Chapter 21

Xiao Yu'er moved away to the bushes by the river side. He squatted, too lazy to go. In actuality he just wanted to see some excitement.

Even before the boat arrived, the three people had already leaped on land, all were nimble and fast, their lightness kungfu wasn't too shabby.

The first one had a tall and hefty physique, the second person behind him was short but fast and the third person was petite and slender, seemed to be a woman.

All three of them were in black and each was wearing a black mask that even their eyes were almost covered. Each of them was carrying a long item wrapped, and obviously those were weapons.

Why would they wrap their weapons in black cloth? Were there any secrets about their weapons?

Mean while the father and son Li had already came forward, but they stopped a few meters away. Both parties were watching each other carefully and warily.

“Golden Lion” Li Di shouted menacingly, “Are you the ones that go by the name 'Ren-yi san-xia' (Three Righteous Heroes)?

The tall and big person in black answered coldly, “That's right.”

“These last few years several carts of our escorted goods kept getting stolen. Are you the one that's responsible of it?”

Again that man in black answered, “That's right!”

Li Di became angry and shouted, “What enmity is there between our Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort) with you? Why are you looking for trouble with us?”

“Our enmity is not too big, but also not to small,” answered the man in black.

“Hm.., after being successful several times and our party couldn't find out information about you, you should have hidden and be saved. Why did you send us a letter asking us to come here to meet you?”

“All the people in Jianghu are aware that both Zhao Quanhai and Li Feng were both poisoned,” said the man in black calmly. “Although both men did not die, but Liang-ho-piau-lian and San-xiang piau-lian had lost their name and trust.”

Li Di facial expression changed at that moment., but Li Ting immediately snorted, “What does all these have to do with us?”

“Naturally there's a reason,” said the man in black. He spoke calmly, not in a hurry but not belittling either, but his voice was as if he was trying to disguise it.

Li Di became impatient and shouted, “What's the reason, you tell us!”

“If Liang-ho and Sanxiang lost the people's trust then it's a big opportunity that Shuang-shi Biao-ju to show its ability. The business from Duan Hefei subsequently fell into your hands!" said the man in black.

At this moment Xiao Yu'er became very intrigued.

"If that's so, why don't you wait for a good opportunity to rob when we are escorting?" shouted Li Di.

"The business of escorting the goods of Duan Hefei is not a small matter," replied the man in black calmly. "I imagine that Shuang-shi biao-ju would not dare to escort it on their own, and would ask outside help. We wouldn't be able to do the job, just the three of us."

"Hehe, I guess you know your limit," scorned 'Purple-faced Lion' Li Ting.

"That's why now we are here to stop you from escorting the goods of Duan Heife," said the man in black menacingly. "If Sanxaing and Liangho Piau-lian are experiencing misfortune, then don't expect that you would be able to benefit from it."

At the end of his speech, he signaled and at once they unwrapped their weapon, the black cloth was discarded on the ground and three weapons gleaming, reflecting the lights, their weapons looked like a hook, but the tips were shaped of Mei flower (plum blossom).

"Hey, Mei-hua-gou (Plum Blossom Hook)?!" shouted Li Di surprised.

"Haha, so you recognized these weapons," mocked the man in black.

"Hm, you dare to show those weapons, reckless aren't we? Aren't you afraid that your enemy would come secretly and cut off your heads?" mocked back Li Ting.

"Nobody would know that Mei-hua-gou has reappeared in Jianghu," replied the man in black.

"Hah, at the least I'm aware of it," laughed Li Ting.

"But you would not able to talk anymore," scoffed the man in black.

At that moment the three people in black leaped forward. The short quick one lead out by rushing toward Li Ming Sheng. His movement was very nimble, and his style was vicious, he seemed to bear a grudge toward Li Ming Sheng.

While the female in black launched toward the Purple-faced Lion Li Ting. Her movement were fast and agile, her attacking style with Mei-hua-gou in her hand was even faster and more vicious with many changes of directions.

Li Ting's kungfu was considered pretty decent, and he had the experience. However, against the attack of such strange weapon with rapid movements, he was in trouble immediately.

On the other side Li Di was parring against the hefty man in black.

Li Di was known as an expert in saber, his golden saber movement was hard and strong. Each attack brought a strong swish of wind. However, the robust man in black was equally as formidable, in fact his stamina was above Li Di's. The Mei-hua-gou was used to lock in the opponent's weapon. Li Di's weapon became powerless, and he couldn't develop his movement.

