Chapter 2888 Talking to the Family

Chapter 2888 Talking to the Family

"Yes, we don't have much longer to stand around in Zocarro." Minos revealed to the group as they entered the city. "We've had some problems during our journey that have forced us into a position where we either strengthen ourselves to the point. where we enter the Upper Realm, or we're dead."

Minos' last words completely startled the group, especially Rowan and Sarah, who had been less accustomed to the reality of higher-level worlds for a while. They were still thinking about the fact that their father was extremely powerful and talented.

Those more accustomed to his situation, however, were not surprised.

Jalai thought to himself, 'Entering the Upper Realm is not something for everyone. Naturally, the level of threat that Minos now faces is not normal!

"Well, you're so close to the 13th stage. So I understand you, Father" Kendrick commented, not liking that he would have little time at his old man's side, but aware that at this stage in Minos' life, there wasn't much to run to.

The two grandchildren of Minos standing there, Kendrick's sons with Grisdi, watched their grandfather with wide eyes. One of them was just a young boy who had just started cultivating. The other was already at level 40, but was a long way from understanding the complexity of his elders' affairs. What they did understand was that their grandfather was incredible and would soon be able to enter the Upper Realm. George, Kyla and Grisdi understood Minos, not exposing their selfish desires for him to stay longer, but verbally wishing him and those traveling with him good luck.

Amid this conversation, they arrived at the core of the council, where those who hadn't moved were waiting for the group, formally positioned to receive their Supreme Leader.

Minos saw Klaus and some of the former Elders, but obviously not. Navey and several others. I le hadn't yet heard what had happened after the arrival of the Hell Lifelings, but he guessed that some of those who weren't there, like Lily, were now in Uzira.

"Supreme Leader Minos, welcome back!"

Minos ignored the formalities and continued forward, gesturing for some of the men at the council entrance to follow him.

As soon as they had entered the council building and settled down, Minos began to speak, giving the update that the group needed to hear from him. He naturally wouldn't talk about everything, as it was better for them to remain ignorant about certain things. But he told the group about the beginning of their mission in Uzira, how they had left the continent decades ago and started their space journey in search of the next level and also to escape certain problems.

Minos pointed out that they were now in a more peaceful time and that was why they were together. But it wouldn't last forever and, as he had already said, they would have to part again very soon. This time, he would either fail or enter the Upper Realm before he could see them again!

The local group was both impressed by his journey, but also worried about the Celestial battles. But most of them, Minos' relatives, trusted him almost blindly. They tried to remain optimistic, thinking more about his success and the laurels they would all share in the future than imagining anything negative.

Even Minos' mother, Maisie, understood that it wasn't yet time for them to rest. On the contrary, now they had to give him everything they could so that he could take his last steps!

"Then all this happened... Impressive. Those years of ours in Oqia now seem calm compared to what you've lived through." Maisie said with a sigh.

"On that note, I'm curious to hear from you what's happened around here. Have you heard from Uzira?" Minos asked.

Kendrick said, "Yes, the last contact was four years ago. We should have an answer soon. But as far as we know, things have developed well over the last few decades. The guild has advanced in its plans, led by First Elder Juma. Meanwhile, the rebels' battles against the sovereigns of the continent seem to have begun."

Hollie continued, saying what her father wanted to hear. "After your departure, we were fine for a long time, with no problems inside or outside the guild. It was when the Hell Lifelings arrived on the continent that we had some problems.

The Elders who left the continent for Uzira reacted badly and left us under house arrest for a while, trying to get deals through pressure. But Kendrick stood firm and eventually we changed the situation with the letter from First Elder Juma, brought by Leger."

Kendrick finished her sister's speech, "After that, we took control of the guild and used the Hell Lifelings to help us improve the situation of the guild and the continent... We've had our problems in those years, mainly with outside powers, but we've dealt with them well.

Our biggest worry was a few years ago, when the Hell Lifelings lost my mother's signal." He looked at Abby, having feared for all those years if her mother had died. They knew Minos was alive, but the situation of Abby and the others was totally uncertain.

Today, they had finally confirmed that they were alive, resolving a great fear that troubled them daily.

From then on, Minos' relatives took it in turns to talk about what the last few years had been like. giving him the details they thought were relevant.

There was no one for Minos to hunt down and avenge the defeats of his companions. They were already quite strong and had managed to deal with the vast majority of his problems and opportunities. The only issue he wasn't sure was fully resolved was with the Elders who had left for Uzira. But he could only find out by going to the mainland.

After a few hours of conversation, Minos revealed that he intended to spend a couple of weeks at the guild to help those who would be staying there indefinitely before leaving for Uzira. Anyone who wanted to join him on this journey should prepare to travel soon.

When he had finished talking to his family collectively, he spoke to the guild members not related to him by blood connections. He promised to help them grow stronger and spoke to Jalai about taking him to the Upper Realm in the future.

But unlike the dragon accompanying him, this former Armhands' leader was to stay by Kendrick's side and wait for his chance. As soon as Minos managed to help the dragon, he would try to do so with Jalai.

Jalai gladly agreed, before finally leaving Minos alone with his women.

Abby, Gloria and Ruth also left not long after, leaving him alone with Segiel, who naturally deserved all his attention now!

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