Wang Lan's face contorted with anger, "Over my dead body! How dare you even consider laying your filthy hands on her? And as for me leaving the palace, it will never happen! I will not bow down to your demands, brother!"

Wang Jian's face remained impassive as he set down his cup. "You leave me no choice," he said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Wang Lan demanded.

"I mean that I have reached the King Realm and will not hesitate to use my power to enforce my will," Wang Jian said, his voice cold.

Wang Lan's eyes widened in shock and fear as he realized the extent of Wang Jian's power. "You... you have reached the King Realm? How is that possible?"

Wang Jian smiled coldly, "It is possible because I have been working hard while you have been indulging yourself in luxury. Now, will you comply with my demands, or do I have to use force?"

Wang Lan glared at his brother with suspicion, "Prove it to me. I don't believe that you have really reached the King Realm."

Wang Jian sighed but complied with his brother's demand. He closed his eyes, and an aura began to emanate from his body, causing the air to vibrate around him. His hair and clothes began to ripple as though caught in a strong wind.

Wang Lan watched in awe as Wang Jian's aura intensified, and he began to feel a sense of fear creeping over him.

Suddenly, Wang Lan lunged forward with a sword in his hand, attempting to strike his brother.

But Wang Jian was too fast, and he dodged the attack with ease, grabbing Wang Lan's wrist and twisting it behind his back.

Wang Lan cried out in pain as Wang Jian held him in a tight grip.

"Enough!" Wang Jian said, his voice booming. "I have proven my point. You will comply with my demands or face the consequences."

Wang Lan struggled against his brother's grip, but it was no use. Wang Jian was too strong, and he knew that he had no choice but to comply.


"I...I understand," Wang Lan said, his voice trembling with fear and defeat.

Wang Jian released his grip on his brother and watched as he stumbled backward, clutching his wrist in pain.

"Good," Wang Jian said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Now, let us make the necessary arrangements for your departure."

Wang Lan nodded, his eyes downcast, as he realized that he had been defeated. He knew that he had no other choice but to leave the palace and comply with his brother's demands.

Despite his defeat, Wang Lan was not one to give up so easily. He knew he had to fight back, even if it meant seeking justice from the Emperor through his mother.

As Wang Jian took a sip of his tea, he suddenly issued a chilling threat, "Make sure to keep details of my cultivation with you. If I find out that the Emperor knows of my cultivation, I will not hesitate to take drastic measures."

Wang Lan's eyes darted up, his expression turning wary as he heard his brother's threat. "What do you mean by that? Are you planning something?"

Wang Jian merely smiled cryptically, taking another sip of his tea. "I mean that I don't want anyone else to know about my cultivation. It's a delicate matter that could upset the balance of power in the kingdom."

Wang Lan's eyes narrowed suspiciously, "And what do you plan to do if someone finds out?"

Wang Jian set down his cup and stood up, his movements fluid and graceful. "I will take whatever action is necessary to protect myself and my position, even if it means eliminating any potential threats."

Wang Lan tensed, his hand moving towards his sword hilt. "Are you threatening me, brother?"

Wang Jian's eyes flickered with a cold light as he spoke, "I am merely warning you, brother. Don't make the mistake of underestimating me."

Wang Lan felt a chill run down his spine at his brother's response. He knew that Wang Jian was not one to be taken lightly, and his cold, nonchalant demeanor only added to his sense of intimidation.

"Very well," Wang Lan said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I understand the terms of our deal, and I will do as you ask."

Wang Jian's lips curved into a small, satisfied smile. "Good. Remember, brother, it is important that we maintain our positions in the palace, and we cannot afford any distractions or complications."

Wang Lan nodded, his eyes cast downward in submission. He knew that he had no choice but to agree to his brother's demands, or risk facing the consequences.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

As he left the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal and anger towards his brother. But he also knew that he would have to keep his feelings in check, for the sake of his own safety and survival in the palace.

The news of Wang Lan's abrupt departure from the Royal Palace of the Windhaven Kingdom spread like wildfire, sending shockwaves throughout the kingdom.

