we can go," Mark protested.?"The SAM systems require calibration and targeting. Two minutes is unrealistic."

Richard was silent for a moment after getting chided by Mark. Well, he watched too many action movies where a character would often order someone to speed up something impossible, and they magically do it. This wasn't a movie, though. He sighed, accepting the reality.

"Fine, proceed as fast as you can. Keep me updated."

Mark nodded, focusing intently on his task. "I'll inform you as soon as it is ready, sir."

"Sir, the Gryphon is nearing the ground," Sara reported.

Richard leaned forward, watching closely. "Well…we can't do anything but watch as the Alpha Gryphon picked Violet up. Like literally, we'll have to watch this for five minutes."

As the Gryphon approached the ground, the image on the screen showed it gracefully landing near the remains of the destroyed container.

"There," Sara pointed out, as the drone's camera focused on a spot where the Gryphon was intently looking. They could see a figure, presumably Violet, emerging from the wreckage. Despite the fall, she appeared to be moving, though her condition was unclear from the aerial view.

Richard rubbed his forehead. "How the hell did she survive that fall?"

Richard's question hung in the air, unanswered, as they all continued to observe the scene unfolding on the screen.

As they watched, Violet, despite her apparent disorientation, began to move towards the Alpha Gryphon. The creature, seemingly recognizing her, lowered its head gently, allowing her to climb onto its back.

"Looks like they're preparing to leave," Graves noted, his tone grave.

Richard, realizing the urgency, turned to Mark. "Status on the SAM?"

"Three minutes sir," Mark replied. "Three minutes until launch readiness."

Richard nodded, his gaze not leaving the screen. "Keep it up, Mark. We're on a tight clock here."

On the screen, the Alpha Gryphon, with Violet now securely on its back, began to extend its wings, preparing for takeoff.

Richard's fingers tapped impatiently on the table. "Sara, keep that feed steady. We can't lose sight of them now."

Sara adjusted the controls, ensuring the MQ-1 Predator drone maintained a safe yet effective distance for monitoring. The drone's camera continued to provide a clear view, despite the increasing altitude of the Gryphon.

"Two minutes, sir," Mark announced, his voice slightly more strained as he worked to coordinate the SAM system preparations with the ground team.

Each second felt longer than the last as they waited for the missile system to be ready. Richard's eyes remained fixed on the screen, watching as the Alpha Gryphon gained altitude.

"Ready in one minute," Mark finally said.

Richard straightened up. "Let's provide the SAM batteries a live feed for better targeting. Sara, make sure the MQ-1 Predator's feed is linked directly to the SAM control unit," Richard instructed.

Sara quickly made the necessary adjustments. "Feed is linked, sir. SAM batteries now have a real-time visual."

The screen showed the SAM batteries on the ground, their missile launchers pointed skyward, ready to fire.

"SAM is ready to launch, sir," Mark announced.

"Sara, can you predict the flight path of the Alpha Gryphon? I want to know where it's headed so in the future we can send a ground team to wherever country it lands and find the progenitor."

Sara quickly began calculating the trajectory and flight path of the Alpha Gryphon. Her fingers danced over the keyboard as she input the latest data from the Predator drone's feed and combined it with wind patterns and flight speed estimates.

After a moment, she looked up, her expression serious. "Based on the current trajectory and speed, the Alpha Gryphon is heading towards the Korean Peninsula. If it maintains this course, it will likely land somewhere in South Korea."

Richard nodded gravely. "South Korea... That's where we need to focus our next efforts."

"Sir…Warhammer is asking if we can fire the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW)."

Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon. As the name suggests. It is a hypersonic missile developed in the United States that can reach a speed of Mach 17. Considering the distance of the Alpha Gryphon from the launch site, which is approximately 280 kilometers. The missile can intercept the Alpha Gryphon in less than a minute.

"Warhammer, initiate the launch of the LRHW," Richard instructed.

Mark relayed the order. The Warhammer team, stationed at their controls, commenced the launch of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon. On the command center screens, the missile, engineered for high-speed engagement, was now visible, being prepped for launch.

The LRHW, with its Mach 17 capability, was their most efficient option to intercept the Alpha Gryphon in time. And it also packs a punch.

As the missile was launched, a deep rumble was transmitted through the command center's audio system. The video feeds displayed the missile rapidly accelerating, its trajectory intersecting with the Gryphon's last known coordinates.

Sara, keeping an eye on the MQ-1 Predator's feed, updated the team. "The Gryphon's still gaining altitude. LRHW is tracking well."

Richard's attention didn't waver from the screens.

The screens illustrated the missile's rapid approach to the Gryphon. The control room was steeped in a tense silence, everyone awaiting the impact.

"Check, missile coming in hot. Three…two…one," Sara counted down.

There was a brief moment of anticipation before the LRHW made an impact. The screens showed a brilliant flash as the missile collided with the Alpha Gryphon. The force of the explosion filled the screen, illuminating the area in a blinding light.

"Direct hit," Sara confirmed.

Richard checked the notification screen of his system. And there was none, indicating that the Alpha Gryphon may still be alive.

"Oh my god…I have a bad feeling about this," Richard muttered under his breath.

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