Chapter 22

The next day is still a warm and sunny day. Once again, Xiao Yu’er was lying on the chair tanning himself.

It’s as if all the bones in his body has softened, it’s as if he is not thinking of anything, but in fact, he’s thinking of many things.

All the things he has been thinking can actually be summed up into two sentences: “How did the cargo get stolen? Who stole it?” He can’t think of an answer.

Just then, Third Missy came again.

Xiao Yu’er looked at her thru half closed eyes, and saw that she appeared very excited. She rushed towards him and said loudly, “Hey, you’re wrong.”

Xiao Yu’er actually can’t be bothered about her, but on hearing this sentence, he opened his eyes and asked, “What was I wrong about?”

Third Missy said with shining eyes, “I just heard the news, the cargo has been taken back.”

Xiao Yu’er’s eyes widened, “Who took it back?”

Third Missy replied loudly, “That person is about the same age as you, but his abilities are far superior than yours. If you’re not so lazy, you might accomplish one-tenth of what he has achieved.”

Xiao Yu’er jumped up and exclaimed, “The person you are talking about is Jiang Yulang?”

Third Missy was taken aback and asked, “How did you know?”. Xiao Yu’er laughed loudly, “I know, of course I know… I know everything now…”

He was laughing and shouting and jumping and Third Missy, stunned, could not help but ask, “Are you crazy?”

Xiao Yu’er suddenly jumped up and kissed Third Missy’s face, and laughingly said, “Too bad I am not, so their unfortunate days will soon come.” Clapping and laughing, he turned around and skipped into the warehouse.

Third Missy touched her face, and with wide open eyes, looked at him as if she has seen a weirdo and mumbled, “Crazy… you’re really a Little Craze.”

As only a strand of wick was used, the light was not bright. Xiao Yu’er stared at this bit of light intently, smiling and muttering, “Jiang Yulang, you are really smart. You pretended that the cargo was stolen, and seized it back again… such a mysterious robbery, and you solved it without any effort, who in Jiang Hu will not admire you, and who would have guess it’s just a show directed by yourself?”

He sighed softly, “Only me – Xiao Yu’er, don’t forget that I’m still around in this world, none of your bellyful of devious plans can escape me.”

Outside the window, the night was quiet, only the whishing of the wind blowing on the dried branches could be heard. Suddenly, someone whispered, “Little Craze, Little Craze, come out quick.”

Xiao Yu’er opened the window a little, and saw Third Missy standing in the cold wind under the moon, wearing a big red cape.

Third Missy bit her lips and said, “I have something… something important to tell you. That matter is really not that easy.”

Xiao Yu’er’s eyes gleamed, “You have more news?”

“Yes. I have just received news, the cargo has been stolen again!” Third Missy replied.

Xiao Yu’er jumped out of the window without even wearing his shoes. This time, he was really surprised. He stood on the cool stone floor barefooted and asked hoarsely, “Your news is real?”

“Not a shred of falsehood.”

Rubbing his hands, Xiao Yu’er exclaimed, “It’s impossible that the cargo will be stolen again. I can’t figure it out… do you know who stole the cargo?”

Third Missy replied, “This time, it’s vastly different from the last time.”

“What’s the difference? Unless they need not compensate this time for losing the cargo.”

Slowly, Third Missy said, “Yes, they really need not compensate.”

Xiao Yu’er jumped up and asked loudly, “Why?”

Third Missy lowered her eyes, “It’s because all of “Double Lion” Escort Agency’s bodyguards, runners, a total of 98 people, are all dead, leaving only the horse groom.”

Xiao Yu’er was shocked for a while before suddenly exclaiming, “What about Jiang Yulang?”

“Jiang Yulang is not a member of the “Double Lion” Escort Agency. After returning the cargo, he left immediately, as what a great hero, an outstanding man would have done!”

Xiao Yu’er laughed coldly, “What a great hero, an outstanding man! I’m only afraid that he already knew that the cargo would be stolen again, so he slipped off.”

Third Missy asked, “You mean… the second robbery, is also done by the same people who did the first robbery?”

Xiao Yu’er blinked, “Is this not possible?”

“The people who did the first robbery, has been killed by Jiang Yulang. When he returned the cargo, he returned it together with the heads of the robbers!”

Xiao Yu’er applauded, “Great move! Really a great and ruthless move!”

Third Missy fixed her gaze at him and continued, “Also, only one person was involved in the second robbery. All the 98 men in “Double Lion” Escort Agency died at the hands of this one man!”

“One man? …. Single handedly killing 98 lives in one night, who in Jiang Hu would have such ruthless and high handed move?”