The fight was terrific, but in the eyes of Xiao Yu'er, it was blah, not at all interesting. Except for the Mei-hua-gou movement that once or twice came out with a strange or new movement, it was not worth watching.

It's understood that from the result of his contemplation of the manual, other people's kungfu became insignificant; just like an artist looking at children's scribble.

The kungfu knowledge in the secret manual that he learned covered the essence of the highest martial arts, compared to Li Di's and his gang's kungfu the difference was like heaven and earth.

Among Li Di and the other two, the one that got the worst was Li Ming Sheng, just about tens of movements he had difficulty in developing his saber movement. Drops of sweat decorating his brow and tip of his nose. The short person in black on the other hand, became more and more valiant the longer the fight. Suddenly he dodge and leaped forward. A green light flashed and suddenly Li Ming Sheng's saber was locked by his hooked weapon.

Li Ming Sheng was shock, his will to fight vaporized instantly. Because at that situation his chest was left open, unguarded if the opponent would attack with a fist, even if he would not die, he would be seriously injured.

Unexpectedly the person in black only gave him a slap and shouted, "This is the payment of debt I owe you."

Li Ming Sheng staggered because of the slap, when he was able to stand up, he asked, "What do you mean by payment of debt?"

"Disciples of Mei-hua-bang (Peach Blossom Clan) are very good in returning favors, good and evil. Every debt owed has to be paid in full." scoffed the person in black.

"But... when did I ever.."

"Before you die I will explain clearly what exactly the debt I needed to pay to you!" shouted the man in black. Again the Mei-hua-gou moved, in a short moment green flash surrounded and block the light of the opponent's saber.

At that moment suddenly someone gave a long laugh, a shadow slipped in between the flashes from the hook. Following that the sound "sarr...serr...ser.." three times was heard, and all three Mei-hua-gou of those people in black flew up in the air and two fell in the middle of the river.

All three in black were shocked, and automatically jumped back. They only felt their wrists shook and suddenly their weapons flew off their hands, how their enemy did it, they didn't even know.

When they looked carefully they saw in front of them a young man with a fair face had appeared from nowhere. That young man looked so weak that the wind could blow him away, yet in a flash was able to disarm them. Even in a dream they could not imagine it.

Seeing that fair faced young man surprised Xiao Yu'er. Jiang Yulang, that young man with a fair face and sinister smile was none other than Jiang Yulang.

But, how in the world did his kungfu improve so much?

That question could be answered by Xiao Yu'er. Because Jiang Yulang happened to memorize the content of the kungfu manual, if within these two years his skill didn't improved than it would be in vain that he's a human being.

Li Di and the gang were glad to see Jiang Yulang appearance, on the other hand the three in black were shocked.

"Huh, so you had hidden help around," yell the hefty man in black angrily.

"Haha, what do you think about our help?" mocked Li Di laughing.

The hefty man in black stamped his foot in anger, and he was about to walk away but Jiang Yulang slipped past and blocked in front of them, laughing, "Hey, don't be in such a hurry, there's still some matter that I need your explanation."

"What do you want?" shouted the hefty man in black.

"This lady is wearing a mask, is it because her face is too ugly or too beautiful?" ask Jiang Yulang with a laugh.

The short person in black became angry, he roared and leaped forward to attack.

His skill actually wasn't too shabby at all, as Li Meng Shuang was not able to spar against him. But now that he's facing Jiang Yulang, his skill was no use at all. Before he had the chance to hit, suddenly his wrist was caught by Jiang Yulang, with a flick suddenly his body flew far, and he almost fell into the river.

"Because you didn't want to answer, I had no choice but to check it myself," laughed Jiang Yulang. At the same time he leaped forward and slipped pass the hefty man in black, suddenly he was already in front of the girl.

At once the female in black moved both of her hands to hit, but somehow both hands were caught by Jiang Yulang in one hand. Quickly she kicked, but just as she was raising her foot, suddenly her knee felt stiff and prickly and she couldn't move it anymore.

"Hehe, I hope that your face is beautiful, if not I would be so disappointed," laughed Yulang.

"Let...let go!" yell the girl in black hoarsely.

Naturally Yulang didn't want to let her go, when the other hand came near, girl tilt her head back, but in the end the cloth that covered her face was removed by Jiang Yulang.

