As the battle progressed, the Valkyries maintained a safe distance, constantly circling the airspace around Gryphalos. They relied heavily on their advanced targeting systems and the agility of their F-35s to evade the creature's attacks. Gryphalos, with its enormous wings and ability to launch feathered spikes, proved to be a relentless opponent. But the Valkyries had a plan.

"Valkyrie Leader to all Valkyries. Stay mobile, and don't let it lock onto you," the Valkyrie Leader instructed over the radio. The pilots acknowledged their voices firm despite the intensity of the situation.

The Valkyries employed hit-and-run tactics, taking advantage of the F-35's advanced stealth capabilities and high-speed maneuverability. Each pilot carefully timed their attacks, launching AGM-158 JASSMs (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles) from a distance to avoid the creature's sonic screech and spike assaults. 

Meanwhile, in the command center, Richard and his team monitored the battle closely. The screens displayed real-time data, including the trajectory of the missiles and the F-35s' positions. Richard focused on the health bar of the Gryphalos. 

"It's decreasing, it's at 40 percent. Continue the press the attack," Richard instructed.

The Valkyries, upon receiving Richard's directive, intensified their offensive. The battle strategy was clear: maintain a tactical distance while unleashing a barrage of missiles. This approach allowed them to exploit the F-35's superior technology and firepower without falling victim to Gryphalos's deadly sonic attacks.

The squadron leader, coordinating the attack, issued targeted commands to each pilot. "Valkyries, align for another missile volley. Target its vital points - wings and head. Fire on my mark!"

As Gryphalos attempted to retaliate, its movements became sluggish, a clear sign that the sustained attacks were taking a toll. The creature's once intimidating presence was now diminished, its energy visibly drained. Despite its weakened state, Gryphalos managed to launch a few more of its deadly feathered spikes, but the Valkyries, alert and nimble, expertly dodged the incoming projectiles.

"Missiles locked and ready," confirmed Valkyrie Two.

"On my mark... three, two, one, fire!" the squadron leader commanded.

A flurry of missiles, their trails lighting up the sky, soared toward Gryphalos. The precision-guided JASSMs found their target, causing a series of powerful explosions upon impact. Gryphalos let out a pained roar as it struggled to maintain altitude, its body riddled with the impacts of the high-explosive warheads.

Back at the command center, Richard watched the health bar of Gryphalos rapidly decrease. "It's working, the attacks are effective. It's down to 20 percent. Stay on it, Valkyries!"

Encouraged by their success, the Valkyries prepared for a final assault. The air around Gryphalos was filled with the roar of jet engines and the whistle of missiles. The creature, now severely weakened, could barely defend itself against the onslaught.

"Valkyrie Three to Leader, preparing for the final strike," reported Valkyrie Three, lining up his jet for the decisive blow.

"Confirmed, Valkyrie Three. All units, prepare for the final salvo," the leader ordered.

As the Valkyries unleashed their final missile barrage, Gryphalos attempted one last desperate counterattack. However, its efforts were futile against the coordinated might of the Valkyrie squadron. The missiles hit their mark with deadly accuracy, engulfing Gryphalos in a massive explosion.

Suddenly–Richard's notification popped up. 

[Congratulations! You have defeated Gryphalos.]

[You have received 85,000,000 gold coins and 500,000 experience points.] 

Richard flickered his gaze back at the main screen and watched as the Gryphalos's body fell down to the ocean, causing a massive splash that sent waves rippling across the surface. 

In the command center, a collective sigh of relief washed over the room as the tension eased. The staff, visibly exhausted yet satisfied, exchanged looks of accomplishment. Richard, with a small nod of approval, turned to address his team.

"Good work, everyone," Richard clapped his hand. "I hope that's the last of them. Wait a minute, just to be sure. Valkyrie, is there another bogey getting detected on your radar?"


The Valkyrie leader glanced at the radar display in the F-35's cockpit, scanning thoroughly for any signs of additional threats. "Eagle, this is Valkyrie Leader. The radar is clear. No additional bogeys detected in our vicinity."

Richard nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, but let's not take any chances. Valkyries, I want you to perform a thorough radar sweep of the area of operation. Ensure we're not missing anything. We can't afford to be caught off guard."

"Understood, Eagle. Commencing radar sweep now," the Valkyrie Leader acknowledged.

The Valkyries began a methodical sweep of the surrounding airspace. Their F-35s, equipped with state-of-the-art radar and sensor systems, were capable of detecting even the most stealthy of threats. The pilots adjusted their flight patterns to cover as much area as possible, their eyes glued to the radar screens.

As they executed the sweep, Richard and his team continued to monitor the situation from the command center. The staff watched the radar feeds and communicated with the Valkyries, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the search area.

After several minutes of careful scanning, the Valkyrie Leader reported back. "Eagle, the radar sweep is complete. The area is clear of any potential threats. It seems Gryphalos was the only one."

Richard sighed in relief but remained cautious. "Good work, Valkyries. Return to base for debriefing. We'll analyze the data from this encounter and prepare for any future surprises Lin Feng might have in store."

The Valkyries, relieved but still on high alert, turned their jets back towards base. 

"This is a heck of a day," Richard exhaled.


Meanwhile in Japan.

"They have defeated my summons that easily?" Lin Feng clicked his tongue. "The Blackwatch sure is getting stronger by the day." 

"Direct confrontation by you, master, would probably be enough to erase them from existence," Su Xue proposed. 

"I will but not today. We barely have any information of their whereabouts. We have thrashed their bases but it turns out, it was an outpost," Lin Feng said. 

"But we can't deny their progress, master. More and more of our zombie population are being erased from existence. We know that the leader of the Blackwatch is the same as you, so he is getting a lot of experience points and gold from a single nuclear strike." 

Lin Feng sighed. "Very well. A direct confrontation is what you wanted huh? Well, I'll give it to them." 

"You are going to end Blackwatch?" 

"That'll come later, first I need to get to the Philippines myself and gather information. I will not be sending my women this time."

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