Chapter 263 Watching from Above

"Master…where are you?" Su Xue asked.

"I'm chasing the drone," Lin Feng responded. "It's leading me to their base. Though it's been quite a nuisance as they kept firing their measly weapons at me."

"Well forget about the master, your associates you left in Manila have been exterminated by Blackwatch Forces."

"I know that, but I couldn't care less. They are doing that to simply draw my attention away from the drone that is probably headed to their main base. I'm this close to obliterating the hindrance to our goal."

"Master, I think they are leading you away from their base, not to it," Su Xue said, giving another view of perspective. "If you keep chasing that drone, you'll end up far away from their base."

Lin Feng paused for a moment, considering Su Xue's words. He had been relentlessly pursuing the drone, convinced it was leading him to the Blackwatch base. Yet, her suggestion nagged at the back of his mind, seeding doubt about his current course of action.

He glanced upwards, his eyes locking onto the small, agile form of the Reaper drone as it darted through the sky. Lin Feng's frustration was mounting; the drone was agile, constantly out of reach, and his chase had turned into a tiring cat-and-mouse game.

With a deep breath, he weighed the situation. He was aware that Blackwatch could be employing tactics to mislead him, and Su Xue's insight offered a plausible alternative to his assumption. The notion that he was being deliberately led astray became increasingly convincing.

Finally, Lin Feng's patience wore thin. He decided to take decisive action, no longer willing to play into what he now suspected was a diversion. He stopped in his tracks, his body tensed as he focused his energy.

In a swift motion, Lin Feng extended his arm, his index finger and thumb forming the shape of a gun. He concentrated, channeling his biomass energy into his makeshift weapon. The air around his finger began to shimmer with a visible distortion as he gathered his power.

Then Lin Feng released a concentrated beam of biomass energy from his fingertip. The beam was small but immensely powerful, cutting through the air with incredible speed akin to a railgun.

The Reaper drone, seemingly unaware of the impending attack, continued its flight path. However, Lin Feng's biomass beam was unerring. It pierced the drone, creating a small but destructive explosion.

The drone, now critically damaged, began to falter in its flight, its control systems failing. It spiraled downwards, leaving a trail of smoke as it descended towards the ground.

Lin Feng watched as the drone crashed. "I hope you are right on this, Su Xue."

"Blackwatch loves to use diversion tactics," Su Xue reminded. "This was probably just a decoy to keep you busy while they regroup or plan something else. We need to be cautious and think several steps ahead."

Lin Feng nodded, processing the information. The realization that he had been potentially misled sharpened his focus. "They're trying to outsmart us, but we won't fall for their tricks again. I'll go back to Manila and see if I can ask their men. Speaking of that, you have eyes on them?"

"We do," Su Xue said, looking at the intersection from one of the high-rise buildings near it. Along with her were Lin Feng's elite forces, standing still as if awaiting command. "And they seem to be wrapping up. Also, there is one particular man here that looked interesting."


"A man wearing a high-tech suit that can fly. It's different from your last encounter and it seems to be an improvement," Su Xue replied.

"I see…well that man seemed important to keep him alive while the rest…you know my preferences."

"Understood, master," Su Xue ended the telepathic transmission before turning around and glancing at the girls. "Whisper, you are up,"

Whisper, a sixteen-year-old Japanese girl wearing a school uniform, stepped forward.

"Why her?" Violet protested. "It could have been me and Seo-Jun, we can do a better job than her. And you have witnessed the power of that suit, right? There's no way Whisper…"

"Shut your mouth…" Whisper said softly and with those words, a peculiar and unsettling silence enveloped Violet. Her lips continued to move, but no sound emerged. It was as if her voice had been stolen, leaving her in a soundless void. She tried to speak again, but it was futile. Her mouth opened and closed, producing no more than silent gestures.

Violet's eyes widened in shock and frustration, her hands moving to her throat in a vain attempt to restore her voice. It was as if an invisible hand was clamped over her mouth, gagging her words before they could take form. The more she struggled to speak, the more evident it became that Whisper's unique ability had effectively rendered her mute.

"Whisper, please return Violet's voice to her," Su Xue demanded.

"You are allowed to speak," Whisper replied in the same soft tone. The effect was immediate. Violet gasped as her voice returned, the sudden influx of sound almost overwhelming after the enforced silence.

Violet took a moment to compose herself, glaring at Whisper before turning her attention back to Su Xue. "I still think I could have been more effective in this situation," she muttered, but her protest lacked its earlier conviction.

"Do you really want to fight huh?" Su Xue mused. "Very well, I'll let you redeem yourself here."

"I'll make it quick," Violet said, smirking. "But what about Seo-jun?"

"Seo-Jun stays here," Su Xue answered, glancing at Seo-jun who simply nodded at her orders.

"I'll handle the man in the suit. You handle those soldiers," Violet instructed Whisper.

Whisper nodded her head, acknowledging the instructions. Her eyes focused on the remaining Blackwatch soldiers who were regrouping after the confrontation with Reyes.


Five minutes later.

The Delta Forces gathered in the middle of the intersection, waiting for their extraction. They were having their laughs until they broke the silence.

"Contact right," said the Specter Bravo Leader.

All Delta Force Specters rose to their feet and aimed their HK416 assault rifle.

"Don't move!" One of them shouted.

"Bravo Specter Leader to Specter-1, there is an unknown walking towards our position. Unknown appears to be female, about sixteen or eighteen years old, wearing a school uniform."

Hearing that report, Graves tensed. "What? That's a red flag boys. It may be Lin Feng's associates. All stations, shoot down the unknown! I'm coming there immediately."

Before the Delta Forces could pull the trigger, Whisper spoke.

"Silence now, don't move."

In an instant, the Delta Forces found themselves in an eerie silence. Their fingers were on the triggers, but their arms froze in place, unable to complete the action. They tried to communicate, shouting and gesturing, but no sound came out. It was as if their voices were trapped within them.

Confusion and panic spread among the soldiers. They struggled against the invisible force that seemed to control their actions.

Whisper's control over them was absolute. With a slight tilt of her head, she compelled them to aim their rifles at themselves. The soldiers' hands, guided by an unseen force, moved the barrels of their HK416s under their chins.

Whisper waited for the right moment to give out a command, and when she saw that they were all aiming to their chins. She spoke.


Graves arrived on time, firing a plasma cannon that crashed near Whisper, breaking off the curse that controlled the Delta Forces.


"All of you, call Blackwatch and say that there'll be a change in the location of extraction, I'll handle this," Graves said coolly.

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