Chapter 210 Birthday Boy

October 19th, 2023.

One of the important days in Richard's life, his birthday, was being celebrated in the evening at a club in New Clark City. The setting was less formal than usual, a welcome change for Richard and his Joint Chiefs of Staff, including his close confidants, Mark and Graves.

Due to the large number of soldiers in their ranks, not everyone could fit inside the club. As a solution, a secondary celebration was arranged outside for those who couldn't be accommodated indoors. This way, all the soldiers had a chance to partake in the festivities, albeit in different locations.

Inside the club, the mood was jovial. Richard, Mark, Graves, and a few other high-ranking officers mingled, sharing stories and laughs over drinks. The music was upbeat but not overwhelming, allowing for conversations to flow smoothly. The club's dim lighting and comfortable seating arrangements provided a relaxed environment, a stark contrast to their usual utilitarian surroundings.

Outside, the soldiers who couldn't enter the club had their own way of celebrating. They had set up a makeshift party area with music, food, and non-alcoholic beverages. There was an air of camaraderie as they shared stories, played games, and enjoyed each other's company.

Back inside the club, Richard was gulping down one cold beer bottle after another, a rare indulgence for him. The beers, sourced from scavenged supermarkets, tasted like a luxury in their post-apocalyptic world. Richard's laughter filled the air, mingling with the lively chatter and music around him. The atmosphere was light and carefree, with everyone seemingly putting aside their usual responsibilities for the evening.

Just then, the club's entrance opened, drawing Richard's attention. Lisa, Richard's younger sister, stepped in, accompanied by Sara, his girlfriend. Both were dressed in casual yet beautiful dresses that stood out in the club. Lisa's dress was a soft brown that complemented her eyes, while Sara's dress was a deep red, accentuating her confident demeanor.

Their arrival brought a fresh wave of energy to the party. Richard's face lit up with a smile as he waved them over. The two women gracefully made their way through the crowd, attracting admiring glances from many of the attendees.

As they reached Richard, he stood up to greet them.

"You two look stunning tonight," he complimented, his voice barely audible over the music.

Sara laughed, a light, carefree sound. "Well, we had to make an effort for your big day, didn't we?" she teased, giving Richard a quick hug.

Lisa leaned in for a more intimate embrace with Richard. "Happy birthday, brother," she said softly, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"Thank you," Richard responded warmly, his gaze shifting between Lisa and Sara, appreciating their presence on his special day. "It's great to have both of you here."

He then beckoned the two to sit on the chairs he reserved for them. Of course, they both would sit next to him.

Once seated, Richard offered Sara a beer, which she accepted gratefully while Lisa was considering whether to take it or not. She drinks alcohol but not much. Richard noticed her hesitation and smiled reassuringly.

"Go on, Lisa. You're of legal age now, it's okay to have a drink with us," he encouraged gently, his tone light and teasing. "It's a special day, after all."

Lisa glanced at the beer bottle, and then back at her brother. Her eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and nervousness. "Well, if you say so, brother," she replied, finally accepting the beer. "Just this once, for your birthday."

Sara nudged Lisa playfully. "Welcome to the club of legal drinkers," she joked, raising her bottle in a mock toast.

Lisa laughed and then she took a tentative sip of the beer. As the cold liquid hit her taste buds, Lisa's expression transformed. Her eyes widened slightly, and she quickly stuck her lips out.

"Ew, it's bitter!" she exclaimed, her face scrunching up adorably in reaction to the unfamiliar flavor. Despite the initial shock, there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes, a clear sign she was open to this new experience.

Richard chuckled at her reaction, finding her expression endearing. "Yeah, it takes some getting used to," he admitted, remembering his own first experiences with beer. "But you'll start to appreciate the taste after a while."

"Maybe try a smaller sip next time," she suggested, gently patting Lisa's hand. "And remember, you don't have to drink it if you don't like it. It's all about enjoying the evening."

Lisa nodded, taking the advice to heart. She took another sip, this time smaller, and her reaction was less dramatic, though her face still showed she was grappling with the taste.

Sara finished her drink and then turned to Richard. "So, what are you guys talking about before we arrive?"

"Nothing, just work and personal stuff," Graves answered.

"Nothing significant," Mark added. "Hmm…since it's our boss's birthday, why don't we start giving him the gifts we prepared for him?"

"Yeah that I can agree," Graves responded, reaching for a small package he had set aside earlier. The rest of the group, intrigued, gathered around as Graves handed the package to Richard.

Richard, surprised and touched by the gesture, carefully unwrapped the gift. Inside was a fountain pen he got from the nearby mall.

"Well, since you deal with a lot of paperwork, I figure having an exquisite fountain pen would make it a bit more enjoyable," Graves explained with a smirk.

Richard examined the pen, appreciating its sleek design and the weight of it in his hand. "Thanks, Graves. This will definitely make signing documents less mundane."

Mark was next to present Richard with his gift – a set of high-quality earbuds."For those moments when you need to tune out the world and focus. You can connect it to your phone and listen to your favorite music."

Richard smiled, "These will come in handy during my runs. Thanks, Mark."

Lisa then handed Richard a small, neatly wrapped box. Inside, Richard found a luxurious watch with the brand name Rolex. "Well, a good thing in the apocalypse, everything is free in the mall. So I grabbed this one for you. It looked like something you'd like," she said with a playful smile.

"You really picked the expensive one eh?" Richard said, fitting the watch on his wrist. "It fits perfectly. Thank you, Lisa."

Last but not least, was Sara. All eyes were on her, eager to learn what Richard's girlfriend had chosen for his special day. Sara smiled shyly and looked at Richard.

"Actually, I haven't got a physical gift for you," she began, her voice slightly apologetic.

"Wait what? How could you? You are his girlfriend," Graves exclaimed.

"I can't believe this," Mark said.

Lisa stayed silent.

"It's okay…I don't really expect gifts from everyone but you Sara, you said you will have something for me. Confusing."

"Well, that's because," Sara leaned in and whispered to Richard's ears. "I have something special prepared for you later."

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