At Aparri Port, the fifth batch of the locals from the Fuga Islands arrived. San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock huge ramp being lowered onto the dock, revealing the crowd of evacuees from Fuga Island. The air was filled with a mix of relief and anxiety as the locals stepped onto solid ground, many for the first time since the crisis began

Nearby, a team of volunteers and local officials, coordinated by Graves, worked efficiently to assist the evacuees. They provided water, food, and medical attention to those in need. Graves, communicating through his headset, directed the flow of people and resources, ensuring that everyone received the care they required.

"Good work, everyone. Let's keep this moving smoothly. We have more people coming in," Graves instructed his team authoritatively. 

Meanwhile, in the air, a squadron of Black Hawk and Chinook helicopters flew overhead, landing at their respective spots. The most efficient mode of transportation on the ground is through air, as most of the major highways and roads leading to New Clark City are blocked by swarming zombies and abandoned vehicles.

However, the noise of the helicopter rotors couldn't prevent the zombies from nearby to converge towards the sound. From a distance, the mass of zombies resembled a dark, undulating tsunami, relentlessly advancing toward the Aparri Port.

In response, a fleet of Apache and Viper helicopters, designated as aerial escorts, swiftly maneuvered into position. Their pilots communicated through secure channels.

"Viper One to Squadron, we have visual on the swarm. Preparing for engagement," the lead Viper pilot radioed.

"Roger that, Viper One. Apache Two, moving to flank. Let's thin them out," responded an Apache pilot, as the helicopters fanned out, creating a strategic perimeter around the port.

The rotors of the helicopters whirred intensely as they hovered above the ground, their pilots expertly maneuvering to gain advantageous positions. The sound of machine guns and missile launches soon filled the air, as the pilots expertly targeted the advancing horde.

"Viper Three engaging, firing Hellfires," announced another Viper pilot, as missiles streaked from the aircraft, exploding amidst the swarm and decimating large groups of zombies.

"Apache One, providing cover fire. Keep them at bay," chimed in an Apache pilot, the sound of the helicopter's chain gun echoing as it unleashed a barrage of bullets.

The coordinated attack from the helicopters proved effective, significantly reducing the number of approaching zombies.

Hearing those successful exchanges of words between pilots, Graves nodded in satisfaction. It's good that he doesn't have to jump in and help them. The helicopters are more than capable of dealing with swarms of zombies.


"Specter-1, an Alpha Hunter is spotted in the AO," Viper 1 reported, looking at the huge hunter that was charging on all fours, crushing the zombies beneath its bulky arms and feet.

"Let me handle it, Viper 1," Graves said as he activated his suit. He engaged the flight system and soared towards the AO.

Graves descended rapidly toward the area of operations (AO), where the Alpha Hunter was wreaking havoc. His suit's thrusters slowed his descent just before landing, creating a small shockwave that pushed back the nearest zombies.

The moment his feet touched the ground, he was swarmed by a horde of zombies. Without hesitation, Graves activated his plasma blade, a weapon that glowed with intense heat and energy. He swung the blade in wide, sweeping arcs, each motion cutting through the undead with ease. The zombies, unable to withstand the high temperature and sharpness of the plasma blade, were sliced in half, their dismembered parts falling to the ground.

Meanwhile, the Apache and Viper pilots provided aerial support, keeping an eye on the Alpha Hunter's movements. "Specter-1, be advised, Alpha Hunter is closing in on your position," one of the pilots warned over the comms.

"Copy that," Graves responded, his eyes scanning for the Alpha Hunter. He spotted the massive creature charging through the zombies.

"So an arm-blade type of Alpha Hunter huh? I wonder what's sharper," Graves muttered under his breath. 

As the Alpha Hunter lunged towards him, Graves braced himself for the impact. The creature swung its massive arm-blade, a weapon that seemed to be a part of its own mutated anatomy. Graves maneuvered out of the direct line of attack, narrowly avoiding the initial strike.

The Alpha Hunter, undeterred, quickly turned to face him again. Graves counterattacked, thrusting his plasma blade forward. The Alpha Hunter attempted to parry with its arm blade, but the plasma blade's intense heat and energy cut through it like butter. The plasma blade, glowing with a fierce blue hue, met no resistance as it sliced through the arm blade and then into the torso of the Alpha Hunter.

The creature roared in pain and anger, a sound that echoed across the port. But Graves didn't relent. He continued his assault, his blade moving in a blur of light and heat. With each strike, he cut through the Alpha Hunter's thick hide, the plasma blade cauterizing the wounds it inflicted, preventing any regeneration that the creature might have been capable of.

Finally, with a swift and powerful thrust, Graves plunged his plasma blade deep into the heart of the Alpha Hunter. The creature shuddered violently and then fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

"Wait…this was easy," Graves commented. 

"You made it look so easy, Specter-1," Viper concurred. 

Graves deactivated the plasma blade and contacted Richard.

"Specter-1 to Eagle."

"This is Eagle, send traffic," Richard responded.

"Eagle, I have just defeated an Alpha Hunter with the Titan's Guard Mark II," Graves informed. 

"Yeah, I can see that, Specter-1, from my system. I just got a notification that I beat one so thank you for the gold coins and the experience points," Richard chuckled.

"You won't believe it only took me seconds," Graves added.

"Seconds?" Richard gasped. "I was having trouble fighting an Alpha Hunter when I was equipped with the Titan's Guard." 

"This suit is powerful sir, I can guarantee it," Graves said. 

"It's strong, but not enough to beat Lin Feng in a one-on-one fight. Well, it's not like we'll fight Lin Feng head-on. Anyway, I'm at the containment facility. Crimson just self-destructed, possibly a work of Lin Feng." 

"I see…well…I'm going back to the Aparri Port and let out aerial assets take care of the res—" Graves trailed off as he saw a zombie over his shoulder, trying to bite him on the neck. He reached over his shoulder, grasping the zombie by its head.

"Piss off."

With a powerful movement, Graves hurled the zombie into the oncoming line of its kin. The force of the throw was so intense that the zombie became a projectile, its impact causing the group to disintegrate upon collision. The undead were scattered, their forms collapsing under the sheer kinetic energy delivered by Graves' throw.

"What the heck—"

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