Before Yu Qing could comprehend his words, a radiant beam of white light emanated from the cube, entrapping her inside.

Zhang Fei stood there dumbfounded, unable to believe that his otherworldly master was helpless against this man!

A satisfied smirk crossed Wang Jian's face as he sealed Yu Qing inside the cube.

He thought to himself, 'Waiting an entire week in the capital for this artifact was worth it. Without it, I might have met my demise today.'

This artifact was unearthed in an ancient ruin located in the Silvercrest Dominion, a kingdom whose territory was controlled and managed by Bai Liqin previously and Wang Jian currently.

This artifact had been kept safe in the kingdom's treasury for generations.


Upon receiving detailed information from Zhang Fei, Wang Jian realized that he required this powerful treasure. He immediately ordered his subordinates to bring it to Aria City without delay.

After waiting for an entire week, the artifact finally arrived in the capital, and Wang Jian wasted no time in acquiring it. With the artifact in his possession, he set out towards the Windhaven Kingdom.

"Is there anyone else you wish to call upon for aid?" Wang Jian questioned with a disdainful tone.

Zhang Fei maintained an unbroken silence. His otherworldly master was his final hope.

"Let us depart," Wang Jian declared, picking up Zhang Fei and making his way towards his Black Castle.

Leveraging the capabilities of the system, Wang Jian redesigned the interior of the Black Castle and created an underground dungeon.

Given that Zhang Fei's cultivation was inferior to his own, Wang Jian could effortlessly suppress it, rendering it impossible for him to escape the dungeon.

With haste, Wang Jian made his way to the Royal Palace in the heart of Windhaven Kingdom's capital, Solterra.

After a few hours of travel, Wang Jian arrived at his destination, and his presence was quickly relayed to his ninth brother, Wang Lan.

Despite the news, Wang Lan chose to remain in seclusion and instructed his subordinates to closely monitor his seventh brother's movements.

Ignoring Wang Lan's actions, Wang Jian proceeded to the King's chambers, where King Chen of Windhaven Kingdom resided.

With a grand and imposing demeanor, Wang Jian introduced himself, "I am Wang Jian, the Seventh Prince of the Everlasting Mystic Empire."

King Chen's expression turned wary upon hearing those words, and he replied with caution, "What brings you to my chambers, Your Highness?"

Wang Jian took his seat on a throne placed ahead of the king and began, "I have a proposition for you, King Chen. Betroth your daughter to me, and in return, I shall grant complete autonomy over your kingdom. You shall still need to follow my orders, but I assure you that I won't try to control your kingdom. It will remain under your command, unlike the current situation."

King Chen's eyebrows raised in surprise as he tried to comprehend the proposal. "What guarantee do I have that you won't breach this agreement and seize control of my kingdom?" he inquired.

Wang Jian smirked, "My word is my bond, King Chen. Besides, I have no intention of micromanaging your affairs. You should be clear about how the situation regarding the Silvercrest Dominion. That is my territory."

King Chen finally began to believe Wang Jian's words. As a King, he possessed a strong information network and had naturally known about the situation of other kingdoms.

He had heard that despite being vassals to the Royal Family of the Everlasting Mystic Empire, the Royal Family of the Silvercrest Dominion was flourishing.

They truly held complete autonomy within their territory as they obediently served the Royal Family of the Empire.

Wang Jian leaned back on his throne, his expression unreadable. "I understand your caution, Your Majesty. But do not forget that time is of the essence. You have only one day to make your decision and convince your daughter to accept this proposal."

The King nodded in understanding, and Wang Jian stood up, signaling the end of their meeting.

King Chen summoned his most trusted council members to the Royal Council Chamber to discuss the proposal made by Wang Jian. The council members were loyal and wise men who had always advised King Chen well in the past.

He began, "My dear council members, we have been given a proposal by Wang Jian, the Seventh Prince of the Everlasting Mystic Empire. He has offered to betroth himself to Chen Yiyan in exchange for complete autonomy over our kingdom."

The council members listened intently, nodding in agreement as they heard the proposal.

One of them spoke up, "Your Majesty, this is a golden opportunity for our kingdom. Wang Jian is a powerful prince, and with his backing, we will be able to defend ourselves against any threats that may come our way."

Another council member added, "Not only that, but he has also promised to grant us complete autonomy. This is a rare opportunity for us to maintain our sovereignty and independence while still benefiting from the support of a powerful empire."

King Chen smiled at his council members, pleased with their agreement.

"I am glad to hear that you all share my opinion. It is true that Wang Jian has a fearsome reputation, but he has also shown us great generosity and goodwill."

