White Online

Chapter 276 - White Death’s Wraith

Chapter 276 - White Death's Wraith.


Isaac's head separated from his body, and his head rolled across the ground. Blue blood sprayed out from the decapitated corpse, splattering across the Knight and the surrounding earth!

KnightOfHoliness lifted his sword in the air and let out a triumphant cry!



The audience's cheers echoed throughout the Colosseum once more, shaking the walls and ground. Loose pebbles rattled, and dust fell from the cracks.

The women in the stands waved their hands while sending winks and kisses toward the majestic fighter.

The men in the audience clapped their hands with respect and yelled out how much they enjoyed the match.

''Eek!'' Many of the children covered their eyes and turned away from the gore that had been displayed.

There were a few children who stared at the corpse. Their skin was thicker, but they still cringed back from the sight.

KnightOfProtection and KnightOfCharming high-fived, excited grins on their faces.

Salamander was happy with the outcome. However, the way KnightOfHoliness was acting caused his brows to furrow.

TomValeo turned around and left without saying a word. He didn't bother to tell anyone what was on his mind.

Meanwhile, in the Player's lounge...

''Bastard…'' Queen Diana bit her lip and stared at the man with hatred.

Darth's eyes stared at the man with a cold glare.

Colorful covered her mouth in shock with tears brimming from the corner of her eyes.

Since the beginning of the match, the members of Black Arrow had been holding their breaths; now that they could finally breathe, they let out cries of frustration.

The Players around them snickered at the sight.

''So this is all Wraith amounts to? Hah, I knew that Marksman was a shit class.''

''Sigh, they hyped him up for nothing.''

''Pathetic, hmph.''

''That Knight is definitely strong, though.''

''Decent, just barely enough to be considered a Pro.''

''Why are you acting so tough? He would kill you with a single strike!''

''What did you say?!''

Fights started to break out amongst the audience until the beautiful Gladiator once again entered the arena. Her face held a gentle smile, and the atmosphere around the stadium instantly brightened.

KnightOfHoliness puffed out his chest, and his heart beat faster as the woman walked closer. Her perfume wafted through the air, caressing his nose and causing him to lean forward to better catch the scent.

The woman stopped just two meters away from the handsome Knight. She waved her arms in preparation to make the announcement!

"And the winner of this bout is..."

The Knight focused on the woman's pink lips, excited for the beauty to call out his name! However, before she could finish speaking, another voice echoed through the stadium.


Both the Knight and the Gladiator flinched upon hearing the voice. It had come from right behind them.

They slowly turned their heads, witnessing something they would likely never see again in their lives! The severed head was floating just above the ground and snaking its way back toward the fallen corpse!

Once the head was close enough, Isaac's body jerked slightly. The Knight jumped back in fear, and the voices of the audience were silenced.

The head floated forward and pressed itself to the severed neck. The bones, nerves, muscles, and tissue began to shift as the two parts pulled themselves back together.

Isaac's severed spine melted together. Soon enough, the tears disappeared, and it looked as if the head had never left the body.

Isaac's fingers twitched, and his head slightly moved.

To many of the members in the audience, it looked as if an evil spirit had possessed the body and was taking over!

The Gladiator jumped back in shock and fear. In all her years, she had never seen anything so bizarre!

It wasn't long before the eyelids opened, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared out into the arena.


Isaac opened his mouth and took a deep breath of fresh air. Flashing alerts in front of him caused him to squint his eyes until he managed to dismiss them.

[HP: 1/526]

[White Death Used!]

[Time Limit: ???]

[White Death: During this state, the Player will be immune to Death]

Isaac's pupils dilated, making them look like the eyes of a cat.

He dragged his hands back, pulling up a handful of dirt before releasing it and watching it drift slowly to the ground.

The audience was dumbfounded.

It didn't matter the age of the person watching or what group they were affiliated with... All of them were equally stunned.

The children particularly stared at this scene in awe, many of them already coming up with tens of ideas about the man.

''W-W-What?!'' KnightOfHoliness turned to the pale-faced gladiator, ''He died! I killed him!''

She gulped and shook her head, ''H-He didn't die.''

''What do you mean he didn't die?!'' The Knight shouted furiously and grabbed both of her shoulders, ''HIS HEAD FUCKING FLEW OFF!''

She put her frail hand on the man's sturdy armor and, without any effort, shoved the Knight multiple meters back.

KnightOfHoliness was shocked by the woman's physical strength. Even so, the woman turned and fled the arena, not wanting to be in the presence of Isaac any longer!

The Knight turned, clutching the shield to his chest.


He took a deep breath... If he hadn't happened to turn just then... The clang of metal on metal echoed, and a bullet ricocheted off of his shield.

His face clearly showed that he was enraged, but Isaac didn't give him time to recover from his surprise. The Marksman leaped forward, covering the distance and aiming the rifle toward the Knight's head.

KnightOfHoliness slung his shield up to cover his face the moment he saw Isaac approaching!


The bullet slammed into the shield, managing to withstand the impact. However, the force the shot exerted was tremendous at such close range!

His shield arm was flung back, and his armored body was completely exposed!

'Why are the hell are his bullets so much stronger now?!' He groaned.

The Knight tried to place the shield between himself and his enemy once again, but he didn't have time!


Isaac squeezed the trigger, his uncommonly apathetic eyes staring at the enraged Knight.



The Knight moved his sword to deflect the bullet, but the impact was even more substantial this time!

The bullet slingshotted out of the Colosseum, but it didn't matter at this point! The Knight's posture was wrecked, and he was completely open!

Not having time to shoot, Isaac shoved the barrel of his gun forward, pushing the off-balance Knight slightly and causing him to stumble over the rubble that he'd caused with his first strike of the match!

KnightOfHoliness cried out as he fell backward, landing flat on his ass!

''Damnit!'' The Knight cursed and tried to stand, but the butt of the rifle slammed into the center of his forehead! His head started to swell, and his vision swam.

Isaac spun the gun around and rested the muzzle of his rifle on the Knight's temple.

The stadium became silent.

Everyone held their breaths. No one could believe the scene that they'd just witnessed.

KnightOfProtection and KnightOfCharming were shocked after seeing Wraith continuing to put up a fight... but now, they were wailing in despair.

Salamander clenched his fists until his palms bled.

No one in Player Lounge spoke, not a single soul.

They didn't know it now... but this battle would be etched into history.

The world would be talking about this match for years to come.

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