Under the light of the twinkling stars her face could be seen, also her big round eyes.

Xiao Yu'er almost shouted out.

Hai Hongzhu, that girl in black turned out to be Hai Hongzhu!

Great, great! You are a pretty girl after all," laughed Yulang.

"Hey, it's her!" shout Li Meng Shuang.

"You know her?" asked Yulang.

"She is the acrobat girl that was responsible for big Brother Bai's death!" shouted Li Meng Shuang hoarsely.

"So that short guy was the kid that I slapped once, no wonder he held a grudge, and wanted to payback."

"Haha, wonderful, wonderful, the disciples of Mei-hua-bang (Peach Blossom Clan) had to become traveling acrobat troupe," mocked Yulang. "In order to avoid your enemy, you are willing to do such a lowly job, for that I admire you."

Right away that hefty man pulled his mask off. Sure enough he was indeed Hai Sidie. He shouted, "Let go of her hand!"

"It's not difficult to let her hand go," replied Yulang, "but I want to ask you first, who was that person that killed Master Bai with one hit that day? Where is he right now?"

"You are looking for him?" shout Hai Hongzhu. "Huh, in your dream!"

"Oh, dream?..." Yulang smiled while squeezing her wrist tighter. Hai Hong Zhu grimaced with pain till her tears came pouring.

But she tried to endure, and shouted with her teeth gnashing, "People like you can't compare to him. Huh, even to be his errand boy you are not worthy." Her voice was shaking towards the end, obviously she was trying to bear the pain. Even if it killed her she wasn't willing to stop talking.

With anger Hai Sidie roared and hit Jiang Yulang's back with a mighty fist.

Jiang Yulang didn't even turn, his body stayed still, as if it didn't move, but suddenly Hai Sidie's hand was locked under his armpit and he wasn't able to free his hand.

Hai Sidie tried to pull back his arm, till his vein on his forehead popped up and beads of sweat covered his brow. His hand felt as if it was locked under a vice grip, it felt that it's going to break.

Before he roamed in Jianghu realm, but now against this young man he wasn't able to do anything. He lost hope, he let out a sigh and said, "Never mind, I....."

Before he could finish his sentence suddenly a haunting voice called out, "Oooh, how painful is my Shen Shu pressure point. Jiang Yulang, come on here, and pay back my life that you have taken."

The voice was sharp and clear like the moan of a ghost. Following the moan a silhouette flew from the bushes by the river bank.

In the middle of the night a form with hair a mess going in all direction was dimly seen, the whole body oily, the shape looked more like a ghost than human. The form seemed to float, not touching the ground. The scream was scary and haunting causing the people that saw him to feel afraid and having cold sweat.

Obviously Jiang Yulang was afraid also, but with a menacing voice he stammered, ", who are you?"

"Cold hearted scoundrel," Xiao Yuer cackled. We had never met before nor had we any grudges, but in the kitchen of Si Hai Chun restaurant, you killed me in cold blood. Now you have to pay for my life."

Jiang Yulang released his hold on Hai Hong Zhu's arm, he started to retreat and stuttered, ""

People like Jiang Yulang actually don’t believe in ghosts, devils or any of those sorts. Now he’s forced to believe because he knew for sure that he did hit the fatal pressure point of that servant, and he absolutely sure that the person died, moreover nobody witnessed the incidence in the Si Hai Chun’s kitchen. Then who could this person be if not a ghost?

Jiang Yulang teeth were chattering so much that he wasn’t able to talk. Seeing their hero scared to bits, Li Di and the others started to retreat also.

“Hehe, are you running away? Mocked Xiao Yu’er with an eerie voice. “Huh, you won’t be able to. Come here and give me your life!”

With a contorted grin he moved forward one step at a time. He made his steps swayed to the right and to the left as if being blown by the wind.

Naturally Xiao Yu’er’s appearance attracted Hai Hongzhu’s attention. She stared with her eyes wide opened, and suddenly she shouted, “Hey it’s you! It’s you, Xiaodai?”

Although physically Xiao Yu’er had changed a lot, but his eyes, his eye gaze had long been carved in Hai Hongzhu’s heart, the way he blinked and winked she could never forget in her entire life, naturally she recognized him immediately.

As soon as she shouted, she realized her mistake, but it was too late, she could not take it back.

Xiao Yu’er quietly sighed, the problem was going to be more complex.

