In the aftermath of the white phosphorus strike, the area was clouded with dense smoke, reducing visibility to near zero. The figures of Lin Feng's associates, now scattered and disoriented, were barely visible through the haze.

Graves, perched on his vantage point, spoke into his comms, "Specters, switch to thermal optics. We're going for limb shots. Use the Barretts."

"Specter Alpha, Roger that," came the swift reply. The team members, positioned on the rooftops, each equipped with a Barrett M82 sniper rifle, adjusted their scopes to thermal imaging.

Through the thermal optics, the heat signatures of Lin Feng's associates stood out against the cooler background. The Specter teams targeted the limbs of the scattered figures.

"Specter Bravo, taking my shot," one of the team members announced calmly over the comms.

The sound of the Barrett M82 echoed across the rooftops as Specter Bravo took the shot. Through the scope, he saw the bullet hit the leg of one of Lin Feng's associates. The impact was devastating - the high-caliber round from the Barrett M82 obliterated the limb, incapacitating the target immediately.

"Specter Charlie, target in sight, firing," another voice crackled through the comms. Another shot rang out striking the arm of a second associate. The limb was instantly severed, rendering the target immobile and neutralizing any immediate threat.

One by one, the Specter teams methodically engaged their targets. The Barrett M82s, with their powerful .50 caliber rounds, were exceptionally effective. Each shot taken resulted in the precise obliteration of a limb, quickly diminishing the fighting capability of Lin Feng's associates.

Graves, overseeing the operation, kept a close eye on the progress. "Specter Delta, status report," he commanded, ensuring that each team was functioning as intended.

"Specter Delta, two targets down, limbs neutralized. Area secure," came the response, confirming the effectiveness of their strategy.

"Okay, take care of the two while I handle the one in the middle," Graves said as he began to swoop into the intersection. He moved at 250 kilometers per hour and tackled Reyes's mutated body with immense force. The impact of the collision sent a shockwave through the air, resonating like a thunderclap. Reyes's mutated form, caught off guard by the sudden and ferocious assault, was propelled backward with unbridled force.

Graves maneuvered mid-air to maintain momentum. He gripped the mutated body of Reyes firmly, channeling his velocity and strength into the maneuver. The surroundings became a blur as they hurtled towards an abandoned bus on the edge of the intersection.

Graves slammed Reyes's mutated body against the bus with such force that the vehicle buckled upon impact. The sound of rending metal and shattering glass filled the air as the bus split in two.

After the brutal collision with the bus, Graves didn't relent. He maintained his vice-like grip on Reyes's mutated form, dragging the creature along the concrete as he sped forward.

And then he stopped and threw him like trash to the side as if he was done with it.

"Target neutralized," Graves said but when he took a glance at Reyes's body, it was still moving. "Oh hold on, it's still alive."

Reyes's body exhibited regeneration. Limbs that had been mangled and twisted were now realigning, and the gashes in its flesh were visibly closing. 

"Okay," Graves walked forward cautiously as Reyes, with his mutated form and spiked claws, advanced towards him. As Reyes lunged, aiming a strike with his clawed arm, Graves reacted swiftly.

He materialized his plasma blade and with a swift movement, Graves intercepted Reyes's attack, his plasma blade slicing through the spiked claw. The heat from the plasma was so intense that it cauterized the wound immediately, effectively halting the regeneration process that had been rapidly healing Reyes's injuries.

The severed claw, now a smoldering remnant, fell to the ground. Reyes, reeling from the sudden loss of his limb, stumbled backward, his regeneration abilities thwarted by the plasma's extreme heat.

Graves maintained a defensive stance, his plasma blade ready for any further attacks. Reyes, however, seemed disoriented and weakened, the loss of his claw significantly reducing his combat effectiveness. 

"This is Specter Alpha, advancing to Tangoes, over."

Graves quickly assessed the situation. The other Specter teams were closing in on the remaining targets, but he knew that the fight with Reyes needed to be concluded swiftly to prevent any further complications.

With a strategic mindset, Graves approached Reyes. Reyes attempted to defend himself, but his movements were sluggish.

Graves didn't hesitate. Using his combat training and experience he gained by fighting supernatural creatures, he maneuvered around Reyes, looking for an opening. He found it when Reyes, slower due to his injuries, made a delayed swing with his remaining claw.

Seizing the moment, Graves swiftly moved in and delivered a clean, powerful strike, aiming at the neck of Reyes. The plasma blade, heated to an extreme temperature, cut through the mutated flesh with ease, severing Reyes's head from his body. The cauterizing effect of the blade left no room for any further regeneration.

As Reyes's headless form crumpled to the ground, Graves confirmed the kill. "Specter-1 to Eagle, dangerous tango is neutralized," he reported calmly.

"Confirmed, Specter-1," came the response from Richard. "Now regroup and help your team."

"Roger," Graves set course towards the intersection and as he arrived there, the fighting was—over.

The Specters managed to incapacitate three of them. It was true that they wouldn't need a Titan's Guard as their combat skills were enough. By incapacitating, that meant they already killed three. There's only one left alive, who is at the mercy of Specter Alpha.

"Sir…the other three were uncooperative so we killed them, but this one looked gullible," said the leader of the Specter Alpha.

"Hmm…" Graves hummed as he walked over to the last associates. By the looks of his appearance alone, he seemed to be in his early twenties. 

Graves grabbed him by the hair and hoisted him up. The young associate, disoriented and wounded, struggled weakly in Graves' firm grip. His face, streaked with dirt and blood, displayed a mix of fear and defiance.

"What is your plan here?" Graves demanded sternly.

The man spat at Graves's face. "To destroy Blackwatch!" 

"I thought this one was gullible?" Richard said, his gaze flickering at Alpha Specter leader.

"I guess I am not good at reading people," the Alpha Specter leader responded with a slight shrug.

Graves wiped the spit from his face, his expression unchanging. "Right answer," he said coldly. Without hesitation, he tightened his grip on the man's head.

The associate's eyes widened in terror, but before he could react or even scream, the sound of crushing bone echoed. 

"We got confirmation about their plan to destroy us," Graves said, wiping off the blood that was dripping from his hand. "Let's return to base before Lin Feng shows up."

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