Third Missy replied, “Apparently, it was an old man with white eyebrows and fine beard!....”

“Who has seen him?”

“Of course it is the horse groom who escaped death.”

“Then he….”

Third Missy continued, “After hearing the first scream, he hid himself in the haystack and could hear screams coming one after another within the time taken to drink 2,3 cups of tea.”

Xiao Yu’er horsely said, “What a fast movement! What a fast sword!”

Third Missy sighed, “It did not take long to kill everyone, but the horse groom felt as if hours has passed. He later saw a big and tall old man with a fine beard, holding a steel sword and laughing wildly as he walked out. The old man was wearing a light coloured shirt, which has by then been dyed red with the fresh blood!”

Xiao Yu’er rubbed his chin, “This sounds like a story spun by a storyteller, every little thing was described in detail and excitement. For someone who has escaped death, it takes a brilliant man to remember and describe everything in detail.”

Third Missy smiled, “When I first heard this, I also thought this person is very meticulous.”

Xiao Yu’er asked, “When did you first hear this news?”

“Just an hour ago.”

“When did this happen?”

“Last night”

Xiao Yu’er wondered, “How could the news have arrived so fast?”

Third Missy replied, “Homing pigeons. This is the headquarters; within the radius of a few thousand ‘li’, there are 79 large and small towns, and all the towns have homing pigeon stations set up by my family!”

Xiao Yu’er suddenly exclaimed, “How in dog’s as* am I connected to this matter? Why did you come to me in such a hurry to tell me? Have you nothing better to do after eating? Don’t tell me you think I have some connection with the robber?”

Third Missy stamped her feet, “But… that’s not what I meant.”

“Then what do you mean?”

Third Missy was so anxious, she actually blushed, but she did not throw a tantrum.

She lowered her head, and softly said, “Because you… you are my friend. If a person feels something weird is going on, he will certainly tell his friend…”

“Friend? …. I am only a worker you employed, why do you want to treat me as your friend?” Xiao Yu’er asked loudly.

Third Missy blushed even redder, her head lowered even more, “I… I don’t know either.”

Xiao Yu’er stared at her for a while, before laughing suddenly.

Third Missy bit her lips and asked, “You… what are you laughing about?”

Xiao Yu’er laughingly replied, “Since the time I got to know you, only now, you look like a girl!”

Third Missy stood there with head lowered head for a while, stunned, before bawling suddenly. Her whole body seemed to have softened, and dropped on the cabinet, crying bitterly.

Xiao Yu’er furrowed his brows, “What are you crying about?”

Weeping, Third Missy replied, “Ever since I was young, no one saw me as a girl, not even my father. Even he treated me as a boy when I… am in fact a girl.”

Xiao Yu’er was taken aback, before nodding, “For a girl to be always treated like a boy, is really a miserable thing! You are really a very pitiable girl.”

Third Missy whimpered, “To be able to hear such words today, even if I were to die right now, it would not matter.”

“But I don’t pity you at all.” On hearing these words, Third Missy took two steps back, and stared at him.

Xiao Yu’er laughed, “If you want others to treat you like a real girl, then you should first make yourself look like a girl. But you’re always wearing men’s clothes and covering yourself with a large cape, kicking your legs higher than your head, behaving like a muke driver, how do you expect others to treat you like a girl.”

Third missy rushed forward with her hand raised to hit, but before she strike, she paused. After hesitating for a while, she lowered her head again.

Xiao Yu’er said, “Good girl, go back and think over what I have said…. As for the matter concerning the cargo, although I have no assurance now, but in less than a month, I will tell you the truth.

As he spoke, he jumped back through the window.

He closed the window, and yet peeped thru the window opening. He saw Third Missy standing in a daze, thinking for a long while before walking off in a state of bewilderment. Xiao Yu’er shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Later that night, Xiao Yu’er was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, a few men dashed into the room and pulled him out of bed. Some were helping him dress, some were retrieving his shoes.

These men included the Head Storekeeper and the Assistant Storekeeper. Xiao Yu’er rubbed his eyes sleepily, “It’s not even payday, and you’re kidnapping me?”

The Assistant Storekeeper smilingly replied as he buttoned up the shirt, “Tell you a great piece of news…. Old Master actually wants to see you today.”

The Head storekeeper continued with a smile, “Old master hardly sees any staff in a year. He just arrived at An Qing today and the first person he wants to meet is you, aren’t you lucky?”

A bewildered Xiao Yu’er was bundled up a carriage and after traveling a distance, was taken to a mansion so stylishly huge that it’s scary and ushered into the mansion.

