Chapter 2889 Temporary Stay in Oqia

Chapter 2889 Temporary Stay in Oqia

Two days after arriving at Armhands' headquarters, Minos had already spent enough time with Segiel to make up for his long absence over the last few years. They still had a lot to talk about and do together, but these few days were enough to kill the longing.

Minos and his family-those who were in Oqia, at least-took advantage of these two days to talk, review some issues and understand each other's situation in recent years and going forward.

Minos' future was certain, and no one doubted it. No one needed to talk or ask questions to imagine that he wouldn't be available for long and that he would enter the Upper Realm sooner or later.

That's what his relatives knew for sure.

What was uncertain was what each of them would do from now on. Would they have immediate access to the Upper Realm when Minos succeeded them? What would the qualitative advance be like for those of the same lineage as him? What could they choose and what would they have to live with, whether they liked it?

These and many other questions were on the minds of Minos' family and friends, whom he was already trying to answer during these first few days of his temporary stay in Examire.

Minos didn't know all the answers, so certain questions remained open, even though he was available to talk to his family. But others he was able to answer and help his group understand their future possibilities.

But what he was most interested in during these first two days was hearing about his family members' previous years. He talked a bit with everyone in his family over the two days, but what interested him most was hearing from Rowan and Sarah about their journeys through the Spiritual World and The Adamant Land.

Both had lived a few decades since the end of the War of the Worlds, during which time they had seen the primary recovery of both planets and the expansion of their families. Their children were now experts by the standards of the two planets and had part of their family and former supporters helping them to rule the two worlds. Rowan and Sarah had secured the Stuart family's position on both planets and laid the foundations for the strongest of the two worlds to be able to travel to Zocarro.

Meanwhile, Kendrick and Hollie had worked hard to keep the guild and Oqia at peace and under the family's influence. They had worked hard over the last few years to make it possible for the newcomers from the Spiritual World and The Adamant Land to have a stable and safe place to grow up.

Kendrick and Hollie hadn't taken away all the dangers for their companions, but they had made many agreements and sought to make the local environment more stable. But dangers were necessary and the guild's external missions still kept their challenging characteristics.

Overall, what the two of them did was to reduce internal problems and the chances of major conflicts, such as the one against Firestone Mines, being repeated.

Apart from that, the Hell Lifelings were the ones Minos spent the most time with, apart from his family. Most of them had done what they were supposed to-supported the Stuart family's decisions. But there were a few who had acted more independently and were now being held at the guild to receive their punishments.

Not all Hell Lifelings bore the marks of Minos. Many of them did, but there were those who had only been revived by Abby and because they had been servile enough with her powers alone, he hadn't put his seals on them.

Those who had his seals on their bodies were naturally fearful of his return and followed everything as they should. Only a few of those who didn't have these devices connected to their souls and bodies transgressed a little of what they should have done.

But even those who committed infractions, they didn't do anything so serious as to deserve their deaths. Naturally, most of the Hell Lifelings had great respect and devotion for Minos, Gloria, Ruth and especially Abby. Consequently, the problems that the few 'rebels' caused in those years were not so problematic.

The most problematic had been the behavior of Navey and some of the Armhands' Elders who were now in Uzira. These individuals Minos wanted to deal with in the coming weeks, when he returned to Uzira to deal with his unresolved issues there.

And so, after the first conversations with his family and guild members, Minos gradually found himself being visited by various influences from Oqia, leaders of allied organizations and even Armhands rivals.

On Minos' fifth day in Examire, a large local restaurant was packed with mid- and high-ranking Supremes that day, each of them there to visit the Supreme Leader of Armhands, the strongest man in Oqia.

News of Minos' return had already spread across the continent, causing several influential forces to move towards Examire.

Minos was no longer an unknown boy. Years ago, he had been recognized as the new Supreme Leader of Armhands, the largest force of cultivators on the entire continent. As such, even if many barely knew him, no one would underestimate him in the current context of this continent.

Today, just as it had been for the last two days, leaders from various native and alien forces were in town to try and get a chance to meet him.

Being there precisely to help his family continue on the right path of continental command and leadership, Minos was willing to move in the middle of the day to the restaurant where his local meetings were taking place.

There, he arrived under the scrutiny of the locals and several curious growers, but also the members of the continental leaders' entourage.

With his long white hair and set of six golden wings, Minos appeared on the scene as if he were an entity from another dimension. Those who were unsure of his strength opened their eyes and mouths in shock, witnessing the figure closest to ascending to the Upper Realm on the entire continent.

Minos' appearance was not normal, but his aura was even more powerful. Even though he was at the peak of level 123, he already looked like a Celestial, something that every Supreme would easily realize.

Not by chance, all the 12th stage cultivators greeted Minos on his way inside the restaurant hall in front of them.

There, he didn't need to say anything. When he entered the room, everyone who was talking stopped to turn their attention to the monster they had come to see.

Minos smiled at their reactions, but also at the proud looks on the faces of his children and family.

"Well, another day here. I hope you who are here to visit me today have some good

proposals or business deals in mind." He began as he sat down in the seat reserved for him, from where, over the next few hours, they would talk a little to each of the people


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