While waiting for Crimson to wake up, Richard ate food in the facility. The food was simple, it was a chocolate biscuit enough to fill his hungry stomach. As he ate, he read the medical reports made by Aaron. It was an impressively detailed report that he didn't understand what it signifies, implies, and represents. Despite not grasping the full complexity of the medical jargon and the implications of the findings, it was a good activity to pass the time. 

The report was filled with graphs, charts, and technical descriptions of cellular structures, enzyme activities, and neural patterns. Richard noted the marked changes in Crimson's EEG readings before and after the pill's removal, even if he couldn't fully interpret what these changes meant for her cognitive functions or psychological state. The genomic analysis section was particularly dense, with references to genetic mutations and potential artificial manipulation, hinting at a depth of bioengineering far beyond current human capabilities.

Finishing his biscuit, Richard set aside the report, and looked at his watch, noting the time. 

"Why is it taking so long?" 

As if on cue, Doctor Aaron entered the room. 

"Thank you for waiting, Sir Richard. The subject is now awake. We can visit her now. Please follow me."

Richard rose to his feet and followed Aaron through a series of secured doors. They arrived at a large observation window that overlooked a secure room. Inside, Crimson was lying on a medical bed with her eyes open.

The room was equipped with the latest medical and security technologies. Monitors displayed various readings – heart rate, brain activity, blood pressure – all indicating that Crimson was now conscious. Her gaze was fixed on the ceiling, her expression one of confusion and wariness.

Richard studied her through the glass. "How is she doing?" he asked, turning to Doctor Aaron.

"She's stable, physically speaking. Her vital signs are within normal ranges, and she's responding to stimuli as expected. However, psychologically, it's difficult to assess her state at this point," Aaron replied, his eyes not leaving the monitors.

Richard's gaze lingered on Crimson. "Can she hear us or see us from here?"

"The room is soundproof, and the glass is one-way. She can't see or hear us. But we've set up an intercom system for communication when we're ready," Aaron explained.

Richard nodded, taking in the sight of the woman who had been at the center of so much chaos. "Do we have any idea how much of her memories or personality might have been affected by the pill?"

After saying that, Richard beckoned Aaron to pull up the footage, but Aaron protested.

"Sir, what you are doing is not a good idea. From a psychological standpoint, confronting her with such direct and potentially traumatic information so soon after regaining consciousness could be counterproductive. It may trigger a defensive or aggressive response, or worse, cause psychological harm." 

"I don't really care about her well-being. Even if she went on a rampage, it's not like she'd be able to break out," Richard countered. "So show her the video, and get this over with."

"Understood, sir," 

Aaron said, though his tone carried a hint of reluctance. He turned to the control panel and activated the video feed. The footage, showing Crimson's earlier attack on the outpost, began playing on a screen visible to Crimson in her room.

Crimson's eyes widened as she watched the footage. Her expression shifted from confusion to disbelief, and then to a deep, troubled realization. She watched herself in the video, moving with lethal precision, her powers in full display.

"This... this can't be me. I don't remember any of this," she murmured, her voice shaking.

Richard observed her reaction closely, his face impassive. "That is you, you were manipulated by the man named Lin Feng, forcing you to do things like that. It's time that you open your eyes and realize that you were a weapon to him."

"No!" Crimson exclaimed. "That's not possible. That can't be real…I'm just a streamer…It's not real…It's not real."

Crimson's voice trailed off into a whisper, her hands trembling as she grappled with the reality unfolding before her. As the footage continued, her demeanor began to change rapidly. Her breathing became erratic, and her eyes, once filled with confusion, now glowed with an intense, almost feral light.

Richard watched in concern as Crimson's powers began to manifest. The blood in the medical tubes connected to her started to swirl and pulsate unnaturally. "Doctor, she's activating her abilities. Sedate her, now!"

Aaron, equally alarmed, rushed to the control panel. "Initiating emergency sedation protocol!" he announced. He pressed a series of buttons, activating the automated sedative delivery system.

In the secure room, a hiss sounded as the sedatives were injected into Crimson's bloodstream. For a moment, her powers seemed to surge, the blood in the tubes rising like serpents, but then her body slackened, and the glow in her eyes faded as the sedatives took effect.

Crimson's head fell back onto the pillow, her body going limp as she lost consciousness.

"What you said triggered a stress on her," Aaron said. 

"I'm just making it easier for later," Richard replied. "Anyways, I'm going to buy some nukes and rockets. I'll return here in the evening."

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