White Online

Chapter 277 - Lord White Death

Chapter 277 - Lord White Death.

Outside of the Colosseum, bustling crowds fought for dominance in an attempt to be the first to make it to the stands! Even late into the afternoon, the line outside hadn't shortened.

Players, NPCs, children, adults, and the elderly were all waiting impatiently to enter.

Even with all of the hubbub of the crowd, a nearby alleyway was deathly silent. A cloaked figure stood impatiently, tapping his foot on the ground, glancing from left to right.

Whenever a Guard passed by the alley, he swiftly averted his gaze and obscured his face.

''Damnit, guys… Hurry up!'' He whispered.

The man felt like screaming his frustration to the world, but he would gather unnecessary attention if he did. He started to worry that his friends may have been caught.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, four cloaked figures entered the alley from the opposing end. The cloaked figures jogged straight toward him.

The young man turned his head toward them as they slipped the hoods back to reveal their countenances. The group's player tags were hovering right above their heads.





''Yo, Marvin!''

They each greeted the cloaked figure, who had removed the cloak's hood and smiled at the new arrivals. His brown hair and average face gave the rest a cordial smile.

Marvin nodded at the four delinquents. He was impressed that everyone had made it here safely without running into issues with the Guard.

''Let's go,'' Marvin slipped his hood back on and gestured for them to follow suit. ''Let's not make a scene.''

His friends nodded but wore heavy frowns. It wasn't often that their plans proceeded smoothly.

The group left the alley and mingled with the crowd of excited NPCs and Players. All of those present had the intent of getting into the already packed Colosseum.

It didn't take the group long to weasel their way through the crowd and make it to the entrance. The line was moving forward quickly... and they may have managed to skip a few places.

The efficiency of the Gladiators controlling the entry had increased over this time. They would ask their questions, a group would move through, and the line would move forward.

Their turn arrived, and the Gladiator didn't even raise his head as he scribbled on a pad. He jotted a note and asked a simple question.

"Gladiator or Spectator?"

"Gladiator," Marvin responded.

"Un," The Gladiator grunted and jerked his head, indicating for Marvin to proceed to the left.

Marvin entered, making sure that his friends were following close behind. The corridor winded for a short way, and it only took them a minute to reach the end of the path.

They soon reached the Player Lounge but were taken aback. The room, which should have been boisterous, was deathly silent.

The silence was so deep that he could even hear his heart thrumming in his chest.

Marvin frowned as he entered the lounge with the rest of the group. They swiftly noticed that everyone was staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the holographic screens around the room.

Marvin and his group walked over to an unoccupied area and viewed the screen that was stationed there. The party of five instantly recognized the white-haired young man displayed on the screen.

'Wasn't he just losing horribly..?'

They all had the same thought, and the scene depicted on the screen wasn't something they expected.

Gerberys covered his mouth, chuckling in an almost child-like manner, "Hohoho! Aye!"

Lionsoul also flashed a large grin, "Heh!"

IDontWantToBeHealer felt like bursting out in a fit of laughter, but he remembered his promise and took it seriously.

'Lowkey... Lowkey... Gotta keep it lowkey...'

"I knew it!" Marvin exclaimed, elbowing Ins' side. "Didn't I say it?!"

''Say what?'' Ins asked, looking confused.

''That he would win!'' Marvin proudly puffed out his chest.

''Well, he hasn't won yet,'' Lionel motioned toward the screen; for some reason, Isaac still hadn't pulled the trigger and ended the match.

The group members frowned, wondering what their white-haired friend could be waiting for.

In the Arena.

The large doors were already open, and the stunning female Gladiator was on stand-by, waiting for the strange man to end the match so that she could call for his victory.

She was tapping her foot on the ground nervously.

''W-Why isn't he finishing him off?'' She glanced in the direction of the VIP rooms.

Her superiors were watching from their seats and must have been just as confused as she was.

''This is… Insane.'' She ran her fingers through her hair, making a mess out of it, ''I knew Players could be insane, but this is on another level! How can someone reattach their head?!''

While staring at Isaac's unflinching figure, she felt something stir in her heart. It was a strange feeling, and she was both nervous about and scared of the man in the arena.

She even had a feeling that she should bow down to the man as if he were a higher being! It was a strange feeling because she had only ever bowed toward the Gods.

No matter how she looked at it, her instincts were screaming at her to be respectful to this youth. It was strange, as she hadn't felt that from the man until after his ridiculous comeback.

Something changed in the man after his head had been reattached... almost like he wasn't the same person. The aura he gave off now was regal, and she suddenly felt that she should kneel before him and offer her undying loyalty.

She couldn't be sure if it was real or an illusion, but in her eyes, a spectral skull was floating behind the man. Small, white lights flickered in the sockets meant for its eyes.

She locked her hands together and lowered her gaze, not wanting to draw the attention of the almost translucent skull that was examining the arena. Beads of sweat formed on her brow, and her body was shaking.

''U-Umm…'' The woman wasn't sure what she should call such a thing... or even if she should, yet...

Something inside of her called out... and a title she'd never heard sprung to mind.

''Lord White Death…'' The name felt strangely natural as she spoke it as if it were something she should have known all along. After letting it out, feelings of happiness and excitement surged through her body!

It was like she'd finally found a reason for her existence!

KnightOfHoliness, on the other hand, was panicking! He had no idea what the others were thinking, but he was freaking out!

His shield and sword were only an arm's length away, but he couldn't muster the willpower to reach out and grab them! Even so, his initial fear was slowly turning into anger as he stared down the rifle barrel.

The white-haired youth was only a single squeeze from taking his life, yet he just stood there! What the fuck was this? The man's way of showboating?!

'Is it possible to use Phantom Knight on my entire body?' The Knight suddenly had an intriguing idea. There was a high probability that it wouldn't work, but he couldn't see another way out.

He'd seen many Players performing all sorts of wild and insane feats with their seemingly weak abilities. There were even theories that these skills could be fused with their mortal bodies!

If this was the case, shouldn't he at least give it a try?

He could feel the cold barrel of the gun pressed to the center of his forehead. His lips trembled in fear, but his anger and determination finally surpassed the dread that he felt.

The scenes of the audience shouting his name and the young women fawning over him sprung to mind. He couldn't give that up!

Never in his life had he dreamed that he could live like that! The life of a champion!

'I won't lose. I am the great Knight Of Holiness!'

[Phantom Knight Used!]

KnightOfHoliness moved both of his arms, reaching for his sword and shield simultaneously.

However, he noticed that he'd had made a grave mistake.


Isaac pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through the Knight's forehead, a massive hole blasting open in the back of his skull.

Blue blood splattered for many meters behind the Knight's body, painting the ground around him.

The Knight died with a look of deep regret on his face.

''It… Didn't… Work…''

The Knight fell face-first into the dirt.

The match was finally over.

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