Xiao Yu’er followed a pale looking servant past one courtyard after another, and after walking for a while, they only reached the back garden, where there were 5 luxurious porches amidst the plants.

The servant lowered his voice and said, “Old Master is inside, he wants you to go in alone.” Xiao Yu’er stood outside the door and blinked. After thinking for a while, he raised his leg, took a huge step in and the first person he saw was Third Missy. Today, Third Missy looked vastly different from the Third Missy in the past.

She is no longer wearing pants with a shirt jacket, but a flowing gold skirt with a blue silk top with white floral prints.

On her face there is a hint of make up, in her black hair there was a hairpin, and two pearls as large as dragon’s eyes dangled on her ears.

She sat there with lowered head, looking almost shy. Obviously she saw Xiao Yu’er walk in, but did not raise her head. She cast a glance at him, gently bit on her lips and lowered her head further.

Xiao Yu’er almost wanted to laugh out loud, if not for the fact that there is a person on the floor next to her, he would have laughed.

On the thick Persian carpet, a fat person wearing a wide robe was on the floor. At first glance, he looks just like a large embroidered ball.

In front of him, there is a jade box, carved from an entire block of jade, which will cost at least ten thousands and above, but in the box there is only a cricket.

Xiao Yu’er bent down and after looking for a while, smiled, “I’m afraid this ‘Red Head Coffin’ is an executioner.”

The fat man raised his head, and smiled until his eyes was narrowed into a line, “You know about crickets too?”

Xiao Yu’er grinned, “Besides giving birth, I’m afraid that there is nothing much that I do not know.”

The fat man clasped his hands and laughed, “Good, Lao San (Number Three), the person you mentioned is him?” Without asking, you will know that this person is naturally the famous tycoon Duan He Fei.

Third Missy answered with bowed head, “Mmm”

Duan He Fei smiled until his eyes can no longer be seen, “Good, very good, you have good taste.”

Xiao Yu’er rubbed his head and smiled, “What is this all about?”

Duan He Fei replied, “Don’t ask, don’t talk, leave everything to me. Now pull me up, use your strength… ai… that’s a good boy.”

He stood up with much difficulty and from his appearance, looked as if he was more tired than someone who has walked 3 li. Panting and rubbing his chest, he beamed, “Good…. Very good. You like roasted meat? Shark’s fins, bird’s nest, abalone, bear’s paws… all these are fake, only eating roasted meat gives the greatest pleasure.”

Xiao Yu’er said, “But I don’t actually know, this is…”

With a wave of his hand, Duan Hefei replied, “You don’t have to know, don’t have to know anything… leave everything to me, stay here for a meal, the roasted meat made by my chef is number one in this world.”

And so a baffled Xiao Yu’er ate a huge bowl of roasted meat. Here, his mouth seems to have no use other than eating, because Duan He Fei did not let him talk.

He returned to the shop at dusk, still not knowing why Duan He Fei asked for him, only knowing that everyone in Qing Yu Hall is now treating him differently.

Of course they were now more courteous.

After his bath, Xiao Yu’er lied on the cane chair, when he suddenly heard a gruff voice, like a broken gong, “Monkshood, cinnamon, rhinoceros horn, bear’s gall…”

He was mouthing off a list of herbal names, either extremely cooling, or extremely heaty herbs. Then the Assistant Storekeeper’s sharp and thin voice was heard, most likely asking him, “These herbs, how much do you want?”

The voice replied, “We’ll take all that you have, not a single one to be left.”

Another voice added, “Qing Yu Hall should have a warehouse right? Bring us there for a look.” This person’s voice was even louder, sounding like a string of fire crackers going off.

Just as Xiao Yu’er stood up, he saw the Assistant Storekeeper being escorted in, just like a chick being caught by an eagle.

Under the light, the 2 men appeared wide at the shoulders with a narrow waist, their movements were full of vigor, their eyes fierce and their face full of anger, how can the Assistant Storekeeper not obey when faced with such men?

Xiao Yu’er stood at the side watching, while the staff in the shop wrapped up all the herbs the 2 men wanted into four big packages.

Xiao Yu’er quietly took a small pebble in his palm, and waited until they were moving the packages up the carriage before his fingers lightly flicked, the pebble flew out with a ‘whoosh’ and hit the corner of the package. The light outside the door was dim, and his movements fast, so naturally no one noticed.

He lay down on the cane chair again and looked at the stars in the sky, murmuring, “Seems like, a good show is about to begin…”

The night was quiet, everyone in the shop were fast asleep, but Xiao Yu’er was still sitting under the stars. In this peaceful night, he seems to be expecting something shocking to happen. Xiao Yu’er closed his eyes, and it seems as if he is falling asleep.

