Doctor Aaron was deeply engrossed in the meticulous analysis of Crimson's unique physiology. The laboratory, filled with state-of-the-art equipment, buzzed with activity as he conducted a series of comprehensive tests.

His first task was a hematological examination. Using a spectrophotometer, he analyzed the spectral properties of Crimson's blood, which exhibited unusual absorption patterns, indicating a unique biochemical composition. The hemoglobin levels were off the charts, suggesting an extraordinary oxygen-carrying capacity, far beyond normal human parameters.

Next, he performed a cytological analysis. Under the high-resolution electron microscope, Crimson's cellular structure revealed extraordinary characteristics. The cells demonstrated rapid mitotic activity, indicative of accelerated regenerative capabilities. Each cell contained numerous mitochondria, far more than a typical human cell, which could explain her enhanced energy and healing abilities.

Aaron then conducted a series of enzyme assays. He was particularly interested in the activity of telomerase, an enzyme linked with cellular aging and regeneration. The assays revealed that Crimson's telomerase activity was exponentially higher than any recorded human sample, suggesting a potential mechanism behind her apparent immortality.

Following this, he performed a genomic analysis. Using next-generation sequencing technology, Aaron mapped out Crimson's genome, uncovering numerous anomalies and mutations. Certain gene sequences were highly conserved and showed signs of artificial manipulation, hinting at genetic engineering or alteration.

As the dawn light filtered into the lab, Doctor Aaron initiated a pharmacokinetic study. He administered a series of compounds to isolated tissue samples to observe their metabolic responses. Crimson's tissues showed a remarkable ability to neutralize and metabolize toxic substances, far exceeding normal human tolerance levels.

Lastly, Aaron conducted a neurophysiological assessment. Utilizing an electroencephalogram (EEG), he monitored the electrical activity of Crimson's brain tissues. The results were astounding; the neural activity was incredibly complex, with patterns that deviated significantly from typical human brainwaves.

Exhausted but invigorated by the groundbreaking discoveries, Doctor Aaron compiled his findings into a detailed report. The data he gathered would provide invaluable insights into Crimson's supernatural abilities and could potentially unlock new frontiers in medical science and bioengineering. 

Of course, with all the tests done, he needed to perform what the higher-ups wanted him to do. That is to extract the pill inside of Crimson, which could be a tracking beacon or a way how the progenitor to make her submissive and blindly loyal to him.

Before proceeding with the extraction, Doctor Aaron revisited the electroencephalogram (EEG) results. He intended to use these as a baseline to compare any neurological changes that might occur post-extraction. The EEG had previously shown highly complex neural patterns, but he was particularly interested in potential shifts in neural plasticity and synaptic activity that could indicate a return to Crimson's autonomous consciousness, which happened to Andrea the first…metahuman…that got her pill extracted and returned to herself.

He quickly organized the EEG readings into coherent graphs, highlighting the significant changes before and after the pill's extraction. Alongside, he prepared the genomic analysis data, which showcased the anomalies and mutations within Crimson's genetic structure. 

The pharmacokinetic study data were also included, showing how Crimson's tissues neutralized and metabolized various substances. This was particularly relevant, as it could lead to breakthroughs in developing new medical treatments or enhancing human resilience against diseases and toxins, including a vaccine for the zombie virus.

With the briefing materials compiled, Doctor Aaron inserted them into a secure digital folder. Doctor Aaron left the lab and met Richard in his office. He found him sitting on a sofa, reading a book.

"Doctor Aaron, good morning," Richard said, glancing up at Aaron. He looked at him up and down and spoke. "You seemed to have worked all night."

"Well, it's important work, sir. I'm just making up for the loss of the magic users…Violet and Seo-Jun. Anyways we finished doing our job and the results are all conclusive, consistent I must say." 

"I see…so you extracted the pill that means we can speak to the lady?" Richard asked.

Aaron shook his head in response. "To ensure the test won't be interrupted by her suddenly waking up, we injected sedatives to keep her unconscious," he explained. 

Richard nodded, his mind clearly processing the information. "And when she does wake up, what can we expect? Do we have any predictions on her mental state or potential reactions?"

Aaron adjusted his glasses, considering the question carefully. "It's difficult to predict with absolute certainty. The EEG readings suggest a return to a more typical human neural pattern. This could mean that she might regain some form of her original consciousness, free from the progenitor's influence. However, considering the trauma and the extensive manipulation she's been through, her psychological state could be unstable." 

"I see…will she wake up in a few hours?" 

"Of course sir," Aaron confirmed. 

"In that case, I'll wait," Richard said.

"While doing so sir, do you want to check our findings? It's all here in the tablet," Aaron proposed.

"I don't mind. I can read it to pass the time."

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