Sure enough, that clever Jiang Yulang realized that something was not right, suddenly he made a move, in a flash he leaped forward and with ease he sent out seven strokes in succession.

Seeing the strange turn of event and seeing Jiang Yulang formidable stances, Hai Sidie and his two children were shocked, in fact secretly Hai Hongzhu was worried for the ‘dummy’ that she yearned for.

But Xiao Yu’er wasn’t afraid, he scoffed, “Hm, you want to kill me again?”

Calmly Xiao Yu’er stood his ground, his body didn’t move, in essence he didn’t dodge, yet Xiao Yu’er attacks did not meet the target, they didn’t even touch Yu’er’s clothes.

Everyone was surprised, Jiang Yulang himself was worried and scared, suddenly he roared and again he sent out another seven fists, this time faster and fiercer.

Still Xiao Yu’er didn’t budge, and Jiang Yulang’s fists still weren’t able to touch him.

“No matter how you attack, you won’t be able to kill me again, you still don’t believe it?” mocked Xiao Yu’er.

Jiang Yulang body trembled, beads of perspiration were on his forehead. Others were watching this extraordinary event with amazement.

They were all first rate kungfu experts, they knew that Jiang Yulang’s kungfu skill was great and formidable, the fact that someone could stand there without dodging and all fourteen fists of Yulang didn’t touch him. It’s hard to imagine that something like this can happen.

However, this person was able to do it, tens of Jiang Yulang attacks hit empty place, if they didn’t see it with their own eyes, they would not believe it.

They didn’t know that Jiang Yulang skills came from the same source as Xiao Yu’er’s, only Xiao Yu’er’s knowledge was deeper than Jiang Yulang’s.

The manual book was read by both of them, but Xiao Yu’er’s had better memory and brain than Jiang Yulang, especially during this two years Jiang Yulang was already known a young hero, the son of the well known Jiang Nan daxia Jiang Bie He, naturally he seldom practiced. That’s the reason every fist that Jiang Yulang sent was known by Xiao Yu’er before it arrived. As long as Xiao Yu’er calculated accurately where it’s going to go, with a minimal movement Jiang Yulang’s fist would hit empty space.

Hai Hongzhu's eyes were wide opened and tears were running down, but it was not because of sadness, but of surprise and joy.

She saw Xiao Yu'er started to press on step by step, and Jiang Yulang also started to retreat step by step. His arms and legs as if they were weak and no strength to attack back

Naturally Li Di and the other two started to move further back and finally they ran away.

Suddenly Jiang Yulang leaped up high and somersaulted in the air. He ran even faster than Li Di and the other two.

Xiao Yu'er didn't bother to chase, he chuckled while watching them running. He murmured, "I had no intention to kill, really I didn't want to kill you."

At that moment Hai Hongzhu came running and shouted, voice all shaky, "Xiaodai, I know that we will meet again, I know..."

Xiao Yu'er laughed and said, "Who is Xiaodai? ...I'm a ghost...ghost.." suddenly he flew backward and he somersaulted in the air and "plung" he fell right in the middle of the river.

Hai Hongzhu ran to the bank of the river and cried sadly, "Xiaodai, Xiaodai, if you didn't care to meet me then why bother to come here? If you wanted to see me, then why did you leave after seeing me? Why..., why?...."

Hai Sidie let out a long sigh and said, "Why? Who can explain how people live their lives in this world? Child Hong, from the beginning I’ve advised you to forget him, if not you yourself will suffer all the time…”


The night was getting late, as much as possible Xiao Yu’er tried to relax his muscles of his body and allowed his body to float on the surface. The water of the river was cold, it was like a bed to him. The stars were twinkling decorating the sky, he felt so comfortable.

Nevertheless he had seen the people that he wanted to see, even though the turn of event surprised him greatly, even though he only saw them for a little while, but it was enough. He felt that if it was prolonged things would turn bad and boring.

The mystery that puzzled him for several days was finally solved today. The young man in purple with a pale face was in cahoot with Jiang Yulang. It was obvious that Jiang Yulang was the main character behind the screen for Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort Agency).

Therefore the problem of Zhao Quanhai and Li Feng being poisoned wasn’t a mystery anymore. The wine that they drank was poured by that young man with pale face.

Xiao Yu’er thought over the event that had happened, at that moment suddenly several bamboo poles were pulling and lifting his body up.

