Chapter 178 The Crash Site

Graves and his team, including nine Delta Force operatives and the Super Soldier known as Titan, were conducting final checks on the rooftop before embarking on their mission. The team was gearing up to board a Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk.

Given the size of the team and the need for operational flexibility, they had arranged for two Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawks. The first helicopter would transport the initial strike team directly to the crash site, while the second would hover nearby, ready to provide immediate support or extraction as needed. This strategy ensured that they maintained an advantageous position, both for engaging any unforeseen threats and for rapid response in case of emergencies.

Graves double-checked the equipment and communications gear. He knew the importance of this mission; they needed to secure the crash site and possibly capture the two magic users, Violet and Seo-Jun, whose abilities posed a significant threat.

At the first Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter, Graves, Titan, and four Delta Force operatives swiftly boarded. The helicopter's engines roared to life, and it took off cutting through the air towards their destination. Inside, Graves communicated to the command center.

"This is Specter-1, en-route to the crash site," Graves reported crisply over the communications link to the command center.

"Specter-1, you are clear for the operation. Keep us updated on the situation," came the response from Richard.

The helicopter journey was brief but intense, with each member of the team mentally preparing for the potential confrontation. Graves glanced at Titan, whose stoic expression betrayed no emotion, yet his readiness for combat was unmistakable.

As they neared the crash site, the pilot maneuvered the helicopter for a tactical landing. The landscape below was marred by the impact of the Alpha Gryphon and the explosion of the supersonic missile. The ground charred and debris strewn across a wide area. Smoke still billowed from the center of the impact, where the remnants of the Gryphon lay.

The trees were flattened from the strong shockwave from the explosion, creating a desolate scene. Graves couldn't help but comment.

"There's no way any creatures would survive this."

Graves gave a final check of his weapon before signaling his team. "Eyes sharp, weapons ready," he ordered. As soon as the helicopter touched down, the team disembarked swiftly, moving into a tactical formation.

The second helicopter continued to hover in the sky, giving air support and keeping a vigilant watch over the area.

"All stations, this is Jolly-2, no movement on the crash site, over," the pilot of the second helicopter reported over the communications link.

"Copy, Jolly-2. Keep your eyes peeled," Graves responded as he led his team forward.

The air was still thick with the scent of destruction as they moved closer to the center of the impact zone. The visibility was limited due to the lingering smoke, but the team advanced.

"Specter-1 to Eagle, what's the reading on the thermal imaging over," Graves asked.

Richard beckoned Sara to activate the thermal imaging of the MQ-1 Predator that is orbiting above the crash site. Sara quickly complied, her fingers moving deftly over the controls. The screen in the command center switched to a thermal view, displaying the heat signatures in the area.

"Specter-1, this is Eagle. We've got two heat signatures at the crash site. It's likely Violet and Seo-Jun," Richard relayed the information.

"Copy that, Eagle. We're approaching the site now. Will proceed with caution," Graves responded, his voice calm but alert.

As the team moved forward, the thermal signatures helped guide them through the smoke and debris. The heat signatures were distinct, showing two human forms lying amidst the wreckage. Graves signaled to his team to slow down and approach with increased caution.

The team reached the two figures, who were lying motionless. Violet and Seo-Jun were clearly injured, their bodies showing signs of burns and wounds.

The Delta forces quickly surrounded the bodies and aimed their M4 Carbine at it, ready to pull the trigger in case there's a twitch or any sign of a threat. Titan, with his imposing figure, stood by, vigilant and ready to respond.

"Sir, we have PID on the target," Graves said, activating his combat suit, the nanobots quickly wrapped around his body. "Give us a word, and we'll exterminate them."

"Exterimate them, Specter-1," Richard granted.

But before Graves could signal his men to open fire, Seo-Jun's eyes snapped open, opening his hand and a jet engine screamed overhead.

The Delta Forces, Titan, and Graves craned their necks up and saw the possessed F-35 conducting a strafe run, its GAU-22/A Gatling gun and missiles armed and ready to fire. Instinctively, the team scrambled for cover, but they knew that against such firepower, there was little hope of escape.

Violet, despite her severely weakened state, mustered all her remaining strength. Her hands trembled as she activated one of her skills, a shimmering, translucent barrier sprung up around her and Seo-Jun, just as the F-35 opened fire.

The GAU-22/A roared to life, sending a hail of bullets towards the ground. The Delta Forces's body was dismembered while Graves's suit took the brunt of the kinetic force, sending him and Titan flying through the air. They crashed and skidded across the ground, the impact jarring but their suits absorbing the worst of it. The situation rapidly deteriorated as the F-35 lined up for another pass, this time locking onto the hovering helicopter.

"Jolly-2, evasive maneuvers, now!" Graves shouted into his comm-link, trying to regain his footing.

The pilot of Jolly-2 responded instantly, the helicopter swerving wildly in the air. However, it was too late. The F-35 fired its missiles, and they streaked towards the helicopter.

As the missile struck the cabin of Jolly-2, it exploded violently, sending fragments and flames scattering across the sky. The once-hovering helicopter now plummeted, its fiery remains crashing to the ground, sending up a plume of smoke and debris.

Graves, still reeling from the impact, pushed himself up, scanning the chaos. He quickly checked on Titan, who was slowly rising.

"Shit…we forgot about that possessed F-35."

In the command center, alarms blared as the MQ-1 Predator that is orbiting the area displayed a message "Missile Lock" across the screen.

"Clear up that signal!" Mark shouted and Sara activated the flares and chaffs, attempting to break the missile lock. The Predator drone's camera showed the rapid deployment of countermeasures, with bright flares bursting into the sky, followed by a cloud of radar-confusing chaff.

However, it was no match against the missile fired by the possessed, F-35, which is an AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM). The missile struck the MQ-1 Predator and the screen displayed on the command center showed a sudden burst of static before going completely dark.

"Signal lost," Sara announced. She tried to re-establish the connection, but it was evident that the drone had been destroyed.

"All stations, this is Eagle. We have lost visual on you. The F-35 took our helicopter and our drone down. So you are on your own along with Jolly-1. The mission is still active. Eliminate Violet and Seo-Jun."

"Copy that, Eagle," Graves acknowledged. "We will definitely get them for sure."

He glanced at Titan and spoke. "Are you ready?"

The Titan simply snorted, indicating his readiness.

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