Chapter 2842 Protect
While he halted all biochemical degradation that had commenced as early as five minutes after death, he directed much of his attention to one particular organ.
The brain.
It was by far the most important part of Amare to preserve.
It was also the most fragile.
Had he been an hour later, it would have been impossible even for him.
However, five minutes after death was not a lot of time.
All the neuron connections were still entirely untouched within three hundred seconds of death.
These neuron connections formed over a century through neuron plasticity contained her memories, her mind, her soul.
He directed half the power of the Womb of Rebirth to preserving her brain and neurons with absolute precision and control, preserving all the biochemical characteristics of her brain to the T. All his efforts were directed towards halting and reversing post-mortem processes.
This was the first stage of the Rebirth technique.
Its goal was simple.
“Return her body to exactly how it was at the moment of death.”
He would not tolerate even the slightest bit of deviation.
Every cell.
Every molecule.
Every electron.
All of them had to be exactly how they were the very moment she died.
It was almost like reversing time itself.
It was a feat that was once thought to be absolutely impossible.
And yet—
The world shook even more violently as Rui’s expression strained.
It was difficult.
Reversing even a single second of post-mortem processes required an unfathomable level of cognition and energy.
And yet, he did it.
He was reversing death.
Reversing time.
With the Angel of Laplace, he knew exactly where each cell needed to be.
He knew exactly where each molecule needed to be.
He knew exactly where each electron needed to be. It was unfathomable level of information.
An unfathomable objective.
And yet, he set out to achieve it nonetheless.
He would get her body back to exactly the way it was the very moment she died. For, while it was difficult, it was not impossible according to the laws of physics.
This was because of a little something in Physics known as the CPT Theorem.
It was a theorem that essentially stated that a time-reversed universe would behave exactly as the normal universe did.
In other words, manual time reversal did not violate the laws of physics.
It was almost impossible.
But not absolutely.
It gave Rui hope.
That he could bring Amare back exactly the way she was.
Like she had never died in the first place.
“Rrrghh…!” Rui gritted his teeth as he pushed himself further and further.
His body began to crack under the sheer effort that he put into the extraordinarily demanding technique of Resurrection.
Not only did the technique demand that he used immensely difficult domains like Womb of Rebirth, it also required him to process such an extraordinary amount of information that he felt his brain was burning with effort.
He persevered.
Unfortunately, he was not alone.
The most powerful of peak Sages battled against each other with ferocious bloodlust as the Demon of Asmodeous surged towards the Gu while the Boundless Light did everything in her power to stop him. Perhaps it was because he had mastered Death, perhaps it was because he had seen more death than anybody else, but Asmodeous understood what was happening almost instantly.
Instinctively, he understood what Rui was trying to do.
He was challenging Death.
Instinctively, he understood what Rui was trying to do.
He was challenging Death.
Not just that.
“He’s winning…” A shocked whispered escaped the Demon as he experienced horror gripping his heart unlike anything before.
All his life, death had been absolute.
Everybody died.
And once dead, they could never come back.
These were two of the most absolute rules of life.
One that he had never seen anybody ever get away with it.
Even the mighty Transcendents were not above death, as far he was concerned.
And yet, before him, he witnessed a man challenging death.
And winning.
With each passing moment, he could sense death leaving the vessel of the Progenitor.
With each passing moment, he could sense her returning closer and closer to the realm of life.
A forbidden journey.
A taboo violation of the natural order.
Every cell in the Demon’s body surged with revulsion at what the Dawnbringer was trying to do. Every instinct in his body told him to do everything in his power to prevent what was happening.
From the very depths of his soul, he knew.
He knew that if he allowed this heresy to continue, he would lose.
He would lose an important fundamental to his Martial Art.
To who he was.
The absolution of death was the single most important truth in his heart.
In his Martial Path.
He could not allow it to be violated.
He could not allow it to be challenged.
He could not allow it.
He knew in the depths of his soul that if Rui succeeded…
His expression grew murderous as he summoned every ounce of Gu within his body.
Every last drop.
He didn’t know how Rui was still alive despite having a little bit of the poison in his Body, but he knew that just because he managed to survive less than a drop of Gu, it didn’t mean that he would be able to survive more.
On top of that, with his opponent consumed with the heresy he was committing, there was no better time.
“DIE.” A flood of darkness surged straight towards Rui threatening to drown him in a tremendous poison then and there. But alas—
An extraordinarily bright beam of light intercepted the tremendous wave of darkness that threatened to drown the absorbed Rui where he stood.
“I shan’t allow it.” Bodhisattva Maitreyi fought with a renewed vigor and drive, drawing out every ounce of power she had to offer.
She didn’t know what was happening.
She didn’t understand what he was doing with Amare.
She had felt Amare’s death with absolute certainty.
And yet, she understood one thing.
She needed to protect him.
She needed to protect him at all costs.
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