At Lin Feng's hidden stronghold, he surveyed his amassed army of mutated humans. The force, numbering about 100, was formidable, each individual possessing unique skills and abilities that could challenge an entire army. However, Lin Feng wasn't satisfied.

"It's lacking. Our force is still not enough. We have to gather more," he mused aloud.

The obvious solution was to increase their numbers by transforming more humans into mutants. Yet, Lin Feng had specific criteria. He wasn't interested in creating just any specimen; he wanted perfection. In his vision of a new empire in this apocalyptic world, every woman had to be beautiful and utterly devoted to him. The men, less important in his eyes, were included in his ranks merely to experiment with diversity in his force. However, they were programmed not to covet any of his women, as Lin Feng refused to share.

Surrounding himself with beautiful women from East Asia, Lin Feng reveled in his newfound power and influence, a stark contrast to his pre-apocalyptic life marked by rejection and isolation.

Lost in his thoughts, he was interrupted by Su Xue, who approached him cautiously.

"Master—Crimson is dead," she reported.

Lin Feng feigned a frown. Although the news of Crimson's demise slightly saddened him, he knew it was a necessary loss. Captured by Blackwatch, she posed a risk of becoming an enemy. To prevent this, Lin Feng had activated a kill switch he had implanted in all his mutants.

The switch triggered apoptosis at a cellular level, causing rapid organ failure. This safeguard ensured that none of his creations could be turned against him. Like what happened to Andrea. But still…a waste.

"I already know about that…is there anything?" Lin Feng asked.

"There is one, a zombie activity in the northern part of Luzon, in the coastal region," Su Xue continued. "If anything that can make a swarm move there, that's Blackwatch." 

"Is that so? What could they be doing in the north of Lu—" Lin Feng's eyes widened as he realized what they could be doing. "Are they planning on setting up a staging ground and invading us?" 

"That's a reasonable assumption, Master." 

"They are planning on confronting us so early huh? Not at the point where I'm not satisfied with our numbers. Very well, I'll send them a warm reception."

"Should I dispatch an elite force to the location, Master?" Su Xue suggested.

Lin Feng shook his head. "That won't be necessary, let my minions do the job. I think they are enough to spook them out." 

With that, Lin Feng opened his system and summoned monstrous creatures that would shake the core of any human being in this world. 


Eight hours later, somewhere along the Babuyan Islands.

It was late in the evening and the rescue operation of locals from different islands was still underway. The San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock has been ferrying to and fro, carrying thousands in a single trip.

As it was traversing the ocean, the sonar operator aboard the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock noticed an unusual blip on the sonar screen. It appeared suddenly, a large and unidentifiable object moving beneath the waves at an alarming speed.

"Commander, we have an unknown contact on sonar. It's big and closing in fast," the sonar operator reported,


The commanding officer approached the sonar station for a closer look. "Show me the readings. How fast is it moving? Any identification on the type?"

The sonar operator adjusted the controls, enhancing the image. "It's moving at over 30 knots, sir. No definitive ID. It's unlike any submarine or aquatic life form we've encountered."

The commander frowned, observing the blip's trajectory and speed. "Keep tracking it. Signal the engine room to increase our speed. Let's try to create some distance."

As the ship's engines revved up, the blip continued to close the gap. Within minutes, it was alarmingly close to the transport dock. The crew braced themselves, unsure of what was about to emerge.

Suddenly, giant tentacles breached the surface, wrapping around the ship with immense strength. The ship groaned under extreme stress, its metal hull creaking as it was constricted by the monstrous appendages.

"What the hell is that?!" the captain of the ship walked towards the window and saw more tentacles breaching the surface of the water, coiling around the superstructure of the ship. 

Lights flickered and sparks flew as the tentacles squeezed tighter, causing severe structural strain on the ship. The crew members were thrown off balance, gripping onto anything they could to steady themselves.

"Battle stations!" the commander barked into the intercom, his voice filled with urgency. "All hands, prepare to repel an unknown aquatic threat! We need damage control teams on the double!"

The crew members sprung into action. Damage control teams geared up, rushing to reinforce the hull and control the flooding in several compartments. The weapons team, though unsure of the effectiveness, readied the deck guns, aiming them at the massive tentacles.

"Fire everything we've got at those tentacles!" the commander ordered. The deck guns roared to life, shells pounding into the thick, muscular limbs of the creature. However, the impact seemed minimal against the creature's massive size and strength.

The sonar operator continued to relay information. "Multiple contacts! It seems like there are more of these things converging on our position!"

The commander's expression was grim. "This is no ordinary creature. Get me in line with the command center."

"Copy that, Blackwatch is online, awaiting your report, Commander," the communication officer announced the connectivity.

"Blackwatch this is LPD-2, we are under attack by an unidentified aquatic entity. Multiple tentacle-like appendages have ensnared the vessel. Our conventional armaments are ineffective. We are sustaining structural damage and require immediate assistance,"

"LPD-2, this is Blackwatch Command. What's your current status?" came the response.

"We have activated battle stations. Damage control teams are attempting to mitigate flooding in several compartments. We're maintaining defensive efforts, but the entity's strength is beyond our current capabilities. We are not built for this."

"Understood, LPD-2. We are scrambling aerial to your coordinates. Maintain your defensive posture. Help is en route. Estimated time of arrival: five minutes," Blackwatch Command responded.

"Five minutes, acknowledged," the commander confirmed. He turned to his crew, relaying the information. "Help is on the way. Hold your positions and maintain fire."

Outside, one of the crew manned the M2HB machine gun. 

"Let's see if this makes a dent," he muttered, gripping the M2HB firmly. With a deep breath, he depressed the firing pin, unleashing a barrage of .50 caliber rounds toward the massive tentacle.

The machine gun roared to life, spitting out rounds at a rapid pace. Tracer rounds illuminated the night sky, creating a stream of light towards the target. The bullets slammed into the slick surface of the tentacle, but to the crewman's dismay, many of the rounds ricocheted off, as if the creature's skin was made of something much tougher than they had ever encountered.

"Damn, it's like shooting a wet rubber! The rounds are bouncing off!" he shouted over the noise of the gun.

Meanwhile, on the air, Graves was en-route. "This is Specter-1, approaching the target zone."

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