Chapter 252 Motherf**ker?

"Blackwatch ordered us to turn back and neutralized the motherfucker," said one of the pilots of the Valkyrie.

"The motherfucker? Is that what they assigned to that monster as a callsign? A motherfucker?" the Valkyrie leader asked.

"No, but if you think about it, it sounds good right?"

"Now that you have said it, it does sound good. Alright, Valkyries, let's turn back and deal with this 'motherfucker'," the Valkyrie leader commanded.

The squadron of F-35s adjusted their formation, turning back towards the unknown threat.

"Valkyrie Two to Leader, do we have any intel on what we're dealing with?" asked one of the pilots, scanning the skies for any sign of the mysterious creature.

"Not much to go on," the leader responded. "It appeared as a large blip on the radar, moving at high speed. Our drones were taken out before we could get a clear visual, but it seems to be some kind of giant bird—I think it's best if we ask Blackwatch."

"Valkyrie Leader to Blackwatch, what took down our drone, over?"

"Valkyrie Leader, the attack appeared to be a sonic screech of incredibly high frequency and intensity, capable of causing severe disruptions in electronic systems and even physical damage," Mark replied from the command center. "Based on the data we managed to gather before the drone feed was lost, this creature, whatever it is, possesses an ability to generate and project sonic waves. It's highly likely that it's one of Lin Feng's summons."

Richard, standing beside Mark, listened intently. "So, it's using sound as a weapon. That's going to make direct engagement difficult. What are our options?"

Mark looked back at the radar and data screens, assessing the situation. "The F-35's systems are advanced, but sustained exposure to such high-intensity sonic attacks could compromise their integrity. We might need to consider alternative tactics. A distance-based approach, maybe using standoff weapons, could be more effective. The AGM-158 JASSM has a long enough range to keep the jets out of the creature's immediate sonic attack radius."

"Okay, no problem then," Richard said.

"Don't falter Valkyries, it may not be able to do that trick again, launch again."

The Valkyrie squadron, following Richard's order, prepared to launch another salvo of missiles. However, the giant bird-like creature, seemingly anticipating their next move, unfurled its massive wings once again. But this time, instead of generating a gust of wind, it hurled an array of feathered spikes toward the approaching F-35s.

The pilots, caught off guard by this new attack, reacted swiftly. Some managed to evade the barrage of spikes with agile maneuvers. But not all were lucky. Several jets were hit, the spikes piercing through their armor with ease.

"Mayday, mayday!" one pilot cried out over the radio as his jet took a critical hit. "I'm hit! Ejecting!" The cockpit canopy burst open, and the pilot was ejected, his parachute deploying as he left the stricken aircraft.

Other pilots, though their jets were scratched and damaged, managed to maintain operational control. They continued their efforts to outmaneuver the creature's relentless attacks.

"Valkyrie Three to Leader, I've taken some damage but still operational," reported one pilot, as his jet bore the scars of the encounter.

The Valkyrie leader, assessing the situation, called out, "All Valkyries, stay sharp! Avoid those spikes. Continue the engagement, but be mindful of its new attack pattern."

"We need to get closer," Richard said. "I need to see if we are close to bringing that beast down."

"Valkyrie Five, you are to approach the monster for visual to the Blackwatch," the leader ordered.

"Copy that, breaking off formation," Valkyrie Five, piloting one of the F-35s, broke off from the formation and cautiously approached the giant bird-like creature. Despite the potential danger, the pilot was determined to provide a close-up visual assessment for Blackwatch Command.

"Valkyrie Five to Blackwatch, I'm moving in for a closer look," the pilot communicated, his voice steady despite the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

In the command center, Richard and his team watched the live feed from Valkyrie Five's onboard camera. The screen displayed the massive creature in greater detail than before. Its gargantuan size and the dark, shimmering feathers were more intimidating up close. The creature seemed to be aware of the approaching jet, its eyes tracking the movement with an unsettling intelligence.

But Richard was not after its appearance, he was after its name and its health bar. Its health is at 60 percent, and its name is Gryphalos, similar to the Alpha Gryphon but not as tough.

"If the progenitor is sending those monsters our way, it suggests it feels threatened. Our confrontation may be approaching sooner than anticipated. Once we are one with this, let's nuke different cities again and confront him head-on."

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