Chapter 2843 Return
The battle between the two peak Sages shook the world.
It shattered the lands and ravaged the heavens.
The Demon of Asmodeous deployed every ounce of power that he had at his disposal.
He had but one goal.
“I must kill him.”
His eyes flared with endless murderous determination.
“I must kill him now.”
Before he lost everything.
Before he lost everything he had ever built in his entire life.
Bodhisattva Maitreyi shifted from absolute attack mode to absolute defense mode.
One moment, she had dedicated her everything to trying to destroy the Demon.
The very next, she dedicated herself to protecting the Dawnbringer at all costs.
Light and darkness warred against each other across heaven and earth.
A battle unlike any other the world had ever seen.
And yet, Rui didn’t so much as notice their existences.
They didn’t exist in his mind anymore.
The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was Amare.
Quadrillions of quantum gravitational tweezers poked around in Amare’s body as he slowly undid the once unstoppable deathly takeover.
He had undone almost all of the commencing autolysis, while preventing from coagulating, simultaneously, he maintained cell integrity with force, making sure, ensuring that not a single thing was out of place.
It was a giant puzzle.
Bigger than any other puzzle he had ever taken on.
One that was filled with more information than any other he had ever taken on.
And yet, he put her back together piece by piece.
He put her back together with sheer power.
Just because the CPT Theorem implied that a manual physical time reversal was not impossible didn’t mean it was even remotely easy.
It wasn’t just the astronomical informational or operational insurmountability, it was also that the operation required exponentially more energy. It required countless orders of magnitude of energy to reverse any given event exactly to how it was. And yet, as a Martial Sage, he possessed all the energy that was needed. He summoned all the materia prima that he could from the very root of all matter, converting massive amounts of mass to energy.
The revival of a single person five minutes after death took the equivalent energy of countless nuclear reactors that allowed him to handle the most basic of basic matters.
It spoke volumes of just how insurmountable death was.
And yet, he drew closer.
With each passing second, he drew closer.
He had managed to reverse almost all post-mortem chemical processes.
Stage one was almost complete.
He had gotten rid of all autolysis.
He had reinforced all cell integrity.
He had reinforced the chemical composition of all metabolic processes.
He had begun fine-tuning her body to exactly how it had been when she died. He understood that he needed to work quick from this point. The longer she stayed dead, the more the chances of something going were.
Life was incredibly complicated.
Even with all his cognition, there existed the chance that he had missed something. With each passing moment, he managed to get her closer and closer to how she had been when she had just died.
Her body changed.
Her skin regained its color.
Her lips regained their luster.
Her complexion returned to how it had been at the moment of death.
Her muscles relaxed and returned to how they were.
Her blood became increasingly mobile and fluid.
Her cells became increasingly solid.
Time seemed to reverse as her condition went.
He had undone all post-mortem degeneration.
“Now…” a profound whisper escaped him. “Now it’s time to begin breathing life back into her.”
The body was a machine.
The cells were a machine.
Dead cells were broken machines.
“I just need to fix the machine.”
And he did.
He began manually forcing the reactions that one would expect to happen, after he set everything in place. Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The oxidation of ATP.
He began jump starting countless different biochemical processes that would normally occur by themselves. Using a quadrillion quantum gravitational tweezers, he began accelerating cellular metabolism quicker and quicker.
He triggered chemical reactions, he shifted around different substances and molecules in way that would have automatically happened had she still been alive. He began commencing countless automatic processes with manual labor.
And then it happened.
The first cell returned to life.
He had done enough.
He had manually triggered enough of its metabolism that it kickstarted the life within it, causing its metabolism to bloom to life. Of course, he still needed to supply it with the needed oxygen among other things.
But the first cell had returned to life.
And that was just the beginning.
Cell after cell.
They began blooming to life.
It was chemistry.
The more he reinforced, protected and promoted the chemistry, the more her life would return.
Her body slowly began returning to life.
He started with her skin cells. They were the easiest to fix and on the outside, making it easier for him to control. Then he went deeper and deeper into her body.
System by system.
Organ by organ.
He began returning her back to life.
With each passing moment, her body slowly but surely returned to life bit by bit.
With each passing moment, she returned to the realm of the living.
With each passing moment, Rui banished death from her body, extracting the tiny traces of the Gu poison that the Demon of Asmodeous had put in her, impeding her return.
With each passing moment, the world watched with awe and horror as Rui brought back the one person that he had come to love from the bottom of his heart. With each passing moment, he exerted an extraordinary amount of power and mind to bring her back to life with all the vigor and vitality that would expect of an alive person.
Even as the two peak Sages with all their might for their respective goals, Rui continued on with his extraordinary feat of resurrection.
And then, the moment came.
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