"Sir I think they are coming out," Sara informed as she zoomed in on the monitor screen of the drone camera. 

Richard watched the monitor display and saw a plethora of armed guards squirting out of the Malacanang Palace. 

"Well, it seems that our missile strike in front of the Malacanang has knocked some sense into them," Richard commented.

They watched as the NPA's forces entered their vehicle and scrambled 

"They're leaving the palace, but where do you think they're headed?" Sara asked, her eyes not leaving the screen.

Richard leaned closer to the monitor, analyzing the convoy's movement. "Hard to say, but they're definitely in a rush. Keep tracking them."

The drone camera followed the convoy, providing a bird's-eye view of the situation. The vehicles, loaded with armed personnel, sped through the streets, weaving through abandoned vehicles and debris.

"Sir ... .if you want to eliminate NPA forces, now is the chance," Mark urged gently.

"We don't know if the NPA leadership is in the vehicle, can we contact them?" Richard asked

Sara quickly adjusted some controls. "Trying to establish a connection now, sir."

A tense silence filled the command center as they waited for a response. The drone continued to relay live footage, showing the NPA forces' convoy snaking its way through the outskirts of the city.

After a moment, a crackled voice came through the speakers. "This is Reyes."

"Reyes…thank you for picking this call up. So we are seeing a convoy of vehicles moving out of the Malacanang Palace. It's nice of you to abide by our terms despite you defying us with the intention of shooting down our drone. I just have to confirm, are all of your men cleared out of the Malacanang Palace? Because I don't want to spend another missile on a Palace that could have been used to exterminate hordes of zombies."

Reyes' voice was tense but composed. "Yes, we are leaving the palace as per your demands. My men are with me. We pose no threat to you now."

Richard's words dripped with contempt. "You and your men should better stay in the jungle and mountains. We'll be keeping an eye on you. If there's even a hint that you're planning something, we won't hesitate to take action."

There was a moment of silence between the two. Richard imagined that Reyes is utterly frustrated right now, unable to retort because he doesn't have the power to back up his words, while Richard does.

Richard cut the call abruptly, turning his attention back to the monitors. "Sara, do we have a clear target on the convoy?" 

"Yes sir," Sara confirmed, activating the targeting system. "The convoy is within range and clearly visible."

"Very well, fire," Richard ordered but he didn't see any missile flying out of the drone. "Sara? What's the problem? I already gave you an order to—"

Richard trailed off as he noticed the convoy stopping in the middle of the intersection. In front of them was a hooded figure, extending their hands at them as if beckoning them to stop.

"Sara, can you zoom in on that figure?" Richard asked, his tone shifting from commanding to inquisitive.

Sara adjusted the drone's camera, zooming in on the hooded figure. The image on the monitor became clearer, showing a solitary person standing confidently in the middle of the road. The figure was cloaked in a nondescript, hooded garment, obscuring any identifying features.

Armed guards inside the Armored Personnel Carriers stepped out, aiming their automatic rifles at the hooded figure. There seemed to have been a response as four men from behind the hooded figure showed themselves out, with red glowing blades on their arms.

"Mutated zombies?" Mark guessed.

"No…" Richard shook his head. "Why am I getting a vibe that we have seen those figures before…" 

"You don't tell," Sara chimed in. "Should we continue observing or we blow them up now?" 

"We observe first, and then act later," Richard said.

They watched, the NPA armed troops seemingly talking to the hooded figures, but in an instant, the situation escalated dramatically. The hooded figure, with astonishing speed, closed the distance to the NPA troops. Before anyone in the command center could react.

The drone's camera captured the scene in high detail, showing the hooded figure and their companions moving with almost supernatural agility. They wielded what appeared to be advanced melee weapons, emitting a red glow, cutting through the air and the guards, cleaving and slicing them in different parts.

Richard's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the fighting style of one particular individual.

"Lin Feng," Richard muttered under his breath.

"Wait…Lin Feng? Is he not in Japan anymore? What is he doing here?" Mark gasped.

"Probably a direct confrontation with us," Sara speculated. "This changes everything, sir, what should we do?" 

"Sara, prepare for a nuclear strike on major cities across the globe, launch as many missiles as possible. Do it now! I need to be at the highest level before we can fight Lin Feng…" 

"Since he is in the Philippines, we may only have a day or two," Mark added, his voice laced with urgency. "He is not sending his minions this time, or more specifically, he came with them."

Richard's heart beat faster than ever before, watching Lin Feng easily eliminate the NPA troops. This man took a direct hit from a low-yield tactical nuke, and he is in the Philippines. This is the worst day of his life. But he knew there was no time to worry, they were here and a confrontation with them was inevitable.


On the ground, Commander Reyes was crawling away from Lin Feng while firing at him. The bullets shattered upon impact and Lin Feng was not bothered by it. 

"I have some questions for you," Lin Feng said in English. "You answer my question, and I'll let you walk away alive."

When Reyes fired the last bullet, Lin Feng caught it inside his mouth, chewing it and then spitting it out nonchalantly. 

"I'll take that as your willingness to cooperate," Lin Feng said calmly, stepping closer to Reyes, who was now disarmed and visibly shaken.

"Now, do you know where the Blackwatch is? Like where are they operating?" 

Reyes shook his head frantically. 

"You are not lying to me right?" Lin Feng asked.

Reyes shook his head again. 

"Very well," Lin Feng said, his voice low but clear. Suddenly, he moved with lightning speed, his fingers plunging into Reyes' chest. There was a moment of eerie silence before Reyes' body began to convulse violently. Lin Feng withdrew his hand, and the transformation began.

Reyes' appearance contorted grotesquely. His skin turned a pallid, sickly hue, and sharp, blade-like claws sprouted from his fingers. His features twisted into something monstrous, barely recognizable as human.

"This is what I meant when I told you I'll let you walk away when you answer my question, you become part of my minions."

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