At first he was shocked, but then he remembered, "Maybe they thought that I'm drowning and are trying to save me." Secretly he was amused, and played along by closing his eyes.

Not long after several people pulled him up on the boat, someone felt his chest and said, "Hah, this kid has long life, it's fortunate that we found him before he is dead."

Someone fed him some warm broth and another person massage his body.

Suddenly a loud voice was heard, "What kind of a person did you help? Let me see."

Immediately Xiao Yu'er felt his body being carried by people, he felt lazy to open his eyes, but the light of a lamp blinded his eyes, it seemed that he was inside the cabin of the boat.

The loud voice asked again, "Is this person dead or still alive?"

"Alive!" shouted Xiao Yu'er suddenly. He opened his eyes and laughed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a robust man with the collar of the shirt half opened. His fez was tilted to the side and one of his feet propped on a chair. On his hand he's holding a long and big tobacco pipe.

With the pipe pointing to Xiao Yu'er he shouted, "If you're alive, why do you pretend to be dead?"

Before Xiao Yu'er had the chance to answer he noticed that the chest of the "man" was full, the waist tiny and although the eyebrows were thick and the eyes big, the face wasn't bad.

That "man" turned out to be a woman, in fact if the body would be a little smaller she would be considered as a beautiful woman. Only now she's considered as a large woman, her shoe size were two sizes larger than the average woman.

With a laugh Xiao Yu'er answered, "If you are a woman, then why are you dressed up as a man?"

Right away that large woman glared and said, "Don't you know who I am?"

"Who cares if you are a man or a woman, the fact is you are a human being," laughed Xiao Yu'er. "I think that you have difficulty to find a husband even if you lowered your price. If you act so fierce, who would dare to propose to you?

Xiao Yu'er had a sharp and loose tongue, for the last two years he tried so hard to control himself. But now that he's out hiding, his habit was hard to curb. What much can be said if that's how his personality was.

The large lady became very angry, she shouted while slamming her palm on the table, "You dare to speak to me that way?"

Those people that carried Xiao Yu'er in became scared upon seeing the miss angry and they cowered behind Xiao Yu'er.

However, Xiao Yu'er pretended to be oblivious, he was still laughing and said, "Why should I be afraid? As long as you are a human being, no matter what I don't...."

Before he finished his sentence several of the people interrupted him, " This is our boss, the beloved daughter of Duan Lao Taiye (Old Grandmaster Duan). People in Jianghu call her "Nu Mengchang", you must have heard the name. So speak carefully and don't be rude."

"O, so you are the daughter of Duan Heifei," said Xiao Yu'er with a laugh. "Didn't your dad want to send a lump sum of money to Guan-wai?"

The large lady with the title "Nu Mengchang" frowned, and she asked back, "Where do you know this from?"

Xiao Yu'er started sniffing, and asked again, "This load of medicines, did you get it from Guan-wai?"

Nu Mengchang's eyes grew big, and she shouted, "How do you know that this boat is loaded with medicines?"

Xiao Yu'er laughed and answered, "Not only do I know that this boat is loaded with medicines, but I know what kind of medicines. There are ginseng, gui pi (Chinese cinnamon), lu jiao (deer antler), wu jiazi (bark of the sleder acanthopanax).." In one breath he rattled a string of medicine names and it turned out to be accurate with the content of the cargo of the boat, not one mistake.

Obviously nobody knew that Xiao Yu'er being raised among piles of medicine, not only knew these few common medicines, even if all medicine in this world all mixed up into one he could still recognize by smelling them. Now that he explained the names of all the medicines on board, naturally everyone had their mouths gaped open in surprise.

Nu Mengchang's eyes shone with amusement, she inhaled deeply the tobacco, and "berr", suddenly she blew the smoke to Xiao Yu'er's face and said calmly, "It's a surprise that you kid is an expert in medicine."

Xiao Yu'er's tears almost flowed out from the tobacco smoke, he rubbed his eyes and laughed, "I'm no only an expert in medicine, but I'm willing to bet that hardly anybody knows better about medicine than me. If you are really Nu Mengchang you should have invited me to your pharmacy with all honor."

Nu Mengchang inhaled the tobacco, this time she didn't blow the smoke at Xiao Yu'er's face, but slowly exhaled it. After done exhaling the tobacco smoke, she suddenly stood up and while walking away she said to her staff, "Give him a change of clothes and bring him to Qingyu Tang (Hall of Overflowing Celebration) or Qingyu Hall."

