Chapter 179 A Deciding Fight

Graves and Titan approached the site again and saw Violet and Seo-Jun standing, their wounds healing from their regenerative abilities.

Violet tilted her head to the side, confused. "What are you wearing?"

She asked in English with a Chinese accent.

"This lady is what's going to kill you," Graves simply explained. "We should have extracted the pill when you were at the Oriental."

"Well sadly for you boys, that's not going to happen. I am determined to get back to my big brother, and not even your fancy suit and your giant dog would stop us," Violet remarked loftily.

With that, Violet extended her arms forward, releasing a concussive wave of energy directly at Graves and Titan. The force of the blast was immense, sending debris flying and shaking the ground beneath their feet.

Graves braced himself, activating the suit's defense systems. A shimmering energy shield sprang up around him, absorbing the brunt of the impact. Titan, relying on his brute strength and agility, leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the direct hit.

"Seo-Jun, now!" Violet shouted.

Seo-Jun lifted his hands. The ground around them started to tremble, and cracks appeared as if she were manipulating the earth itself. From these fissures, sharp pinkish organic spikes emerged, aiming directly at Graves and Titan.

"Don't let it touch you or you'll be corrupted," Graves warned Titan, and Titan acknowledged the warning with a nod.

Graves nimbly evaded all the protruding pinkish spikes while Titan simply leaped at a far distance. With the distance between them widening, Graves activated his pulsefire cannon and aimed it at Violet.

A burst of pulsating energy emitted from the cannon, a concentrated blast that could certainly drill into tough rocks and metals.

However, Violet, with a swift gesture, conjured a barrier of vibrating air in front of her. The sound barrier absorbed the pulsefire's energy, causing the blast to ripple and dissipate harmlessly against it.

Violet smirked, "Did you really think it would be that easy?"

Graves ignored her provoking words and simply focused on the goal of exterminating her. He activated his boosters,

located at his back and feet, unleashing a fiery stream of propulsion. The ground beneath him scorched as he accelerated at an astonishing speed, becoming a mere blur to Violet's eyes. In a blink, he reappeared behind her, capitalizing on the element of surprise.

Violet, sensing his presence, turned around in a panic. Her hands moved in a swift, fluid motion, gathering the energy to cast her sound shockwave ability. She aimed to repel Graves with a powerful burst of sonic energy, hoping to create enough distance between them.

But Graves was too fast. Before Violet could fully unleash her ability, he closed the gap between them. His fist, powered by the suit's enhanced strength, connected solidly with her solar plexus.

Violet gasped, the air knocked out of her lungs. The force of the punch sent her stumbling backward, and crashing into multiple trees that fell from the impact. She clutched her chest, struggling to catch her breath. Graves didn't give her a moment to recover. He relentlessly advanced, ready to capitalize on this moment of vulnerability.

Meanwhile, Titan, engaging with Seo-Jun, utilized her superior physical capabilities. He dodged and weaved through Seo-Jun's attacks, closing the distance between them with his enormous strides. Seo-Jun, realizing the imminent danger, started to command the flying F-35 that she possessed and ordered it to fire an air-to-ground missile, the AGM-65 Maverick, a precision-guided missile designed for close air support. As Titan engaged Seo-Jun, he was unaware of the F-35 lining up its attack from above.

The AGM-65 Maverick was launched with a thunderous roar. The missile, equipped with a high-explosive warhead and a sophisticated guidance system, honed in on Titan's location. Titan, focused on his ground opponent, had little time to react to the incoming threat from the air.

As the Maverick missile closed in, its infrared guidance system locked onto Titan's heat signature. The missile, traveling at high subsonic speeds, was almost impossible to evade at such close range. Titan, sensing the imminent danger, attempted to leap away, but it was too late.

The Maverick struck Titan squarely, the explosion echoing through the area. The impact was massive, the missile's warhead detonating on contact and unleashing a powerful blast. Titan was sent flying away by the force of the explosion, tumbling through the air before crashing to the ground. The area around the impact was engulfed in flames and smoke, leaving a crater as evidence of the missile's destructive power.

Graves felt the force of the shockwave traveling through the forest. He clicked his tongue, gnashing his teeth. They have to deal with that F-35 before it becomes a nuisance.

Graves glanced towards where Titan was hit.

"Titan, hold those two for me, I'll try to intercept the F-35," Graves commanded through his comm-link.

He hasn't fully discovered the full capabilities of the suit Richard gave to him. He hoped that he had some sort of targeting system that could lock onto a moving object like a missile lock on conventional fighter aircraft.

Fortunately, he stumbled into one. Graves switched into that mode and extended his arms up, aiming the aiming systems at the sky where the F-35 was maneuvering. The suit's advanced targeting system immediately began calculating the trajectory and speed of the enemy aircraft. A small display in his helmet showed the F-35's current position, its path, and the optimal firing solution.

With a swift command, Graves activated the suit's built-in missile system. Small compartments on his shoulders opened, revealing miniature, yet highly sophisticated missiles, designed specifically for fast-moving aerial targets. These missiles were equipped with advanced homing capabilities and a high-explosive warhead, perfect for taking down a fast and agile target like the F-35.

"Firing in 3... 2... 1...," Graves murmured to himself, and with a press of a button—.

"Don't lose focus on me," Violet interrupted sharply. Graves' attention snapped back to her as she began to weave her hands in an intricate pattern, channeling her sound magic.

"Sonorous Chains!" she declared, releasing a wave of sonic energy that transformed into visible, vibrating sound waves in the air. These waves coalesced into ethereal chains, swirling with a pulsating rhythm, as they shot toward Graves with incredible speed.

Graves, taken aback by this unexpected attack, attempted to dodge. However, the chains, guided by the sound waves, were too agile and numerous. They wrapped around him, binding his arms and legs with an unyielding grip. The vibrating energy of the chains resonated with his suit, causing its systems to flicker and malfunction temporarily.

Graves struggled against the bindings, but the more he moved, the tighter they seemed to grip, each vibration sending jolts of disruptive energy through his suit. He gritted his teeth, feeling the suit's enhanced strength waning under the relentless sonic assault.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Violet taunted, her eyes gleaming with triumph as she watched Graves struggle.

Seo-Jun, seizing the opportunity, joined Violet. She raised her hand, beckoning the F-35 to circle back and fire an AGM-114 Hellfire missile at Graves.

Graves, bound by the sonic chains, watched helplessly as the missile approached. His suit's warning systems blared, indicating the imminent danger. But there was nothing he could do but watch as the missile crashed into him with a deafening explosion—knocking him out cold.

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