Suddenly, in the quite night came sounds of rapid hoof beats. Xiao Yu’er’s eyes shone instantly and cocked his ears to listen, “Three horses, why only three horses?”

Just then, the rushing hoof beats came to a stop. The three horses were of course pulled to a halt outside Qing Yu Hall.

After that, there is a hurried knocking on the door and someone spoke loudly, “Someone open the door, open the door quick, we have a seriously ill person; we need to buy medication.”

Underlying that resounding voice, there is a certain amount of urgency. The staff sleeping in front was shocked awake and so, the sounds of replies, sounds of grumble, sounds of hurried feet, sounds of door opening were all combined.

The anxious voice is already shouting out, “We need Monkshood, cinnamon, rhinoceros horn, bear’s gall; three catties for each item, quick, quick, this is a serious illness.”

The staff were astonished, why is everyone purchasing these herbs today? Of course their reply was “None.”

The anxious voice sounded more alarmed, more nervous, and made a ruckus, “Such a big medical Hall, and you don’t even have such herbs?”

This person was more than six foot tall, with a pair of commanding bright, but bloodshot eyes. On seeing such a fierce countenance, the staff smiled nervously, “Our shop is more than a hundred years old, and we have all the herbs initially, but unfortunately, all the herbs were sold just four hours ago. Why don’t you try other shops?”

Xiao Yu’er walked over silently, and looked thru the crack in the door, only to see the man nervously breaking out in cold swear and stamping his foot, “What an unfortunate coincidence! All the medical halls in this city do not have these herbs!”

The shop door was ajar, and outside the door stood another man holding on to two strong horses. The horses were frothing at the mouth, obviously they have ridden hard from afar.

There is another person and a horse, standing a few feet away. Under the stars, the person on the horse could be seen wearing a black cloth around the head, a long black cloak, the eyes looking around. The stars shone on the face – this person is a woman.

The staff, holding up the candle, was in a hurry to send off the visitors. Suddenly, the flame flickered, the woman in black on the horse suddenly stood in front of him. Her pair beautiful eyes were as sharp as knives! The staff stepped back in surprise, the candle wax dripped on the back of his hand and scalded him. His hands slacked and the candle stand dropped.

Before the candle stand touched the floor, without knowing how, it was in the hands of the woman in black, and the candle was still lighted. The warm candlelight shone directly on her pale face! Her face was so pale that it looks like a ghost at night!

Her gaze fixed on the staff, she spoke each word slowly, “These herbs, were all bought by the same person?”

The staff was scared stiff and fluttering, replied, “Yes… no… it’s two people!”

The woman in black asked, “What kind of people?”

Her slow voice suddenly became sharp and short, so full of hatred that the staff could not help but shivered on hearing them. “Don’t…. don’t know… we’re only doing business here, we would not dare inquire about our customer’s background.”

The sharp eyes of the woman looked at him intently, unblinking, as if she is trying to see if what he said was true or false. Under such a pair of watchful eyes, who can lie?

The staff’s legs has gone soft from her stare. Luckily, the woman in black finally turned around, went up the horse, whipped the horse… the sounds of the hoof beats gradually became softer, leaving faster than when it arrived.

The staff felt as if it was a dream, but looking down, he saw the candle stand on the floor right in front of him. This naturally is not a dream, and he bent down and took the candle stand.

The flame suddenly flickered again. The staff was again surprised and the candle stand he just picked up dropped again.

But this time, the candle stand again did not drop onto the floor, and the flame was not extinguished – a hand shot out like lightening and by chance caught hold of the candle stand. The shocked staff turned around and saw Xiao Yu’er.

Xiao Yu’er hand was holding the candle stand, but his eyes were looking afar, muttering, “Never did I guess… never did I guess it would be her!”

The staff asked, “Her… who is ‘her’?”

Xiao Yu’er replied, “Her name is He Lu, a servant from the Floral Palace… You would not know even if I told you.” All of a sudden, he jumped up lightly and reached out his hands to grab a piece of paper blown up by the wind, only to see on the paper, full of names of the medical halls.

Xiao Yu’er said, “By throwing away this piece of paper, it’s obvious that she has searched through all the medical halls, but still could not buy those herbs…”

The staff asked, “Funny, why would she want such weird herbs in such a hurry?”

Xiao Yu’er smiled, “Naturally this is because someone in their family has come down with a weird illness.”

The staff bowed his head and wondered, “What illness could it be, to require herbs of extreme coolness and heatiness….. I’ve never heard of such illness before, have you?” He raised his head to ask Xiao Yu’er.

Again the candle stand was on the floor, Xiao Yu’er is gone!

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