Qingyu Hall was the name of the biggest pharmacy in the city of Anqing, in fact the biggest in the province of Anhwi. Nu Mengchang, the beloved daughter of Duan Hefei, placed Xiao Yu’er in the pharmacy as a pharmacist and in charge of the inventory.

Xiao Yu'er's job was easy enough, he didn't need to be at the front, and so he didn't need to worry of being recognized. Everyday he only had to measure medicines that were needed according to the prescription and to check the inventory, other than that it could be said that there's nothing else for him to do.

He just found out that Duan Hefei was the wealthiest person in the Chang-jiang valley, all the companies that had the best business in that area were monopolized by him.

And Nu Mengchang was his only daughter, it was told that she had two older brothers, but both died when they were small. That's the reason why people call her as "Third Miss".

"Third Miss" often came to Qingyu Hall, but she never paid any attention to Xiao Yu'er, therefore Xiao Yu'er also ignored her. However, Xiao Yu'er was aware that although in the outside this large lady looked fierce but in the inside her heart was not too bad.

The strange thing was the more Xiao Yu'er ingored her, the more often the visit to the pharmacy by the large lady, sometimes up to two or three times a day, but not even once did she look at him, naturally Xiao Yu'er wasn't bothered by it, only secretly he felt amused.

One day Xiao Yu'er was lying on his lazy chair basking under the sun, the sunshine at the beginning of winter felt so cozy. He felt so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

Suddenly "Third Miss" approached him and with her pipe she tapped the lazy chair with her pipe and said, "Hey, wake up!"

Lazily Xiao Yu'er opened his eyes and answered, "Whom are you talking to?"

"Is there anyone else beside you here?" replied 'Third Miss".

"But my name is not 'Hey', " laughed Xia Yu'er.

'Third Miss' glared, but she then laughed and said, "I want to ask you about my Dad sending the money to Guan-wai like you said, where did you know that from?"

"Why, did something happen to it?" asked Xiao Yu'er.

"It was robbed on the road," replied 'Third Miss' dryly.

Instantly Xiao Yu’er’s eyes popped wide open, he quickly sat up and said, “It was robbed by someone? It wasn’t escorted by Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort)?”

“In fact it was escorted by Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort),” replied ‘Third Miss’.

Absent mindedly Xiao Yu’er rubbed his nose and murmured, “How strange! If it was escorted by Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort), then why was it robbed?…”

“You think that goods escorted by Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort) could not be robbed? Mocked ‘Third Miss’. “Hmm, I see that those two men with the surname Li in essence are like rice pots, only good in making noises but incompetent in working.”

“Even though the two Li men are rice pots,” said Xiao Yu’er, “but there are still others who are not rice pots.”

“Who are they?” asked ‘Third Miss’.

“There are many turns and dips in this case that you are not aware of, in fact I… yes! I myself don’t know everything completely.”

“You are speaking nonsense,” grumbled ‘Third Miss’ glaring.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Yu’er asked, “What kind of a person was the robber, do you know?”

“The package disappeared suddenly in the middle of the night. The door weren’t opened, the windows were closed, the guards didn’t see anything, and in fact not a noise was heard. The package just suddenly disappeared as if it had wings.”

This is really a strange happening,” said Xiao Yu’er. “I feel that the robbers must have some black magic or something must be wrong with the ears and eyes of people from Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort).

“If that is so, they themselves would lose,” said ‘Third Miss’.

“Are they supposed to reimburse?”

“Of course, even if they have to pawn their pants,” scoffed the large lady.

Xiao Yu’er rubbed his nose and murmured, “How strange, at first I thought that Shuang-shi biao-ju (Double Lion Escort) side were the thief that shouted thief, but if they had to reimburse, then how can this happen?”

“It’s because they are all rice pots, that’s why the goods that they are guarding were robbed, is that simple.”

“It seems very simple, but is possible that behind the scene is very complex.”

“What do you mean?” asked ‘Third Miss’.

“I myself don’t know what it means,” replied Xiao Yu’er laughing.

‘Third Miss’ stared at the young man, staring at his smile for so long. Suddenly she shouted, “Actually are you a smart person or a dumb one?”

Xiao Yu’er sighed, he turned around and buried his head in his arms and said coldly, “If I were a dumb person, then my life would be much happier.”

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