Chapter 195 This is my Secret

Richard opened his system, browsing through it all the while keeping his gaze on Lisa.

"What are you doing brother?" Lisa asked, tilting her head to the side wondering why her brother was moving his finger in the air as if he was touching something.

"You'll see," Richard replied simply, and before he could tap the icon. He looked at his little sister again. "You promise me that you won't be shocked…though I expect that would anyway despite you giving your promise, just don't overreact okay?"

"Brother…I already promised you that I won't overreact. So get over it."

Richard gave a nod of acknowledgment to Lisa's assurance, then turned his attention back to the invisible interface only he could see. With a determined expression, he tapped the air, activating the icon. Instantly, an M9 Beretta materialized into his grasp. The sudden appearance of the weapon caught Lisa off guard, her eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

"How did you...?" Lisa stammered, unable to hide her astonishment.

Richard held the Beretta, examining it briefly before showing it up to her. "Okay your reaction is satisfactory…and yes…I materialized this weapon out of thin air because I have access to what you call a system."

"System..? What are you talking about?" Lisa was visibly confused, her brows furrowed as she tried to process what she was witnessing. The concept of materializing objects out of thin air was beyond anything she had known or imagined.

"It's a magical thing that allows me to summon troops and weapons. This pistol is an example. I'm sure you recognize it. It is also real. Watch."

Richard aimed the pistol at the open space away from them and pulled the trigger. The sharp crack of the gunshot echoed through the hangar, leaving no doubt about the weapon's reality. Lisa flinched at the sound, her eyes wide.

"Of course to summon troops or weapons, I would need a form of currency that the system only accepts. And that is gold coins, I can get it by killing zombies, rescuing survivors, and completing missions."

"Gold coins…system…summoning weapons and systems," Lisa repeated, still trying to make sense of it all. "This is... it's like a game, but it's real?"

Richard nodded. "In a way, yes. The system operates on principles that are similar to those found in video games, but it's very much real and has tangible effects on our world. It's been a key factor in how Blackwatch operates and survives."

Lisa took a moment to absorb this information, her mind racing. "So, all this time, you've been using this... system to fight against the zombies and other threats?"

"Exactly," Richard confirmed. "It's given us an edge, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. I've had to learn how to use it effectively and make decisions that impact many lives. Including ourselves. This is why I'm thankful to whoever omnipotent being who blessed me with this magic. Without this…I don't know if I would ever last this long, or if you would…"

Richard wanted to emphasize the importance of the system in his life but he couldn't bring himself to remind her of that traumatic experience when she was at school. So he trailed off.

"You also said…that you can summon troops?" Lisa asked.

"I do," Richard confirmed and promptly showed her how it worked. He tapped the interface again, his fingers moving with a practiced ease. Moments later, a glowing magic circle appeared on the ground nearby. Lisa watched, her eyes following the intricate patterns of light that spiraled and shifted within the circle.

Suddenly, two soldiers stepped out of the circle, fully armed and in combat gear. They stood at attention, their expressions stoic and disciplined. Lisa's mouth fell open in astonishment.

"These are Blackwatch soldiers, summoned through the system," Richard explained. "They're fully trained and equipped, ready for any mission I assign them."

Lisa stepped closer, examining the soldiers. They looked real, tangible, as if they had just walked in from a battlefield. "This is incredible... and a bit surreal," she murmured. And there she realized something. "Wait…does that mean that…"

Lisa glanced at Graves, Mark, and Sara, who had been watching them talking silently. "They are also a summon?"

Richard nodded his head in confirmation.

"So they are not real people? I thought they were—"

"Real people?" Richard's brows furrowed at the mention of that word, as if rubbed in the wrong way. "Let me ask you, Lisa, how do you define reality?"

Lisa, still reeling from the revelations, struggled to find words. "Reality? It's... well, it's what's tangible, what we can see, feel, experience..."

Richard nodded slowly. "And yet, here we are, in a world where I can summon weapons and soldiers from thin air. A world that has been ravaged by an apocalypse, facing threats we never imagined possible. What we once knew as reality has been altered, expanded."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Reality is not just what we perceive with our senses. It's also what we experience, that affects us. These soldiers," he gestured towards the summoned troops, "they may have been conjured by a system, but their impact, their actions in this world, they're as real as you and me."

Lisa was speechless as Richard went deep with his explanation.

"Let me ask you another question, Lisa. You have talked to the soldiers during the early days of the apocalypse, right? When we are still at the Oriental."

Lisa nodded. "Yes…"

"And when you talked to them…Do you think they are just mindless creations, or did they seem like real individuals to you?" Richard asked, his eyes searching hers.

Lisa hesitated, her mind replaying conversations and interactions she'd had with the soldiers. "They seemed real," she finally said. "They had personalities, emotions... they didn't seem like mere... creations."

Richard's expression softened. "That's because, in every way that matters, they are real. The system creates them with all the complexities of human beings. They think, they feel, they react. For all intents and purposes, they're as human as you and me."

"But how is that possible?" Lisa asked.

"That is a mystery that I haven't unraveled. But one thing is certain, this system is a godsend. Without it, humanity would have lost, especially against the progenitor whom we had a recent encounter with."

"I see…so this is what you have been keeping from me for so long," Lisa said…finally starting to understand.

"Yes…now you understand why I have to keep it to myself. Because people fear what they don't understand," Richard said with a sigh. "The knowledge of this system and its capabilities can cause panic, doubt, and even greed. It's a power that needs to be wielded responsibly and discreetly. Speaking of discreet, I want you to keep it a secret from others. Don't tell them about it, not even a single soul. I'm sure I can trust you with this."

"I understand, brother. Your secret is safe with me."

Richard gave a small, relieved smile. "Thank you, Lisa. Your understanding means a lot to me."

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