King Chen was taken aback by this sudden turn of events and was quick to realize that Wang Jian had indeed delivered on his end of the bargain.

As the morning sun began to rise, King Chen made his way to his daughter's chambers to discuss the matter with her. The golden rays of sunlight illuminated the ornate walls of the palace as he walked through the long corridors.

Upon reaching his daughter's chambers, he found her deep in thought, her face etched with concern. "My dear daughter," he said in a soft, comforting voice. "I wanted to talk to you regarding an important matter."

Chen Yiyan asked curiously, "What is it, Father?"

King Chen took a deep breath before speaking, "My dear Yiyan, I have come to inform you of a decision that I have made for the sake of our kingdom. As you may have heard, Wang Lan has left the palace, and it is clear that he will not be returning."

Chen Yiyan looked up at her father, confusion etched on her face, "What does that have to do with me, Father?"

King Chen took a moment to compose himself before continuing, "In order to regain control over the kingdom, I have betrothed you to Wang Jian, the Seventh Prince of the Everlasting Mystic Empire. He has agreed to assist us in exchange for your hand in marriage."

Chen Yiyan's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, "But Father, I do not wish to marry him. I like Zhang Fei."

King Chen's expression hardened, "Yiyan, you must understand that this is for the greater good of our kingdom. Your marriage to Wang Jian will secure our future and ensure the safety of our people. Zhang Fei is not a suitable match for a princess like you."

Chen Yiyan's sobs broke through the silence, "But Father, I cannot bear the thought of marrying someone I do not love. Please do not make me do this."

King Chen's heart softened at the sight of his daughter's tears, "Yiyan, I understand your pain, but please trust me when I say that Wang Jian will treat you well. As the concubine of a Royal Prince, you will have access to the best resources and will be able to live a comfortable life."

After a few moments of silence, Chen Yiyan finally relented, "I will do as you wish, Father. For the sake of our kingdom, I will accept my marriage to Wang Jian."

King Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Yiyan. It truly makes me proud to have an understanding and mature daughter like you. You have made the right decision."

Upon reaching an agreement with his daughter, King Chen wasted no time in informing Wang Jian of the positive outcome. Wang Jian was elated upon hearing the news and expressed his gratitude to King Chen.

The two men celebrated the betrothal over a bottle of the finest wine, toasting to their newfound alliance.

The news of Wang Jian's betrothal to Chen Yiyan spread like wildfire, with rumors of their relationship quickly making their way through the capital and beyond.

Wang Jian had calculated that these rumors would reach the ears of Xu Yuting and Meng Xiangyi, further fueling their animosity towards Zhang Fei.

As the day wore on, Chen Yiyan finally found herself standing in the courtyard of Wang Jian's lavish residence. Having agreed to the marriage with him, she was eager to learn more about the man who would soon become her husband.

Wang Jian, dressed in a regal purple robe, welcomed her with a warm smile and gestured for her to take a seat beside him.

As Chen Yiyan approached Wang Jian, she couldn't help but notice his striking appearance.

He was tall, with broad shoulders and an air of confidence that radiated off him. His silver hair was swept back, revealing piercing blue eyes that seemed to stare right through her.

Chen Yiyan couldn't help but think that Wang Jian was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She felt a flutter in her chest as she sat down next to him, her heart beating faster with each passing moment.

As for Wang Jian, he was carefully observing Chen Yiyan as she sat beside him. He couldn't help but be struck by her beauty.

Her long black hair cascaded down her back in gentle waves, framing her heart-shaped face perfectly. Her eyes were a deep brown, and she had a small, delicate nose and full lips.

Wang Jian couldn't help but feel that she had a certain cuteness about her, with a hint of seductiveness that made him want to know more about her.

"I'm sure you have many questions," Wang Jian said, his voice soft and gentle. "And I promise to answer them all truthfully."

"Why did you make such a condition to the deal with my father?" Chen Yiyan inquired, her gaze fixed on his handsome face.

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