"Shit…he just turned that man into a monster," Mark exclaimed. 

"Sir?" Sara swiveled her chair around and looked at him as if wanting him to do something aside from ordering her to prepare for a nuclear strike. 

"If we are going to fight Lin Feng, we are going to need some time," Mark commented. "How about we lured him south?" 

"Good idea," Richard agreed on his plan. "Sara, fire a hellfire missile at Lin Feng and then reroute the reaper to the south. We need to make him believe that our base is in that direction."

"Copy that, sir," Sara swiveled her chair back, her fingers flying over the controls. She targeted Lin Feng with the drone's systems, readying the Hellfire missile. 

As Sara executed the command, the Hellfire missile launched, streaking towards its target. The command center team watched the monitor intently, tracking the missile's trajectory. However, Lin Feng noticed the incoming missile. In a swift, almost blur-like motion, he dodged it, the missile exploding harmlessly away from him.

"Damn, he is really fast," Mark commented, he was not surprised anymore by Lin Feng's abilities as he had seen before.

Lin Feng pointed his finger toward the drone as if telling them that he found them. And began picking up rubbles, and hurling them to take down the drone.

But due to air drag and other aerodynamic factors, the rubbles thrown by Lin Feng disintegrated or veered off course before they could reach the drone. Nevertheless, his attempt to target the drone was a clear indication of his awareness of their surveillance.

"Now that he knows where the drone is, time to lure him to the south. Sara, do the honors."

"Understood," Sara engaged the drone, deftly maneuvering it to head south. 

Richard watched the screen closely, analyzing Lin Feng's response. The mysterious figure seemed to ponder for a moment before following the drone's path.

"Keep the drone just within his sight but out of reach," Richard instructed. "We need to keep him interested but not let him catch it."

It was only Lin Feng following the drone, leaving his associates behind. Richard wondered if this was to secure the area or for some other strategic reason. Either way, it was clear that Lin Feng was not acting impulsively.

Sara continued to pilot the drone, maintaining a safe distance from Lin Feng. 

Mark looked over at Richard. "Sir, should we deploy additional surveillance? If he's left his group behind, there could be another angle to this we're not seeing."

Richard nodded. "Yes, deploy two more drones to monitor his associates. We can't afford to be blindsided."

Sara quickly set up the additional drones, sending them to the last known location of Lin Feng's group. 

"Predator drones will arrive in the area in five minutes," Sara updated.

Richard nodded in approval. "Good, keep me informed on their status. We need all the eyes we can get on this situation."

As they waited for the Predator drones to arrive, the command center remained focused on the screens. Lin Feng continued his pursuit of the drone.

"It seems that our progenitor is stupid," Mark observed. "Why is he following the drone so blindly? Aren't he wary that we might lead him to the trap?" 

"Well, that's the problem in the mindset of someone strong; they don't think because they think they'll get out of the situation using their strength," Richard replied. "This is working very well in our favor. Sara, why don't we give Lin Feng something that will make him chase the drone? Irritate him to the point his sole focus would be about destroying that drone." 

"Copy that," Sara acknowledged. She quickly scanned the drone's armament options. "I have a GBU-12 Paveway II on board. It's a laser-guided bomb. I can drop it near his location to stir him up."

"Do it," Richard instructed firmly.

Sara nodded and focused on her task. She expertly guided the drone, aligning it for the bomb drop.

Sara released the bomb. It descended, laser-guided towards a spot close to Lin Feng but away from any civilian areas. The explosion was controlled yet significant, sending a cloud of debris and dust into the air.

Lin Feng, caught off guard by the sudden explosion near him, instinctively looked in the drone's direction. His expression, captured by the high-resolution camera, was one of surprise turning into anger.

"Looks like we got his attention," Mark noted.

"He is going to want to destroy that," Richard said. "Now we do this until Lin Feng is far off south." 


Five minutes later, two predator drones arrived at the last location of the convoy, where Lin Feng's associate still stood there.

"It is as if they are waiting for their boss to come back," Mark noted.

"Sara, how far is Lin Feng from Manila?" Richard asked.

"About 50 kilometers, this progenitor is surely fast. He is able to keep up with the speed of the reaper drone."

"About 50 kilometers, this progenitor is surely fast. He is able to keep up with the speed of the Reaper drone," Sara reported, her eyes fixed on the monitor as she monitored Lin Feng's relentless pursuit.

"Keep him moving. We need to draw him as far away as possible," Richard directed, his gaze not leaving the screen. "Meanwhile, what to do with his associate? Should we take them down?" 

"If we do that, would Lin Feng notice? He would know if one of his minions died right?"

"We are working on the assumption that Lin Feng is hellbent on destroying Blackwatch. He is not the type of man who would return back for his minions just because they got taken down. We have proof of that when he killed Crimson when she got captured," Richard said.

"In that case, who would we send? A battalion of helicopters? Special Forces equipped with Titan's Guard—" 

"Graves and his Delta Force," Richard interrupted as he answered him. "Only Graves would wear the Titan's Guard Mark II and the rest are in full battle equipment." 

"You'll send Delta Forces without Titan's Guard? Sir, they are easy prey on those men," Mark protested. 

"I don't think those gentlemen are of the same caliber as Lin Feng," Richard replied firmly. "Sure they fluked when they fought Lin Feng but that's Lin Feng we are talking about, not some random dudes like those men he left behind. Just trust me on this, I have this gut feeling that they could take them down."

"Okay, what's the objective of taking them down?"


"We are going to extract information about Lin Feng, any methods of extracting information will be considered," Richard answered. "So, call Graves and set up the team for an operation." 

"Understood, sir," Mark acknowledged by standing in attention.

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