Chapter 204 Richard's Plan to Get Stronger

October 14th, 2023.

Graves slowly stirred up from his sleep, he rubbed his eyes as he tried regaining his visual on the surroundings. Sleeping next to him was his girl, Emily, whose left arm was wrapped around his waist. The clock on the bedside table showed it was just past nine in the morning. The sunlight peeked through the slightly opened curtains, casting a warm glow across the room.

Graves sat up, gently disentangling himself from Emily's embrace, careful not to wake her. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat there for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Today was important; they were going to discuss Richard's plan to get stronger, a necessary step in countering the progenitor, Lin Feng.

After a quick shower, Graves dressed in his favorite attire, which consisted of a blue polo shirt, blue jeans, and brown leather shoes, giving him that casual and approachable look. He checked himself in the mirror, straightened his collar, and took a deep breath.

Before exiting his room, Graves walked over to the bed and planted a gentle kiss on Emily's forehead. She stirred slightly but remained asleep. He smiled, admiring her peaceful expression, then quietly left the room.

He checked his watch - it was now 9:30 AM. Time was ticking, and he needed to get to the meeting with Richard promptly. Graves grabbed his jacket, slung it over his shoulder, and headed out the door.

Upon arriving at the facility, Graves briskly walked to the meeting room.

As Graves entered the meeting room, Richard, Sara, and Mark were already seated. They all looked up as he entered, acknowledging his arrival with nods and brief greetings.

"It seems that everyone arrived early," Graves commented.

"Yeah, because I couldn't wait to share with you guys my plan," Richard grinned as he looked at Sara, whom he probably had told about the plan.

"Do you want coffee, Mr. Graves?" Sara offered.

"That would be great, thank you," Graves replied with a nod of appreciation.

A staff member entered the room, carrying a fresh pot of coffee and a tray with various condiments. They poured a steaming cup for Graves, who added a splash of cream and a teaspoon of sugar, stirring it gently.

"Thanks," Graves said to the staff member, who nodded and quietly left the room.

Graves took a sip of the freshly brewed coffee, feeling its warmth and the caffeine kick-starting to energize him further. He turned his attention back to Richard, who was about to begin discussing the plan.

"So the battle in Seoul, we must admit that the progenitor is beyond our level. Conventional weapons aren't going to kill that man, let alone our power suits that were easily diced and sliced. So what I am going to do is increase my level and hopefully, we get an item far stronger than the suit available for purchase. How are we going to do that? Well, by doing what the progenitor did."

Richard paused as he took a sip of coffee before continuing. "Now, we all know that the progenitor is the one that caused this zombie apocalypse. Imagine if humans were the mobs with gold and experience points on them, and he infected the total population, his level would be so high that it dwarfed mine. So, since he infected those zombies. So since he turned billions of people into zombies, we are going to kill a billion zombies. How do we do that? Well, by simply nuking the major cities across the world."

With Richard revealing that Mark and Graves leaned in, catching their interest. Richard signaled Sara to continue on his behalf.

Sara opened her tablet which is connected to the flat television screen mounted on the wall, mirroring the data displayed on her device. The screen lit up with a detailed map of the world, overlaid with various data points and statistics.

"Let's start with the major city targets," Sara began. "We've identified the cities with the highest concentration of zombie populations, based on the information a week after the apocalypse."

The first city highlighted on the map was New York. "New York City has an estimated zombie population of around 8.3 million," she reported. The screen zoomed in on the city, showing heat maps of zombie density.

"Moving to Europe, London shows a concentration of approximately 8.9 million zombies." The map shifted to London, highlighting key zones of infestation.

"Paris is next, with an estimated 2.1 million zombies," Sara continued, the map switching to display the French capital.

The screen then shifted to Asia. "Tokyo has about 9.2 million, and Beijing has 21.5 million zombies. These are two of the most densely populated areas," she added, showing the sprawling urban landscapes now overrun with the undead. "Delhi has a staggering number of 28.6 million. Moscow is at around 12.5 million," the map highlighted the Russian capital.

"And finally, Jakarta, with an estimated 10.1 million zombies," Sara concluded, showing the Indonesian metropolis.

"Now here's the fun part, let's add all those numbers up and see how many gold coins and experience points we can get. Though I'm sure that Sir Richard would use gold and experience capsules. Each zombie killed is 2000 gold coins and 160 experience points…"

Sara's fingers danced across her tablet, inputting the figures as she calculated the total. The numbers quickly added up, displaying a staggering total on the screen.

"Based on these estimates," Sara explained, "eliminating the zombie populations in these cities alone would yield approximately 1.78 trillion gold coins and 142.8 billion experience points."

The room fell silent as the magnitude of these numbers sank in. Graves whistled softly.

"Now we are talking," Mark said, whistling too.

"But aren't nukes literally expensive Richard? Like a piece cost about millions of gold coins? I forgot the number…"

"I know, which is why we have to get more of it by going to a country that has a nuclear weapons facility…"

"I'm really liking this, and I'm so excited," Mark said giddily.

Sara nodded at Mark's enthusiasm and then turned her attention back to the screen. "To execute this plan, we need to identify nuclear-armed states and their capabilities." She tapped her tablet, and the screen shifted to a new display, showing a map marked with various countries highlighted in different colors.

"The major nuclear-armed states include the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel," Sara reported. Each country was marked on the map, with lines connecting them to potential target cities.

"For instance, the United States has a vast arsenal of nuclear weapons," Sara continued. "Russia, too, possesses a significant number, followed by China. The UK and France have smaller arsenals but are technologically advanced."

"Our approach is to get to this country, go to their nuclear weapon's facility, take the nukes, and then detonate it in their respective cities. The good side of it is that we are going to kill a lot of zombies but the downside is that…"

"We are probably going to cause a nuclear winter…severe environmental damages…" Richard continued. "So this is a double-edged sword. But we can limit it by using their low-yield tactical nukes."

"What's our first target country?" Graves inquired.

"I'm thinking of somewhere low-key," Richard said, swiveling his chair to face the screen and then spoke. "Let's go to Pakistan."

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