Chapter 194 Truth in Exchange for a Promise

Richard followed Lisa to her personal camp, his senses immediately greeted by the comforting aroma of ginataang bilo-bilo. The rich, creamy scent wafted through the air. He had been subsisting on canned sardines and cup noodles for so long that the smell of home-cooked food was almost overwhelming.

As they entered the small but cozy setup Lisa had made her own, Richard observed the care and attention she had put into preparing the snack. The ginataang bilo-bilo, a traditional Filipino dessert made with glutinous rice balls, coconut milk, and various fruits, was simmering in a pot, its steam carrying the promise of a delicious treat.

Lisa noticed Richard's appreciative gaze and smiled.

"It's been a while since you had a proper snack, hasn't it?" Her tone was light, but her eyes searched his face for signs of the brother she once knew.

Richard nodded, his eyes softening. "You have no idea, Lisa."

He took a seat, watching as Lisa served the dessert into two bowls.

As they began to eat, the silence between them was comfortable, yet filled with unspoken questions. Richard savored each spoonful, and after a few moments, Lisa broke the silence.

"Brother…I know you have been keeping the truth for me, and I can't help but feel…I don't know…slightly frustrated by it. Like why are you keeping it from your little sister? Don't you trust me that much?"

Richard's spoon halted mid-air as he processed Lisa's words. Setting it down, he looked across at her. "Lisa, it's not about trust. It's just that you don't have to know everything."

"That plane…the helicopters, the tanks…all military enthusiasts and those who served in the Army only spoke of one thing. And that they are exclusive to one nation and that there's no way a normal college student such as you have those kinds of assets. Even the men that are working for you. It just doesn't add up," Lisa continued.

Richard remained silent, allowing her to speak her mind.

"Brother…would you let me die without knowing the truth—"

"You're not going to die," Richard interrupted. "And don't say those words."

"But it is a possibility brother, I am part of the Volunteer—"

"No you are not…as of now, you are staying within the confines of the camp. You will still serve as an auxiliary force but fighting in the front line…well that's over," Richard said firmly.

"Huh?! But when?"

"What time is it now?" Richard checked his watch briefly. "Just now. I've made the decision."

Lisa's frustration boiled over. "Just now? You make it sound so easy like my choices don't matter. You don't get it, do you? I've already been out there, I've seen things, experienced the loss!"

Her voice rose. "My classmates died, brother. Right under my watch. Do you understand what that feels like? To see people you know, people you've laughed with, just... gone."

Richard reached out, trying to calm her, but she pulled away. "No, don't. This isn't about your protection or your plans. This is about respect, Richard. Respect for my choices, my experiences. You can't just lock me away and pretend everything's fine."

"I'm trying to keep you safe."

"Safe?" Lisa's voice cracked. "You know what I'm feeling right now? Useless…that's right I feel so useless that the only privilege I got is having you as my brother."

"Oh my god…how did this get here?" Richard mumbled under his breath. He didn't expect this turn of conversation.

"Brother…I just want to know the truth and give me freedom. When we learned of our parent's losses, you gave me an opportunity to fight zombies. And you are taking it away from me?"

"Lisa…you don't understand. There is a greater threat out there. And you know what we did? We launched a literal tactical nuke to Korea to kill the man responsible for this apocalypse, and you know what happened? He survived! And he is not the only threat, there are mutated zombies that are far more stronger than the ones you typically see. This is not the world where you have to prove yourself…this is not the world where the only way to prove yourself is to go out there and make a difference…that's not how the world works!"

Richard's voice rose, his usually composed demeanor cracking under the strain of his emotions. "You think I enjoy making these decisions? You think I don't feel the weight of every life under my command, including yours?"

Lisa sat speechless, stunned by the intensity in her brother's voice. She had never seen him like this, so raw and vulnerable, his usual calm facade shattered by the realities of their dire situation.

"Every day, I'm making choices, Lisa. Choices that affect not just us, but thousands of others. It's a burden that I carry, and I carry it because I have to, not because I want to," Richard continued.

Lisa's eyes welled up with tears, seeing her brother in a light she had never seen before. She reached out, her hand trembling, and placed it on his. "I... I didn't realize, brother. I-I'm sorry."

Richard took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. "How about this…I tell you the truth about the Blackwatch but you will forget about fighting in the frontlines. Are we in an agreement?"

Lisa hesitated, her emotions conflicting. On one hand, she yearned for the truth about the Blackwatch and her brother's role in it. On the other hand, her desire to fight alongside the volunteer forces and the regular army, to be more than a bystander in this chaotic world, was strong.

But seeing the earnest concern in Richard's eyes, she conceded.

"Okay, brother I'll stay back. But you have to promise me that you'll tell me everything. No more secrets."

Richard nodded solemnly. "I promise, Lisa. No more secrets. I want you to come with me at three o'clock in the evening. We are going to Clark International Airport."

"What for?"

"To show you the truth…"


October 13th, 2023, Three o'clock in the morning.

Richard and Lisa, having just stepped out of the VH-60N Whitehawk helicopter, walked towards the runway. The early morning air was brisk, causing Lisa to shiver slightly as the cold nipped at her skin. She wrapped her arms around herself, glancing around the airport which was alive thanks to the Blackwatch operating and maintaining it.

"What are we doing here, Richard?" she asked.

Richard, leading the way, turned to look at her. "I'm going to show you something that might change the way you see everything," he said solemnly.

They approached a large hangar, its doors partially open. Richard gestured for Lisa to follow him inside. The hangar was brightly lit, and there she saw Mark, Graves, and Sara.

"Lisa…before I show you the truth, I want you to promise me one thing. That you'll never scream or shout, or anything that displays extreme emotions. Can you do that for me?"

Lisa nodded, her curiosity mounting. "I can manage that," she replied, trying to keep her voice even.

"Very well…here we go."

Richard opened his system interface—.

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