Chapter 205 Another International Trip?

"Why Pakistan?" Graves raised a hand as he asked that question. "Like what's the logic behind it?"

"Well the logic behind my decision is simple," Richard said, turning around and facing them. "Out of all those nuclear-armed state nations, what countries do you think people wouldn't want to live in prior to the apocalypse? The choices were the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea. Well, the most obvious answer would be North Korea. However, North Korea is near to the progenitor's location so that is no longer an option. China is also close, and the Western countries are too far. The only choices we have are India and Pakistan. But Pakistan has a lower population density than India, making it a more viable option for our operation," Richard continued, his gaze fixed on the map displayed on the screen. "Moreover, Pakistan's nuclear facilities are less fortified compared to India's, which are often in highly populated areas and heavily guarded."

Graves nodded, understanding the rationale. "Okay, that makes sense. Less population density means fewer zombies to deal with during the operation. And a less fortified nuclear facility should make our mission somewhat easier."

"Exactly," Richard affirmed. "Our primary objective is to infiltrate one of their less guarded nuclear facilities, secure a few tactical nukes, and then strategically deploy them in the major cities overrun by zombies. I just need a major boost in resources, specifically gold and experience points. After that, we could safely launch nukes from the Philippines."

"Isn't this a good chance for us to move out of this country?" Mark interjected. "Like we are within arm's reach of the progenitor. He could simply deploy his minions and monsters to pester us. I think it's time that we consider this idea. Anyone agree?"

Mark glanced around, only to find out that no one was raising their hands in support of his idea. After all, it was a sudden proposal, one that was not given thought by Richard.

"Let's get ourselves stronger first. We can deal with the threats here in the Philippines," Richard said. "But I like your suggestion, maybe in the foreseeable future, we may need to relocate to another country that is secluded, safe, and secure. For now, let's focus on the mission at hand."

Sara nodded in agreement, tapping on her tablet to bring up more data. "Regarding the operation in Pakistan, we've already started gathering intelligence on potential nuclear facilities that could be our target. We're also looking into the best routes for infiltration and exfiltration."

"Where are those nuclear facilities?"

"Based on our intelligence and public domain information, Pakistan has several key nuclear facilities," Sara began, swiping through her tablet to bring up a detailed map of Pakistan with various locations marked. "One of the primary sites is the Kahuta Research Laboratories, located near Islamabad. It's known for uranium enrichment."

She tapped on another location. "Then there's the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission in Islamabad, which oversees the country's nuclear program. Another significant site is the Chashma Nuclear Power Plant in Punjab, though it's primarily for energy production."

"Additionally, we have identified potential storage facilities for nuclear weapons. One such facility is believed to be near the Sargodha Air Base, which is a central part of Pakistan's nuclear delivery system. Another is the National Defence Complex near Fateh Jang, which is involved in missile and nuclear weapons development."

"You know guys, I know this isn't just me but I'm wondering, if those countries have nuclear weapons, why didn't they use them during the first week of the apocalypse? Or the month after if they see that it's the only option to cull the numbers of the zombies?"

"I agree with Graves," Mark added. "Could it be the progenitor thinking ahead again? Like our nuclear strike against him proved that a nuclear weapon could kill him if it's high-yield…"

Richard leaned back in his chair, pondering Graves' question. "It's a valid point," he began. "There are several possible reasons. First, the initial shock and confusion of the apocalypse likely caused chaos and disarray within governments. The decision to use nuclear weapons isn't taken lightly, even in dire situations. They might have hoped to contain the outbreak without resorting to such extreme measures."

Sara interjected, "Additionally, the fear of nuclear fallout and its long-term environmental impact would have been a major concern. Governments would hesitate to use such weapons on their own soil, especially in densely populated areas. The risk of causing more harm to the survivors and the environment would be too great."

"There's also the possibility that the progenitor anticipated such a response and took measures to prevent it," Richard added. "He has shown exceptional strategic thinking and foresight. It wouldn't be surprising if he had somehow influenced or disrupted the decision-making processes of these governments."

"Okay…let's be the way they are. Those countries didn't use their nuclear weapons, and the person that has the authority to use them is probably dead…how are we going to activate those nukes?"

"We would need personnel that has expertise in nuclear weapons and computer systems," Sara explained. "Accessing and activating a nuclear weapon is complex and requires specific codes, authorizations, and technical knowledge. Richard could basically summon those personnel from his systems, but there's no guarantee. Each country has different systems and protocols for their nuclear arsenal. It's not a universal system, which complicates things," Sara continued, her fingers swiping through more data on her tablet.

"Basically a hit-or-miss. It would be better if there were still survivors in those facilities," Richard said and continued. "Now for the part, all of you have been waiting for. When are we going to move? Well, I'm thinking next week, once the C-17 Globemaster is fixed. Graves, as usual, you will lead the team. Since we are not dealing with a progenitor here, you are going to join your men on the ground."

"Finally, some action," Graves cracked his knuckles. "How about the team? Similar to Korea?"

"No, I don't think you'll need those…we can handle mutated zombies so long as they are not Alpha Gryphon, Goliath, and Juggernaut. And don't worry, we'll provide air support for the ground troops."

"That's reassuring…" Graves commented.

"As for me," Richard said. "Well…I guess I'm going to buy nukes and rockets in my system and for the rest of the week, not much…"

"What do you mean not much?" Sara interjected. "You will have work to do."

"What kind of work?"

"Personal work? Five days from now is your birthday."

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