A third council member spoke up, "I agree, but we must consider the matter of Wang Lan, his ninth brother. If Wang Jian is to grant us complete autonomy, how will he handle his brother's presence in the palace? After all, if Wang Lan remains here, he might try to interfere in the matters of our kingdom and retain his control."

The council members looked at each other, pondering the issue.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Finally, one of them said, "Perhaps we can negotiate with Wang Jian to have Wang Lan removed from the palace. If we explain the situation to him, I am sure he will be understanding."

King Chen nodded, "That is a wise suggestion. I will speak with Wang Jian and make the necessary arrangements. We must ensure that our kingdom is protected and that our people are well taken care of."

Following the council meeting's conclusion, King Chen proceeded to meet with Wang Jian once again.

Wang Jian had taken up residence in the Royal Palace, and after the meeting, he had met up with Wang Lan.

Wang Lan instructed one of his subordinates to prepare a guest chamber for Wang Jian, where he waited patiently for King Chen's decision.

As King Chen made his way towards the chamber to discuss the deal's conditions, Wang Lan wore a scowl on his face, having learned of the king's visit to Wang Jian.

He was aware that King Chen had a discussion with his council members after his earlier discussion with Wang Jian.

Although Wang Lan still didn't know what that discussion was about, he had a feeling it wasn't good for him.

King Chen entered Wang Jian's guest chamber and found him lounging on a chair, his eyes closed in contemplation. Wang Jian opened his eyes as he heard King Chen's footsteps and stood up to greet him with a casual wave.

"Hey there, King Chen! What brings you by?" he asked with a relaxed tone.

King Chen cleared his throat before replying, "Your proposal has caught my attention, Wang Jian. But there are concerns that need to be addressed."

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, "Shoot, what's on your mind, King Chen?"

King Chen's expression turned serious, "It's your ninth brother, Wang Lan. I fear he may try to interfere with the affairs of my kingdom."

Wang Jian shrugged, "Don't worry about him. I've got it covered. Even Wang Lan won't be able to mess with your kingdom, trust me."

King Chen raised an eyebrow, "How can you be so sure?"

Wang Jian flashed a grin, "I have my ways, my friend. But believe me, I will keep my promise and give your kingdom complete autonomy. Just make sure to fulfil your end of the deal."

"…Very well. I shall trust your words, Your Highness. Just give me some more time to talk to my daughter and convince her," King Chen stood up as he left Wang Jian's chambers.

After King Chen's departure, Wang Lan arrived at Wang Jian's chambers to pay him a visit.

Wang Jian was seated in his chambers, deep in thought about his meeting with King Chen, when his ninth brother, Wang Lan, entered the room.

"Brother, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Wang Jian asked, offering him a seat and a cup of tea.

Wang Lan sat down and took the tea, maintaining a calm facade while his eyes scanned the room, looking for any signs of his brother's intentions.

"I heard you were meeting with King Chen today," Wang Lan said, his tone casual but with an underlying hint of threat.

Wang Jian remained calm and collected, taking a sip of his own tea before replying, "Yes, that's correct."

"And what were you discussing?" Wang Lan asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Wang Jian gingerly set down his tea, focusing intently on his brother's cold, penetrating stare.

"As a matter of fact, I was about to discuss a matter of utmost importance with you, dear brother," he began with a calm and measured voice.

Wang Lan leaned forward, his tone laced with a hint of venomous curiosity. "And what, pray tell, might that be?"

Without wavering, Wang Jian replied, "I require you to relinquish all power you presently hold to King Chen and vacate the palace."

Wang Lan's eyes widened in disbelief, his lips parting slightly in astonishment. "You want me to give up my power? And abandon my rightful place within this palace?"

"Indeed, that is what I am asking of you," Wang Jian replied with an unwavering conviction. "I aim to form a powerful alliance between our two territories, and to achieve that, King Chen must be granted complete autonomy."

In an instant, Wang Lan's expression hardened, his voice taking on a menacing edge. "And why, may I ask, did you choose to discuss this matter with King Chen instead of conferring with me, the rightful ruler of this territory?"

With a slight smirk, Wang Jian responded, "The answer is quite simple, brother. I intend to marry King Chen's daughter, Chen Yiyan, and take her as my concubine."

Wang Lan's countenance darkened as he comprehended Wang Jian's motives. The fact that his own brother requested him to relinquish his power in his own territory was outrageous enough.

But when he realized that Wang Jian also coveted the woman he had his sights on, a look of contempt twisted Wang Lan's features.

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