Chapter 211 Best Moments in his Life

Hearing Sara's words, Richard quickly put two and two together about the gift. He figured she was probably hesitant to give him homemade cookies at the party, maybe worrying they weren't good enough. Smiling to himself, Richard thought it was pretty sweet of her to go through that trouble.

Turning to Sara, he said in a low, reassuring voice, "Hey, no sweat about the gift. The thought counts more than anything. I'm sure I'll love whatever you've prepared."

Sara looked relieved, giving him a small, thankful smile.

Richard then shifted his attention to the others. "Alright, folks, how about we raise our glasses? To us, to survive, and to whatever comes next," he proposed, lifting his beer.

Everyone joined in, clinking their glasses together in a cheer. The party continued, with the mood remaining light and jovial. Sara, displaying a surprising tolerance, handled her fifth bottle of beer with ease, still coherent and enjoying the evening.

However, as the night wore on, it became clear that Lisa was not faring as well. Her laughter grew louder and more frequent, and her movements became less coordinated. Richard observed her with a mixture of concern and amusement; it was rare to see his sister in such a state.

"Lisa, are you alright?" Richard asked with concern, observing her unsteady hand as she reached for another beer.

"I'm totallyh fine, brooother," Lisa slurred heavily, her speech jumbled and unclear. She clumsily grabbed another bottle, spilling some beer in the process.

Richard raised an eyebrow, "Maybe that's enough, huh?"

But Lisa was defiant, "Nooo, no, I can go on. Watchh me!" she declared, her words muddled as she tried to lift the bottle to her lips, her grip shaky.

Sara glanced at Lisa, finally noticing her state. "Maybe you should take a break, Lisa," she suggested gently.

Lisa tried to sit back down, her movements awkward and uncoordinated. "See, I'm perfec'ly fine," she insisted, though her slurred words contradicted her statement.

Richard chuckled softly at Lisa's insistence, deciding to keep a watchful eye on her. Despite her protests, he could tell she was reaching her limit. The rest of the group seemed to share his amusement, but they all kept an eye on Lisa, ensuring she didn't overdo it.

As the evening progressed, Lisa's inhibition lowered further under the influence of alcohol. She leaned towards Sara, her eyes slightly unfocused but filled with genuine curiosity.

"Sara, wh-why did you end up with my br-brother?" she asked, her words slurring together. "Wha-what did you find in him?"

Sara, caught off guard by the question, smiled warmly at Lisa. "Well, I like how he adapted to the situation he was in. He gave orders promptly and that made me feel attracted to him. What's with the sudden question?"

Lisa, struggling to focus, blinked slowly as she processed Sara's answer. "Jus' curious," she mumbled, her words blending into each other. "He's a good leader, isn't he? Always... doing the right thing." Her speech was slurred, but her admiration for her brother was clear.

Sara nodded, understanding the sentiment behind Lisa's jumbled words. "He is," she agreed. "He's been through a lot, and yet he manages to keep us all safe. That's quite admirable."

Richard, feeling slightly embarrassed by the praise, tried to deflect the attention. "Okay, okay, let's not make the whole night about me," he said with a light-hearted chuckle.

"Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to be modest, brother," Lisa retorted playfully, her words still slurring. She attempted to sit up straighter, her effort evident. "Tonight is all about you, Richard. It's your day, after all!"

Sara chuckled at Lisa's comment, "She's right, Richard. It's not every day we get to celebrate you. So, let's make the most of it."

Richard, unable to argue with their logic, smiled and shook his head, accepting their affection and attention. "Alright, alright, have it your way," he conceded, raising his beer in acknowledgment.

The group shared a few more laughs and stories, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere. Lisa, despite her inebriated state, continued to participate in the conversation, even though the discussion was starting to sound more technical and about work.

As the night drew to a close, Richard helped Lisa up from her chair, steadying her as they prepared to leave. "Let's get you home, little sister. You've had quite a night," he said gently, supporting her.

Lisa nodded, leaning on Richard for support.

"You'll come back to us right?" Graves asked, not wanting their party to end just like that.

"Don't worry, once I bring Lisa to my unit, I'll be back as soon as possible," Richard assured.

"I'll come with them," Sara said, standing up as well.

Just as Richard, Lisa, and Sara were about to leave, several Blackwatch soldiers, who had been enjoying the festivities inside, noticed their departure. One of them, a tall, burly man with a booming voice, called out, "Hey, Commander! Aren't you forgetting something?"

Richard paused, turning back with a puzzled expression. "What's that?"

The soldier grinned broadly. "We haven't sung 'Happy Birthday' to you yet, sir!"

A cheer erupted from the group of soldiers, and soon the call was echoed by others outside the club.

The mood shifted from relaxed to celebratory as everyone gathered around Richard.

Lisa, slightly steadying herself, smiled and joined in, her voice slurred but enthusiastic. "Yeaah, let's sing for Richard!"

The music in the club was lowered, and the crowd, including Mark and Graves, prepared to sing. The Blackwatch soldiers, known for their boisterous nature, led the charge, their voices loud and full of cheer.

Richard, feeling both amused and touched by the spontaneous display of affection, stood in the center of the crowd, Sara and Lisa by his side.

As the first lines of "Happy Birthday" filled the air, everyone joined in. The club echoed with the voices of soldiers and friends, each person adding their own unique tone to the chorus.

Richard couldn't help but laugh, this was probably one of the best moments in his life. No one actually had sung happy birthday to him like this, and it was exhilarating.

As the song reached its climax, the crowd erupted in applause and cheers, some soldiers even whistling and clapping loudly. Richard thanked everyone, his heart full.

"Thank you, everyone. This means a lot to me," he said.

After expressing his gratitude, Richard made his way towards the exit with Lisa and Sara. Lisa, still heavily leaning on him, mumbled something incoherent but sounded happy. Sara, on the other side, offered a supportive arm to Lisa.

The crowd parted for them, offering well wishes and friendly nods as they passed. Richard acknowledged each gesture with a nod or a smile.

Once outside, the cool night air hit them.

"So you are bringing your sister to our unit?"

"Of course, so that she can sleep there," Richard said. "Why is there a problem?"


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